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New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)

navi 1 year ago
  1. 352


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"open_external_url": "打开外部链接",
"delete_record": "删除行",
"update_record": "更新记录",
"open_layout": "Open layout"
"open_layout": "打开布局"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "文本",
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"polar_area_chart": "极地区域图",
"radial_bar_chart": "径向柱形图",
"heatmap_chart": "热度图",
"treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
"treemap_chart": "树状地图",
"box_plot_chart": "方框图表",
"candlestick_chart": "K 线图"
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"empty": "空",
"changeIcon": "更换图标",
"save": "保存",
"available": "Available",
"available": "可用",
"abort": "退出",
"saving": "正在保存",
"cancel": "取消",
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"comment": "评论",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"matterMost": "最重要的事项",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
"quote": "引用",
@ -181,11 +181,11 @@
"count": "总计",
"countDistinct": "计数",
"sumDistinct": "总和",
"avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
"join": "Join",
"avgDistinct": "平均差异",
"join": "加入",
"options": "选项",
"primaryValue": "Primary Value",
"useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
"primaryValue": "主要价值",
"useSurveyMode": "使用调查模式",
"shift": "Shift 键",
"enter": "回车键",
"seconds": "秒"
@ -229,17 +229,17 @@
"editor": "编辑者",
"commenter": "评论者",
"viewer": "浏览者",
"noaccess": "No Access",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
"noaccess": "没有访问权限",
"superAdmin": "超级管理员",
"orgLevelCreator": "创始人",
"orgLevelViewer": "游客"
"sqlVIew": "SQL 视图",
"rowHeight": "Record Height",
"rowHeight": "历史最高",
"heightClass": {
"short": "Short",
"medium": "Medium",
"tall": "Tall",
"short": "",
"medium": "正常",
"tall": "",
"extra": "备注"
"externalDb": "外部数据库"
@ -299,18 +299,18 @@
"title": {
"docs": "文档",
"forum": "论坛",
"parameter": "Parameter",
"headers": "Headers",
"parameterName": "Parameter Name",
"currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
"currencyCode": "Currency Code",
"searchMembers": "Search Members",
"noMembersFound": "No members found",
"dateJoined": "Date Joined",
"tokenName": "Token name",
"inDesktop": "in Desktop",
"rowData": "Record data",
"creator": "Creator",
"parameter": "参数",
"headers": "请求头",
"parameterName": "参数名称",
"currencyLocale": "货币地区",
"currencyCode": "货币代码",
"searchMembers": "搜索成员",
"noMembersFound": "未找到成员",
"dateJoined": "加入日期",
"tokenName": "Token 名称",
"inDesktop": "电脑端",
"rowData": "记录数据",
"creator": "创造者",
"qrCode": "二维码",
"termsOfService": "服务条款",
"updateSelectedRows": "更新选定记录",
@ -318,37 +318,37 @@
"editCards": "编辑卡片",
"noFieldsFound": "无可用字段",
"displayValue": "显示值",
"expand": "Expand",
"expand": "展开",
"hideAll": "隐藏全部",
"hideSystemFields": "隐藏系统字段",
"removeFile": "删除文件",
"hasMany": "单对多",
"manyToMany": "多对多",
"virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
"linkMore": "Link More",
"linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
"virtualRelation": "虚拟关系",
"linkMore": "链接更多",
"linkMoreRecords": "链接更多记录",
"downloadFile": "下载文件",
"renameTable": "Rename Table",
"renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
"renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
"renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
"deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
"deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
"renameTable": "重命名表格",
"renamingTable": "重新命名表格",
"renamingWs": "重命名工作区",
"renameWs": "重命名工作区",
"deleteWs": "删除工作区",
"deletingWs": "删除工作区",
"copyAuthToken": "复制 Auth 令牌",
"copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
"copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
"showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
"hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
"creatingTable": "Creating Table",
"copiedAuthToken": "复制的 Auth Token",
"copyInviteToken": "复制 Invite Token",
"showSidebar": "显示侧边栏",
"hideSidebar": "隐藏侧边栏",
"creatingTable": "创建表格",
"erdView": "ERD 视图",
"newBase": "新建数据源",
"newProj": "创建新项目",
"createBase": "新建项目",
"myProject": "我的项目",
"formTitle": "表单标题",
"collaborative": "Collaborative",
"locked": "Locked",
"personal": "Personal",
"collaborative": "协作",
"locked": "锁定",
"personal": "个人",
"appStore": "应用市场",
"teamAndAuth": "团队和认证",
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和用户管理",
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
