@ -301,6 +301,7 @@
"isNotNull": "null değil" |
}, |
"title": { |
"sso": "Authentication (SSO)", |
"docs": "Docs", |
"forum": "Forum", |
"parameter": "Parameter", |
@ -417,6 +418,16 @@
} |
}, |
"labels": { |
"save": "Save", |
"cancel": "Cancel", |
"metadataUrl": "Metadata URL", |
"audience-entityId": "Audience/ Entity ID", |
"redirectUrl": "Redirect URL", |
"oidc": "OpenID Connect (OIDC)", |
"saml": "Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)", |
"newProvider": "New Provider", |
"generalSettings": "General Settings", |
"ssoSettings": "SSO Settings", |
"heading1": "Heading 1", |
"heading2": "Heading 2", |
"heading3": "Heading 3", |
@ -513,6 +524,7 @@
"databaseType": "Veritabanındaki Tipi", |
"lengthValue": "Uzunluk / Değer", |
"dbType": "Veritabanı Tipi", |
"servername": "servername / hostAddr", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite Dosyası", |
"hostAddress": "Host Adresi", |
"port": "Port Numarası", |
@ -657,6 +669,9 @@
} |
}, |
"activity": { |
"googleOAuth": "Google OAuth", |
"registerOIDC": "Register OIDC Identity Provider", |
"registerSAML": "Register SAML Identity Provider", |
"openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab", |
"copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code", |
"onCondition": "On Condition", |
@ -1069,6 +1084,8 @@
} |
}, |
"info": { |
"idpPaste": "Paste these URL in your Identity Providers console", |
"noSaml": "There are no configured SAML authentications.", |
"disabledAsViewLocked": "Disabled as View is locked", |
"basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.", |
"pasteNotSupported": "Etkin hücre üzerinde yapıştırma işlemi desteklenmiyor", |
@ -1233,6 +1250,16 @@
"notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment" |
}, |
"error": { |
"scopesRequired": "Scopes required", |
"authUrlRequired": "Auth URL is required", |
"userNameAttributeRequired": "Username attribute is required", |
"clientIdRequired": "Client ID is required", |
"issuerRequired": "Issuer is required", |
"clientSecretRequired": "Client Secret is required", |
"jwkUrlRequired": "JWK URL is required", |
"tokenUrlRequired": "Token URL is required", |
"userInfoUrlRequired": "UserInfo URL is required", |
"eitherXML": "Either xml or metadata url is required", |
"nameRequired": "Name Required", |
"nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long", |
"nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long", |
@ -1263,6 +1290,7 @@
"invalidEmails": "Invalid emails", |
"invalidEmail": "Invalid Email" |
}, |
"invalidXml": "Invalid XML", |
"invalidURL": "Geçersiz URL", |
"invalidEmail": "Geçersiz E-posta", |
"internalError": "Bazı dahili hatalar oluştu", |