"create_new_dashboard_project":"Create New Interface",
"connect_data_sources":"Connect data sources",
"alert-message":"No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
"select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects":"Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
"create_interface":"Create interface",
"project_name":"Base Name",
"create_new_dashboard_project":"Создать новый интерфейс",
"connect_data_sources":"Подключить источники данных",
"alert-message":"Базы данных не подключены. Подключите базы данных для создания интерфейсов. Пропустите этот шаг и добавьте базы данных с основной домашней страницы позже.",
"select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects":"Выберите базы данных, которые вы хотите связать с этим интерфейсом.",
"create_interface":"Создать интерфейс",
"project_name":"Основное имя",
"open_external_url":"Open external link",
"delete_record":"Delete record",
"update_record":"Update record",
"open_layout":"Open layout"
"open_external_url":"Открыть внешнюю ссылку",
"delete_record":"Удалить запись",
"update_record":"Обновить запись",
"open_layout":"Открыть макет"
"bar_chart":"Bar Chart",
"line_chart":"Line Chart",
"area_chart":"Area Chart",
"pie_chart":"Pie Chart",
"donut_chart":"Donut Chart",
"scatter_plot":"Scatter Plot",
"bubble_chart":"Bubble Chart",
"radar_chart":"Radar Chart",
"polar_area_chart":"Polar Area Chart",
"radial_bar_chart":"Radial Bar Chart",
"heatmap_chart":"Heatmap Chart",
"treemap_chart":"Treemap Chart",
"box_plot_chart":"Box Plot Chart",
"candlestick_chart":"Candlestick Chart"
"line_chart":"Линейная диаграмма",
"area_chart":"Диаграмма области",
"pie_chart":"Круговая диаграмма",
"donut_chart":"Кольцевая диаграмма",
"scatter_plot":"Рассеянный участок",
"bubble_chart":"Пузырьковая диаграмма",
"radar_chart":"Радарная диаграмма",
"polar_area_chart":"Полярная диаграмма",
"radial_bar_chart":"Радиальная гистограмма",
"heatmap_chart":"Тепловая карта",
"treemap_chart":"Древовидная карта",
"box_plot_chart":"Диаграмма ячеек",
"candlestick_chart":"Японские свечи"
"home":"На главную",
@ -47,29 +47,29 @@
"logout":"Log Out",
"changeIcon":"Change Icon",
"changeIcon":"Сменить иконку",
"microsoftTeams":"Microsoft Teams",
@ -183,17 +183,17 @@
"sumDistinct":"Sum Distinct",
"avgDistinct":"Avg Distinct",
"primaryValue":"Primary Value",
"useSurveyMode":"Use Survey Mode",
"primaryValue":"Первичное значение",
"useSurveyMode":"Использовать режим анкеты",
"workspace":"Рабочее пространство",
"workspaces":"Рабочие пространства",
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"webhooks":"Вебхуки (Webhooks)",
"sidebar":"Боковая панель",
@ -223,27 +223,27 @@
"noaccess":"No Access",
"superAdmin":"Super Admin",
"noaccess":"Нет доступа",
"superAdmin":"Супер админ",
"orgLevelCreator":"Уровень Создатель",
"orgLevelViewer":"Уровень Наблюдатель"
"sqlVIew":"Представление SQL",
"rowHeight":"Record Height",
"rowHeight":"Высота записи",
"externalDb":"External Database"
"externalDb":"Внешняя база данных"
@ -298,37 +298,37 @@
"isNotNull":"не равно Null"
"parameterName":"Parameter Name",
"currencyLocale":"Currency Locale",
"currencyCode":"Currency Code",
"searchMembers":"Search Members",
"noMembersFound":"No members found",
"dateJoined":"Date Joined",
"tokenName":"Token name",
"inDesktop":"in Desktop",
"rowData":"Record data",
"qrCode":"QR Code",
"termsOfService":"Terms of Service",
"updateSelectedRows":"Update Selected Records",
"noFiltersAdded":"No filters added",
"editCards":"Edit Cards",
"noFieldsFound":"No fields found",
"displayValue":"Display Value",
"hideAll":"Hide all",
"hideSystemFields":"Hide system fields",
"removeFile":"Remove File",
"hasMany":"Has Many",
"manyToMany":"Many to Many",
"virtualRelation":"Virtual Relation",
"linkMore":"Link More",
"linkMoreRecords":"Link more records",
"downloadFile":"Download File",
"parameterName":"Имя параметра",
"currencyLocale":"Валютная локаль",
"currencyCode":"Код валюты",
"searchMembers":"Поиск участников",
"noMembersFound":"Участников не найдено",
"dateJoined":"Дата вступления",
"tokenName":"Имя токена",
"inDesktop":"на рабочем столе",
"rowData":"Запись данных",
"qrCode":"QR Код",
"termsOfService":"Пользовательское Соглашение",
"updateSelectedRows":"Обновить выбранные записи",
"noFiltersAdded":"Фильтры не добавлены",
"editCards":"Изменить карты",
"noFieldsFound":"Поля не найдены",
"displayValue":"Отображаемое значение",
"hideAll":"Скрыть все",
"hideSystemFields":"Скрыть системные поля",
"removeFile":"Удалить файл",
"hasMany":"Имеет много",
"manyToMany":"Многие ко многим",
"virtualRelation":"Виртуальные отношения",
"linkMore":"Ссылка Подробнее",
"linkMoreRecords":"Связать больше записей",
"downloadFile":"Скачать файл",
"renameTable":"Rename Table",
"renamingTable":"Renaming Table",
"renamingWs":"Renaming Workspace",
@ -421,56 +421,56 @@
"taskList":"Task List",
"bulletList":"Bullet List",
"numberedList":"Numbered List",
"downloadData":"Download Data",
"blockQuote":"Block Quote",
"noToken":"No Token",
"tokenLimit":"Only one token per user is allowed",
"duplicateAttachment":"File with name {filename} already attached",
"taskList":"Список задач",
"bulletList":"Маркированный список",
"numberedList":"Нумерованный список",
"downloadData":"Скачать данные",
"noToken":"Нет токена",