"generateToken": "生成令牌",
"APIsAndSupport": "API与支持",
"helpCenter": "帮助中心",
"noLabels": "No Labels",
"noLabels": "无标签",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger 文档",
"quickImportFrom": "快速导入自",
"quickImport": "快速导入",
@ -385,19 +385,19 @@
"quickImportExcel": "快速导入 - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "快速导入 - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON编辑器",
"comingSoon": "Coming Soon",
"comingSoon": "即将推出",
"advancedSettings": "高级设置",
"codeSnippet": "代码片段",
"keyboardShortcut": "快捷键",
"generateRandomName": "随机名称",
"findRowByScanningCode": "通过扫描二维码或条码查找行",
"tokenManagement": "Token Management",
"tokenManagement": "Token 管理",
"addNewToken": "添加新令牌(Token)",
"accountSettings": "账户设置",
"resetPasswordMenu": "密码重置",
"tokens": "令牌",
"userManagement": "User Management",
"accountManagement": "Account management",
"userManagement": "用户管理",
"accountManagement": "账户管理",
"licence": "许可证",
"allowAllMimeTypes": "允许所有 Mime 类型",
"defaultView": "默认视图",
@ -494,11 +494,11 @@
"duplicateGridView": "复制视图",
"createGridView": "新建视图",
"duplicateGalleryView": "复制视图",
"createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
"duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
"createFormView": "Create Form View",
"duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
"createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
"createGalleryView": "创建图库视图",
"duplicateFormView": "复制表单视图",
"createFormView": "创建表格视图",
"duplicateKanbanView": "复制看板视图",
"createKanbanView": "创建看板视图",
"viewName": "查看名称",
"viewLink": "查看链接",
"columnName": "列名",
@ -573,14 +573,14 @@
"joinCommunity": "加入 NocoDB 社区",
"joinReddit": "加入 NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "关注 NocoDB",
"communityTranslated": "(Community Translated)"
"communityTranslated": "(社区翻译)"
"twitter": "推特(Twitter)",
"docReference": "参考文档",
"selectUserRole": "选择用户角色",
"childTable": "子表",
"childColumn": "子列",
"childField": "Child field",
"childField": "子字段",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "关联到其他表",
"links": "链接",
"onUpdate": "更新时",
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
"customTheme": "定制样式",
"requestDataSource": "请求您需要的数据源?",
"apiKey": "API 密钥",
"personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
"personalAccessToken": "个人访问令牌",
"sharedBaseUrl": "分享项目链接",
"importData": "导入数据",
"importSecondaryViews": "导入次要视图",
@ -600,13 +600,13 @@
"importLookupColumns": "导入查询列",
"importAttachmentColumns": "导入附件列",
"importFormulaColumns": "导入公式列",
"importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
"importUsers": "导入用户(通过电子邮件)",
"noData": "暂无数据",
"goToDashboard": "转到仪表板",
"importing": "导入中",
"formatJson": "Format JSON",
"autoSelectFieldTypes": "Auto-Select Field Types",
"firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
"formatJson": "JSON 格式",
"autoSelectFieldTypes": "自动选择字段类型",
"firstRowAsHeaders": "使用第一条记录作为标题",
"flattenNested": "扁平化嵌套",
"downloadAllowed": "允许下载",
"weAreHiring": "我们在招募!",
@ -625,60 +625,60 @@
"inviteOnlySignup": "只能通过邀请链接注册账户",
"nextRow": "下一行",
"prevRow": "上一行",
"addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
"addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
"addRowGrid": "在网格视图中手动添加数据",
"addRowForm": "通过表单输入记录数据",
"noAccess": "无权访问",
"restApis": "重置API",
"apis": "APIs",
"includeData": "Include Data",
"includeView": "Include View",
"includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
"zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
"embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
"titleRequired": "title is required.",
"sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
"changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
"pressEnter": "Press Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after"
"includeData": "包括数据",
"includeView": "包括查看",
"includeWebhook": "包括 Webhook",
"zoomInToViewColumns": "放大查看列",
"embedInSite": "将此视图嵌入您的网站",
"titleRequired": "需要标题。",
"sourceNameRequired": "必须填写源名称",
"changeWsName": "更改工作区名称",
"pressEnter": "按回车键",
"newFormLoaded": "新表格将在"
"activity": {
"openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
"copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
"onCondition": "On Condition",
"bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
"attachFile": "Attach File",
"viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
"attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
"openInANewTab": "在新标签页中打开",
"copyIFrameCode": "复制 IFrame 代码",
"onCondition": "条件",
"bulkDownload": "批量下载",
"attachFile": "添加文件",
