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docs: API documentation

Signed-off-by: Pranav C <>
Pranav C 3 years ago
  1. 26
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# nc-doc-md-theme # `noco-doc`
## Setup > TODO: description
Install dependencies: ## Usage
npm run install
``` ```
const nocoDoc = require('noco-doc');
## Development // TODO: DEMONSTRATE API
npm run dev
``` ```
## Static Generation
This will create the `dist/` directory for publishing to static hosting:
npm run generate
To preview the static generated app, run `npm run start`
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout [nuxt/content]( and [@nuxt/content theme docs](


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@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
title: 'GraphQL APIs'
position: 2
category: 'API'
fullscreen: true
menuTitle: 'GraphQL APIs'
# Features
* APIs
* Generates GraphQL APIs for **ANY** MySql, Postgres, MSSQL, Sqlite database :fire:
* Serves GraphQL queries irrespective of naming conventions of primary keys, foreign keys, tables etc :fire:
* Support for composite primary keys :fire:
* Usual suspects : CRUD, List, FindOne, Count, Exists, Distinct
* Pagination
* Sorting
* Column filtering - Fields :fire:
* Row filtering - Where :fire:
* Bulk insert, Bulk delete, Bulk read :fire:
* Relations - automatically detected
* Aggregate functions
* More
* Upload single file
* Upload multiple files
* Download file
* Authentication
* Access Control
# GraphQL API Overview
### Query
| **Resolver** | **Arguments** | **Returns** | **Description** |
| [TableName**List**](#tablenamelist) | where: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableName] | List of table rows |
| [TableName**Read**](#tablenameread) | id:String | TableName | Get row by primary key |
| [TableName**Exists**](#tablenameexists) | id: String | Boolean | Check row exists by primary key |
| [TableName**FindOne**](#tablenamefindone) | where: String | TableName | Find row by where conditions |
| [TableName**Count**](#tablenamecount) | where: String | Int | Get rows count |
| [TableName**Distinct**](#tablenamedistinct) | columnName: String, where: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableName] | Get distinct rows based on provided column names |
| [TableName**GroupBy**](#tablenamegroupby) | fields: String, having: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableNameGroupBy] | Group rows by provided columns |
| [TableName**Aggregate**](#tablenameaggregate) | columnName: String!, having: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String, func: String! | [TableNameAggregate] | Do aggregation based on provided column name aggregate function |
| [TableName**Distribution**](#tablenamedistribution) | min: Int, max: Int, step: Int, steps: String, columnName: String! | [distribution] | Get distributed list |
### Mutations
| **Resolver** | **Arguments** | **Returns** | **Description** |
| [TableName**Create**](#tablenamecreate) | data:TableNameInput | TableName | Insert row into table |
| [TableName**Update**](#tablenameupdate) | id:String,data:TableNameInput | TableName | Update table row using primary key |
| [TableName**Delete**](#tablenamedelete) | id:String | TableName | Delete table row using primary id |
| [TableName**CreateBulk**](#tabelenamecreatebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row insert |
| [TableName**UpdateBulk**](#tablenamebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row update |
| [TableName**DeleteBulk**](#tablenamedeletebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row delete |
## Query Arguments
| **Param** | **Description** | **Default value** |**Example Value**|
| where | Logical Expression | | `(colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)` <br />[Usage: Comparison operators](#comparison-operators) <br />[Usage: Logical operators](#logical-operators) |
| limit | Number of rows to get(SQL limit value) | 10 | 20 |
| offset | Offset for pagination(SQL offset value) | 0 | 20 |
| sort | Sort column name, where use `-` as prefix for descending sort | | column_name |
| fields | Required column names in result | * | column_name_1,column_name_2 |
#### Comparison operators
eq - '=' - (colName,eq,colValue)
not - '!=' - (colName,ne,colValue)
gt - '>' - (colName,gt,colValue)
ge - '>=' - (colName,ge,colValue)
lt - '<' - (colName,lt,colValue)
le - '<=' - (colName,le,colValue)
is - 'is' - (colName,is,true/false/null)
isnot - 'is not' - (colName,isnot,true/false/null)
in - 'in' - (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
btw - 'between' - (colName,btw,val1,val2)
nbtw - 'not between'- (colName,nbtw,val1,val2)
like - 'like' - (colName,like,%name)
#### Example use of comparison operators - complex example
#### Logical operators
~or - 'or'
~and - 'and'
~not - 'not'
### TableNameList
#### Request
CountryList {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
"country_id": 2,
"country": "Algeria",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 3
"country_id": 3,
"country": "American Samoa",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
#### List + where
##### Request
CountryList(where:"(country,like,United%)") {
[Usage : comparison operators](#comparison-operators)
##### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 3
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 8
"country_id": 103,
"country": "United States",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 35
#### List + where + sort
##### Request
CountryList(where:"(country,like,United%)",sort:"-country") {
##### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 103,
"country": "United States",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 35
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 8
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 3
# Features
* APIs
* Generates GraphQL APIs for **ANY** MySql, Postgres, MSSQL, Sqlite database :fire:
