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feat(nc-gui): support multiple files with importingTips

Wing-Kam Wong 2 years ago
  1. 111


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
import type { ColumnType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes, isSystemColumn, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UploadFile } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { srcDestMappingColumns, tableColumns } from './utils'
import {
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ const inputRefs = ref<HTMLInputElement[]>([])
const isImporting = ref(false)
const importingTip = ref('Importing')
const importingTips = ref<Record<string, string>>({})
const uiTypeOptions = ref<Option[]>(
(Object.keys(UITypes) as (keyof typeof UITypes)[])
@ -357,6 +358,12 @@ function fieldsValidation(record: Record<string, any>) {
return true
function updateImportTips(projectName: string, tableName: string, progress: number, total: number) {
] = `Importing data to ${projectName} - ${tableName}: ${progress}/${total} records`
async function importTemplate() {
if (importDataOnly) {
// validate required columns
@ -369,54 +376,51 @@ async function importTemplate() {
isImporting.value = true
const tableName = meta.value?.title
// only one file is allowed currently
const data = importData[Object.keys(importData)[0]]
const projectName = project.value.title!
const total = data.length
for (let i = 0, progress = 0; i < total; i += maxRowsToParse) {
const batchData = data.slice(i, i + maxRowsToParse).map((row: Record<string, any>) =>
srcDestMapping.value.reduce((res: Record<string, any>, col: Record<string, any>) => {
if (col.enabled && col.destCn) {
const v = columns.value.find((c: Record<string, any>) => c.title === col.destCn) as Record<string, any>
let input = row[col.srcCn]
// parse potential boolean values
if (v.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) {
input = input.replace(/["']/g, '').toLowerCase().trim()
if (input === 'false' || input === 'no' || input === 'n') {
input = '0'
} else if (input === 'true' || input === 'yes' || input === 'y') {
input = '1'
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.Number) {
if (input === '') {
input = null
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || v.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect) {
if (input === '') {
input = null
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.Date) {
input = parseStringDate(input, v.meta.date_format)
res[col.destCn] = input
await Promise.all(
Object.keys(importData).map((key: string) =>
(async (k) => {
const data = importData[k]
const total = data.length
for (let i = 0, progress = 0; i < total; i += maxRowsToParse) {
const batchData = data.slice(i, i + maxRowsToParse).map((row: Record<string, any>) =>
srcDestMapping.value.reduce((res: Record<string, any>, col: Record<string, any>) => {
if (col.enabled && col.destCn) {
const v = columns.value.find((c: Record<string, any>) => c.title === col.destCn) as Record<string, any>
let input = row[col.srcCn]
// parse potential boolean values
if (v.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) {
input = input.replace(/["']/g, '').toLowerCase().trim()
if (input === 'false' || input === 'no' || input === 'n') {
input = '0'
} else if (input === 'true' || input === 'yes' || input === 'y') {
input = '1'
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.Number) {
if (input === '') {
input = null
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || v.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect) {
if (input === '') {
input = null
} else if (v.uidt === UITypes.Date) {
input = parseStringDate(input, v.meta.date_format)
res[col.destCn] = input
return res
}, {}),
await $api.dbTableRow.bulkCreate('noco', projectName, tableName!, batchData)
updateImportTips(projectName, tableName!, progress, total)
progress += batchData.length
return res
}, {}),
await $api.dbTableRow.bulkCreate('noco', projectName, tableName!, batchData)
importingTip.value = `Importing data to ${projectName}: ${progress}/${total} records`
progress += batchData.length
// reload table
@ -493,24 +497,25 @@ async function importTemplate() {
// bulk insert data
if (importData) {
let total = 0
let progress = 0
const offset = maxRowsToParse
const projectName = project.value.title as string
await Promise.all( Record<string, any>) =>
(async (tableMeta) => {
let progress = 0
let total = 0
// use ref_table_name here instead of table_name
// since importData[talbeMeta.table_name] would be empty after renaming
const data = importData[tableMeta.ref_table_name]
if (data) {
total += data.length
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += offset) {
importingTip.value = `Importing data to ${projectName}: ${progress}/${total} records`
updateImportTips(projectName, tableMeta.title, progress, total)
const batchData = remapColNames(data.slice(i, i + offset), tableMeta.columns)
await $api.dbTableRow.bulkCreate('noco', projectName, tableMeta.title, batchData)
progress += batchData.length
updateImportTips(projectName, tableMeta.title, total, total)
@ -576,7 +581,12 @@ function isSelectDisabled(uidt: string, disableSelect = false) {
<a-spin :spinning="isImporting" :tip="importingTip" size="large">
<a-spin :spinning="isImporting" size="large">
<template #tip>
<p v-for="importingTip of importingTips" class="mt-[10px]">
{{ importingTip }}
<a-card v-if="importDataOnly">
<a-form :model="data" name="import-only">
<p v-if="data.tables && quickImportType === 'excel'" class="text-center">
@ -590,7 +600,6 @@ function isSelectDisabled(uidt: string, disableSelect = false) {
<template #header>
<span class="font-weight-bold text-lg flex items-center gap-2">
<mdi-table class="text-primary" />
{{ table.table_name }}