"viewAttachment": "查看附件",
"attachmentDrop": "单击或将文件放入单元格",
"addFiles": "添加文件(一个或多个)",
"hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
"hideInUI": "在用户界面中隐藏",
"addBase": "添加项目",
"addParameter": "Add Parameter",
"submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
"dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
"editSource": "Edit Data Source",
"addParameter": "添加参数",
"submitAnotherForm": "提交另一份表格",
"dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "在此处拖放字段以添加",
"editSource": "编辑数据源",
"enterText": "输入文本",
"okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
"showInUI": "Show in UI",
"outOfSync": "Out of sync",
"okEditBase": "确定并编辑项目",
"showInUI": "在用户界面中显示",
"outOfSync": "不同步",
"newSource": "新建数据源",
"newWebhook": "新建 Webhook",
"enablePublicAccess": "启用公共访问",
"doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "您要保存这些更改吗?",
"editingAccess": "Editing access",
"editingAccess": "编辑访问权限",
"enabledPublicViewing": "启用公开查看",
"restrictAccessWithPassword": "使用密码限制访问",
"manageProjectAccess": "管理项目访问",
"allowDownload": "允许下载",
"surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
"rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
"surveyMode": "调查模式",
"rtlOrientation": "RTL 定向",
"useTheme": "使用主题",
"copyLink": "复制链接",
"copiedLink": "Link Copied",
"copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
"copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
"copiedLink": "链接已复制",
"copyInviteLink": "复制邀请链接",
"copiedInviteLink": "复制的邀请链接",
"copyUrl": "复制链接",
"moreColors": "更多颜色",
"moveProject": "Move Base",
"moveProject": "移动项目",
"createProject": "新建项目",
"importProject": "导入项目",
"searchProject": "搜索项目",
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
"translate": "帮助翻译",
"account": {
"authToken": "复制 Auth 令牌",
"authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
"authTokenCopied": "复制的Auth Token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "复制项目信息",
"themes": "主题"
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
"inviteTeam": "邀请团队",
"inviteUser": "邀请用户",
"inviteToken": "邀请令牌",
"linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
"linkedRecords": "链接记录",
"addNewLink": "添加新的链接",
"newUser": "创建用户",
"editUser": "编辑用户",
@ -744,8 +744,8 @@
"previousRecord": "上一条纪录",
"copyApiURL": "复制 API 链接",
"createTable": "创建新的表格",
"createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
"createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
"createDashboard": "创建仪表板",
"createWorkspace": "创建工作区",
"refreshTable": "刷新表格",
"renameTable": "重命名表格",
"renameLayout": "重命名布局",
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
"formula": {
"hintStart": "提示:使用 {placeholder1} 引用字段,例如: {placeholder2}。更多信息,请查阅",
"hintEnd": "公式",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "未找到建议配方",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "预计为数字类型",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "预计为字符串类型",
"operationNotAvailable": "{operation} 操作不可用",
@ -965,66 +965,66 @@
"typeIsExpectedButFound": "预计为 {type} 型,但发现 {found} 型",
"requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 需要 {requiredArguments} 参数",
"minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 所需最低 {minRequiredArguments} 参数",
"maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
"functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
"firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
"secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
"firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
"secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
"thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
"firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
"columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
"cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
"columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
"columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
"maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} 所需最大 {maxRequiredArguments} 参数",
"functionNotAvailable": "{function} 功能不可用",
"firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() 的第一个参数应为日期值",
"secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "WEEKDAY() 的第二个参数值应为 \"星期日\"、\"星期一\"、\"星期二\"、\"星期三\"、\"星期四\"、\"星期五 \"或 \"星期六\"。",
"firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() 的第一个参数应为日期值",
"secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "DATEADD() 的第二个参数应为数值",
"thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "DATEADD() 的第三个参数的值应该是 \"日\"、\"周\"、\"月 \"或 \"年\"。",
"firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() 的第一个参数应该是日期值",
"secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATEDIFF() 的第二个参数应该是日期值",
"thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "DATETIME_DIFF() 的第三个参数值应为 \"毫秒\"(\"ms\")、\"秒\"(\"s\")、\"分\"(\"minutes\")、\"m\"、\"小时\"(\"h\")、\"天\"(\"d\")、\"周\"(\"w\")、\"月\"(\"m\")、\"季度\"(\"Q\")、\"年\"(\"y\")或 \"y\"。",
"columnNotAvailable": "字段 {columnName} 不可用",
"cantSaveCircularReference": "无法保存字段,因为它会导致循环引用",
"columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "字段 {columnName} 类型为 {columnType} ,但预期类型为 {expectedType}",
"columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} 与 {columnType} 不匹配"
"selectOption": {
"cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
"multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
"cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
"createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
"cantBeNull": "选择选项不能为空",
"multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "多选字段不能使用逗号(',')",
"cantHaveDuplicates": "选择选项不能重复",
"createNewOptionNamed": "创建新的选项名称"
"plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
"plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
"invalidDate": "Invalid date",
"invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
"invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
"postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
"validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
"plsEnterANumber": "请输入一个数字",
"plsInputEmail": "请输入邮箱",
"invalidDate": "无效的日期",
"invalidLocale": "无效的区域设置",
"invalidCurrencyCode": "无效货币代码",
"postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 的 \"货币 \"类型有自己的货币设置",
"validColumnsForBarCode": "条形码字段的有效字段类型有数字、单行文本、长文本、电话号码、URL、电子邮件、小数。请先创建一个。",
"hm": {
"title": "Has Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
"title": "单对多关系",
"tooltip_desc": "表中的一条记录 ",
"tooltip_desc2": " 可以与表中的多条记录链接 "
"mm": {
"title": "Many to Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
"title": "多对多关系",
"tooltip_desc": "表格中的多条记录 ",
"tooltip_desc2": " 可以从表中链接到单条记录 "
"bt": {
"title": "Belongs to Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
"title": "属于关系范围",
"tooltip_desc": "表中的一条记录 ",
"tooltip_desc2": " 可以从表中链接到单条记录 "
"oo": {
"title": "One to One Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
"title": "一对一关系",
"tooltip_desc": "表中的一条记录 ",
"tooltip_desc2": " 可以从表中链接到单条记录 "
"noRecordsAreLinkedFromTable": "No records are linked from table",
"noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
"recordsLinked": "records linked",
"acceptOnlyValid": "Accepts only",
"apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
"selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
"createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
"createWebhookMsg2": "Create web-hooks to power you automations,",
"createWebhookMsg3": "Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
"areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
"noRecordsAreLinkedFromTable": "表中没有链接记录",
"noRecordsLinked": "没有链接记录",
"recordsLinked": "链接的记录",
"acceptOnlyValid": "仅接受",
"apiTokenCreate": "创建个人 API tokens,以便在自动化或外部应用程序中使用。",
"selectFieldToSort": "选择要排序的字段",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "表中没有记录",
"createWebhookMsg1": "开始使用Web Hooks!",
"createWebhookMsg2": "创建Web Hooks来实现自动化",
"createWebhookMsg3": "一旦您的数据发生变化,您将立即收到通知",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "您确定要删除以下内容",
"areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "您确定要 {deleteLabel} 以下内容吗?",
"idColumnRequired": "ID 字段是必填字段,如果需要,您可以稍后重新命名。",
"length59Required": "长度超过最大 59 个字符",
"noNewNotifications": "您没有新的通知",
@ -1032,22 +1032,22 @@
"rowDeleted": "记录已删除",
"saveChanges": "要保存更改吗?",
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "字段太大,无法转换为 {entity}",
"roleRequired": "Role required",
"roleRequired": "角色要求",
"warning": {
"dbValid": "Please make sure database you are trying to connect is valid! This operation can cause schema loss!!",
"dbValid": "请确保您尝试连接的数据库有效!此操作可能导致模式丢失",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "条形码错误 - 请注意输入数据和条形码类型之间的兼容性"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "警告:自动计算的字段无法被清除内容。",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:二维码字段无法更改。",
"barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
"barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:条形码字段不能直接更改。"
"duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
"duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?"