* Serves GraphQL queries irrespective of naming conventions of primary keys, foreign keys, tables etc :fire:
* Support for composite primary keys :fire:
* Usual suspects : CRUD, List, FindOne, Count, Exists, Distinct
* Pagination
* Sorting
* Column filtering - Fields :fire:
* Row filtering - Where :fire:
* Bulk insert, Bulk delete, Bulk read :fire:
* Relations - automatically detected
* Aggregate functions
* More
* Upload single file
* Upload multiple files
* Download file
* Authentication
* Access Control
# GraphQL API Overview
### Query
| **Resolver** | **Arguments** | **Returns** | **Description** |
| [TableName**List**](#tablenamelist) | where: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableName] | List of table rows |
| [TableName**Read**](#tablenameread) | id:String | TableName | Get row by primary key |
| [TableName**Exists**](#tablenameexists) | id: String | Boolean | Check row exists by primary key |
| [TableName**FindOne**](#tablenamefindone) | where: String | TableName | Find row by where conditions |
| [TableName**Count**](#tablenamecount) | where: String | Int | Get rows count |
| [TableName**Distinct**](#tablenamedistinct) | columnName: String, where: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableName] | Get distinct rows based on provided column names |
| [TableName**GroupBy**](#tablenamegroupby) | fields: String, having: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String | [TableNameGroupBy] | Group rows by provided columns |
| [TableName**Aggregate**](#tablenameaggregate) | columnName: String!, having: String, limit: Int, offset: Int, sort: String, func: String! | [TableNameAggregate] | Do aggregation based on provided column name aggregate function |
| [TableName**Distribution**](#tablenamedistribution) | min: Int, max: Int, step: Int, steps: String, columnName: String! | [distribution] | Get distributed list |
### Mutations
| **Resolver** | **Arguments** | **Returns** | **Description** |
| [TableName**Create**](#tablenamecreate) | data:TableNameInput | TableName | Insert row into table |
| [TableName**Update**](#tablenameupdate) | id:String,data:TableNameInput | TableName | Update table row using primary key |
| [TableName**Delete**](#tablenamedelete) | id:String | TableName | Delete table row using primary id |
| [TableName**CreateBulk**](#tabelenamecreatebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row insert |
| [TableName**UpdateBulk**](#tablenamebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row update |
| [TableName**DeleteBulk**](#tablenamedeletebulk) | data: [TableNameInput] | [Int] | Bulk row delete |
## Query Arguments
| **Param** | **Description** | **Default value** |**Example Value**|
| where | Logical Expression | | `(colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)` <br />[Usage: Comparison operators](#comparison-operators) <br />[Usage: Logical operators](#logical-operators) |
| limit | Number of rows to get(SQL limit value) | 10 | 20 |
| offset | Offset for pagination(SQL offset value) | 0 | 20 |
| sort | Sort column name, where use `-` as prefix for descending sort | | column_name |
| fields | Required column names in result | * | column_name_1,column_name_2 |
#### Comparison operators
eq - '=' - (colName,eq,colValue)
not - '!=' - (colName,ne,colValue)
gt - '>' - (colName,gt,colValue)
ge - '>=' - (colName,ge,colValue)
lt - '<' - (colName,lt,colValue)
le - '<=' - (colName,le,colValue)
is - 'is' - (colName,is,true/false/null)
isnot - 'is not' - (colName,isnot,true/false/null)
in - 'in' - (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
btw - 'between' - (colName,btw,val1,val2)
nbtw - 'not between'- (colName,nbtw,val1,val2)
like - 'like' - (colName,like,%name)
#### Example use of comparison operators - complex example
#### Logical operators
~or - 'or'
~and - 'and'
~not - 'not'
### TableNameList
#### Request
CountryList {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
"country_id": 2,
"country": "Algeria",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 3
"country_id": 3,
"country": "American Samoa",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
#### List + where
##### Request
CountryList(where:"(country,like,United%)") {
[Usage : comparison operators](#comparison-operators)
##### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 3
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 8
"country_id": 103,
"country": "United States",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 35
#### List + where + sort + offset
##### Request
CountryList(where:"(country,like,United%)",sort:"-country",offset:1) {
##### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 8
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"CityCount": 3
#### List + limit
##### Request
CountryList(limit:6) {
##### Response
"data": {
"CountryList": [
"country": "Afghanistan"
"country": "Algeria"
"country": "American Samoa"
"country": "Angola"
"country": "Anguilla"
"country": "Argentina"
### TableNameRead
#### Request
CountryRead(id:"1") {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryRead": {
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
### TableNameExists
#### Request
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryExists": true
### TableNameFindOne
#### Request
CountryFindOne(where:"(country_id,eq,1)") {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryFindOne": {
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "1139978640000",
"CityCount": 1
### TableNameCount
#### Request
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryCount": 109
### TableNameDistinct
#### Request
CountryDistinct(columnName:"last_update",limit:3) {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryDistinct": [
"last_update": "1139958840000"
"last_update": "1578323893000"
"last_update": "1578321201000"