"tokenLimit":"Для каждого пользователя разрешен только один токен",
"duplicateAttachment":"Файл с именем {filename} уже прикреплен",
"viewIdColon":"VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress":"To Address",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber":"Comma separated Mobile #",
"headerName":"Header Name",
"enableRichText":"Enable Rich Text",
"body":"Тело письма",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber":"Мобильные # через запятую",
"headerName":"Название заголовка",
"enableRichText":"Включить насыщенный текст",
"copiedRecordURL":"Copied Record URL",
"copyRecordURL":"Copy Record URL",
"duplicateRecord":"Duplicate record",
"binaryEncodingFormat":"Binary encoding format",
"durationInfo":"A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
description: 'This article explains how to create & work with a Rich text field.'
tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Text based types', 'Rich text']
keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Text based types', 'Rich text', 'Create rich text field']
`Rich Text` field is text based field & is extension of `Long text` that allows you to add formatting to the text. You can add text formatting like bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, horizontal rule, ordered list, unordered list, code, quote, etc.
## Create a `Rich Text` field
1. Click on `+` icon to the right of `Fields header`
2. On the dropdown modal, enter the field name (Optional).
3. Select the field type as `Long text` from the dropdown.
4. Enable `Rich Text` toggle field.
5. Set default value for the field (Optional).
6. Click on `Save Field` button.
- Specify default value without quotes.
- Use `Enter` key to add new line.
### Cell display
`Rich Text` field is displayed as a single line text field in the table view. Click on the expand icon in the cell to view the full text.
## Formatting options
NocoDB supports markdown syntax for formatting the text. Following are the supported formatting options.
### Heading
To create a heading, prefix `#` symbol preceding your heading text. The number of # symbols employed will dictate the heading's hierarchy level and typeface size. Three levels of headings are supported.
You can emphasise text with bold, italic, strikethrough or underline formatting options. Table below shows syntax, keyboard shortcut, example & output for each formatting option.
| Underline | | `Ctrl/Cmd + U` | `This is underlined text` | <u>This is underlined text</u> |
### Quote block
You can quote text with a `>`
normal text
> quoted text
normal text
> quoted text
### Code block
Code block can be created by using (3 backticks) before & after the code.
This is a code block
This is a code block
### Link
You can create an inline link by using `Link` menu option in the rich text toolbar
### Bullet List
You can create unordered list by using `Bulleted list` menu option in the rich text toolbar or by preceding the text with `-``+` or `*` symbol.
- Item 1
- Item 2
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
* Item 1
* Item 2
- Item 1
- Item 2
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
* Item 1
* Item 2
You can create nested lists by using `tab` key &`shift + tab` key to indent & outdent the list items.
### Numbered List
You can create ordered list by using `Numbered list` menu option in the rich text toolbar or by preceding the text with `1.` symbol.
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
### Task list
You can create task lists by using `Task list` menu option in the rich text toolbar or by preceding the text with `[ ]` symbol. You can mark the task as completed by using `[x]` symbol.
[ ] Item 1
[x] Item 2
- [ ] Item 1
- [x] Item 2
## Similar text based fields
Following are the other text based fields available in NocoDB, custom-built for specific use cases.
description: 'This article explains how to create & work with a User field.'
tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'User']
keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'User', 'Create User field']
`User` field type allows you to assign a user from your current workspace to a record. For example, you can create a `Task` table with a `User` field type to assign a task to a user. You can also configure the field to allow assigning multiple users to a record.
## Create a User field
1. Click on `+` icon to the right of `Fields header`
2. On the dropdown modal, enter the field name (Optional).
3. Select the field type as `User` from the dropdown.
4. Configure `Allow adding multiple users` toggle field (Optional).
5. Configure default value (Optional)
6. Click on `Save Field` button.
### Cell display
`User` field display is quite identical to `Select` field. It is displayed as a dropdown in the table view. Click on the dropdown to select a user. If `Allow adding multiple users` is enabled, you can select multiple users from the dropdown.
- If a user is removed from workspace, the user will be removed from the dropdown list. If such user was assigned to a record already, the user will be displayed as is.
- To remove a user from a record, click on the `x` icon next to the user name.
- If display name is not set for a user, the user's email address will be displayed.