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New translations en.json (Slovenian)

navi 7 months ago
  1. 29


@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
"page": "Stran.",
"pages": "Strani",
"record": "Record.",
"records": "Zapisi",
"records": "records",
"webhook": "WebHook.",
"webhooks": "Webhooks.",
"view": "Pogled",
@ -421,7 +421,8 @@
"restrict": "Restrict",
"setNull": "Set NULL",
"setDefault": "Set Default"
"selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere": "Select fields from right panel to add here"
"labels": {
"selectYear": "Select Year",
@ -683,7 +684,12 @@
"incompleteConfiguration": "Incomplete configuration",
"selectField": "Select a field",
"selectFieldLabel": "Begin by selecting a field to customise its properties and structure."
"appearanceSettings": "Appearance Settings",
"backgroundColor": "Background Color",
"hideNocodbBranding": "Hide NocoDB Branding",
"showOnConditions": "Show on condtions",
"showFieldOnConditionsMet": "Shows field only when conditions are met"
"activity": {
"goToToday": "Go to Today",
@ -907,7 +913,10 @@
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode",
"startCommenting": "Start commenting!"
"startCommenting": "Start commenting!",
"clearForm": "Clear Form",
"addFieldFromFormView": "Add Field",
"selectAllFields": "Select all fields"
"tooltip": {
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
@ -1166,14 +1175,14 @@
"afterEnablePwd": "Za dostop je potrebno geslo",
"privateLink": "Ta pogled je v skupni rabi prek zasebne povezave",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Ljudje z zasebno povezavo lahko vidijo le celice, ki so vidne v tem pogledu",
"afterFormSubmitted": "Po obrazec",
"postFormSubmissionSettings": "Post Form Submission Settings",
"apiOptions": "Dostopaj projekt prek",
"submitAnotherForm": "Pokaži gumb \"Pošljite gumb\"",
"showBlankForm": "Po 5 sekundah pokažite prazno obliko",
"emailForm": "Pošlji mi e-pošto",
"showSysFields": "Pokaži sistemska polja",
"filterAutoApply": "Auto Nanesite",
"showMessage": "Pokaži to sporočilo",
"formDisplayMessage": "Display Message",
"viewNotShared": "Trenutni pogled ni v skupni rabi!",
"showAllViews": "Pokaži vse skupne poglede na to tabelo",
"collabView": "Sodelavci z dovoljenji za urejanje ali višje lahko spremenijo konfiguracijo pogleda.",
@ -1283,7 +1292,8 @@
"editingSystemKeyNotSupported": "Editing system key not supported",
"notAvailableAtTheMoment": "Not available at the moment",
"groupPasteIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group paste operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
"groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column"
"groupClearIsNotSupportedOnLinksColumn": "Group clear operation is not supported on Links/LinkToAnotherRecord column",
"upgradeToEnterpriseEdition": "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition {extraInfo}"
"error": {
"scopesRequired": "Scopes required",
@ -1369,14 +1379,15 @@
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "Sprejete vrste datotek so .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Ključ parametra ne more biti prazen",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Podvojeni ključi parametrov niso dovoljeni",
"fieldRequired": "{value} ne more biti prazen.",
"fieldRequired": "{value} cannot be empty",
"projectNotAccessible": "Projekt ni dostopen",
"copyToClipboardError": "Neuspešno kopiranje v odložišče",
"pasteFromClipboardError": "Failed to paste from clipboard",
"multiFieldSaveValidation": "Please complete the configuration of all fields before saving",
"somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
"draggedContentIsNotTypeOfImage": "Dragged content is not type of image",
"fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data"
"fieldToParseImageData": "Field to parse image data",
"someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty": "Some of the required fields are empty"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "Projekt Metapodatki se je uspešno izvozil",