"duplicateProject": "你确定要复制项目吗?",
"duplicateTable": "您确定要复制表格吗?"
"info": {
"disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked",
"disabledAsViewLocked": "已禁用,因为视图已锁定",
"basesMigrated": "项目已迁移。请重试。",
"pasteNotSupported": "处于活动状态的单元格不能粘贴内容",
"roles": {
@ -1153,9 +1153,9 @@
"tablesMetadataInSync": "表元数据同步",
"addMultipleUsers": "可以使用多个英文逗号 (,) 分隔邮箱地址",
"enterTableName": "输入表名",
"enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
"enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
"defaultColumns": "Default fields",
"enterLayoutName": "输入布局名称",
"enterDashboardName": "输入仪表板名称",
"defaultColumns": "默认字段",
"addDefaultColumns": "添加默认列",
"tableNameInDb": "数据库中保存的表名",
"airtable": {
@ -1178,10 +1178,10 @@
"valueAlreadyInList": "此值已经在列表中",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "没有要更新的列",
"tableDeleted": "已成功删除表",
"layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
"layoutDeleted": "成功删除布局",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "生成公开可共享的只读库",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "您确定要删除此视图?",
"deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
"deleteLayoutConfirmation": "您确定要删除此布局吗?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "您想要删除该表吗?",
"showM2mTables": "显示中间表",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "NocoDB 用来支持多对多关系的中间表默认不可见。打开此选项将显示所有中间表。",
@ -1193,26 +1193,26 @@
"computedFieldEditWarning": "计算字段:此内容是只读的。使用列编辑菜单来重新配置该字段",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "计算字段:此内容是只读的。无法清除内容。",
"noMoreRecords": "暂无数据",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
"dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
"wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
"wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
"wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
"wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
"userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
"pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
"makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "令牌名称不能为空",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "令牌名称不应超过 255 个字符",
"dbNameRequired": "请输入数据库名称",
"wsNameRequired": "需要工作区名称",
"wsNameMinLength": "工作区名称长度必须至少为 3 个字符",
"wsNameMaxLength": "工作区名称长度不得超过 50 个字符",
"wsDeleteDlg": "删除此工作区及其所有内容。",
"userConfirmation": "我知道这一行动是不可逆转的",
"pageNotFound": "无法找到页面",
"makeLineBreak": "换行",
"goToPrevious": "转到上一个",
"goToNext": "转到下一个",
"thankYou": "谢谢你!",
"submittedFormData": "您已成功提交表单数据。"
"error": {
"nameRequired": "Name Required",
"nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
"nameRequired": "您必须指定一个名字",
"nameMinLength": "名称长度必须至少为 2 个字符",
"nameMaxLength": "名称长度不得超过 60 个字符",
"viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
"viewNameRequired": "视图名称为必填项",
"nameMaxLength256": "名称长度不得超过 256 个字符",
"viewNameUnique": "视图名称应该是唯一的",
"searchProject": "搜索: {search} 没有发现匹配的结果",
@ -1268,8 +1268,8 @@
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "名称应该以字母或 _ 开头",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "不允许使用以下字符",
"columnNameRequired": "列名是必填项",
"duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
"duplicateColumnName": "字段名称重复",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "需要 UI 数据类型",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "列名的长度超过了 {value} 字符的限制",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "项目名称超过 50 个字符",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "项目名称不能以空格开头",
@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@
"pluginSettingsSaved": "插件设置保存成功",
"pluginTested": "插件设置测试成功",
"tableRenamed": "表重命名成功",
"layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
"layoutRenamed": "布局重命名成功",
"viewDeleted": "视图删除成功",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "成功更新为主列",
"tableDataExported": "成功导出所有表内数据",