### TableNameGroupBy
#### Request
CountryGroupBy(fields:"last_update",limit:1) {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryGroupBy": [
"country_id": null,
"country": null,
"last_update": "1139958840000",
"count": 109
### TableNameAggregate
#### Request
PaymentAggregate(columnName:"amount",func:"min,max,avg,count") {
#### Response
"data": {
"PaymentAggregate": [
"count": 16048,
"avg": 4.200743,
"min": 0
### TableNameDistribution
#### Request
PaymentDistribution (columnName:"amount"){
#### Response
"data": {
"PaymentDistribution": [
"range": "0-4",
"count": 8302
"range": "5-8",
"count": 3100
"range": "9-11.99",
"count": 371
### TableNameCreate
#### Request
mutation {
CountryCreate(data: {country: "test"}) {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryCreate": {
"country_id": 10264,
"country": "test",
"last_update": null,
"CityCount": 0
### TableNameUpdate
#### Request
mutation {
CountryUpdate(data: {country: "test_new"}, id: "10264") {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryUpdate": {
"country_id": null,
"country": null,
"last_update": null,
"CityCount": null
### TableNameDelete
#### Request
mutation {
CountryDelete(id: "10264") {
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryDelete": {
"country_id": null,
"country": null,
"last_update": null,
"CityCount": null
### TableNameCreateBulk
#### Request
mutation {
CountryCreateBulk(data:[{country:"test 2"},{country:"test 3"}])
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryCreateBulk": [
### TableNameUpdateBulk
#### Request
mutation {
CountryUpdateBulk(data: [{country: "test 2", country_id: 10265}, {country: "test 3", country_id: 10266}])
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryUpdateBulk": [
### TableNameDeleteBulk
#### Request
mutation {
CountryDeleteBulk(data: [{country_id: 10265}, {country_id: 10266}])
#### Response
"data": {
"CountryDeleteBulk": [


@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
title: 'REST APIs'
position: 1
category: 'API'
fullscreen: true
menuTitle: 'REST APIs'
# Table of Content
* [Features](#features)
* [APIs overview](#api-overview)
* [Authentication](#authentication)
* [Access Control](#acess-control)
* [Migrations](#migrations)
# Features
* **Automatic REST APIs for any SQL database**
* Generates REST APIs for **ANY** MySql, Postgres, MSSQL, Sqlite database :fire:
* Serves APIs irrespective of naming conventions of primary keys, foreign keys, tables etc :fire:
* Support for composite primary keys :fire:
* CRUD, List, FindOne, Count, Exists, Distinct (Usual suspects)
* Pagination
* Sorting
* Column filtering - Fields :fire:
* Row filtering - Where :fire:
* Bulk insert, Bulk delete, Bulk read :fire:
* Relations - automatically detected
* Aggregate functions
* More
* Upload single file
* Upload multiple files
* Download file
* **Authentication**
* **Access Control**
# API Overview
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName](#list) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields](#query-params) | List rows of the table |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName](#create) | | Insert row into table |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#update) | | Update existing row in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#get-by-primary-key) | | Get row by primary key |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id/exists](#exists) | | Check row with provided primary key exists or not |
| **DELETE** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#delete) | | Delete existing row in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/findOne](#find-one) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields](#query-params) | Find first row which matches the conditions in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/groupby/:columnName](#group-by) | | Group by columns |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/distribution/:columnName](#distribution) | | Distribute data based on column |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/distinct/:columnName](#distinct) | | Find distinct column values |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/aggregate/:columnName](#aggregate) | | Do aggregation on columns |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/count](#count) | [where](#query-params) | Get total rows count |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-insert) | | Bulk row insert |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-update) | | Bulk row update |
| **DELETE** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-delete) | | Bulk row delete |
* <strong>tableName</strong> - Alias of the corresponding table <br>
* <strong>columnName</strong> - Alias of the column in table
### HasMany APIs
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/has/childTableName](#with-children) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields, fields1](#query-params) | List rows of the table with children |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName](#children-of-parent) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields, fields1](#query-params) | Get children under a certain parent |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName](#insert-to-child-table) | | Insert children under a certain parent |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/findOne](#findone-under-parent) | where, limit, offset, sort, fields | Find children under a parent with conditions |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/count](#child-count) | | Find children count |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/:id](#get-child-by-primary-key) | | Find child by id |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/:id](#update-child-by-primary-key) | | Update child by id |
* <strong>tableName</strong> - Name of the parent table <br>
* <strong>parentId</strong> - Id in parent table <br>
* <strong>childTableName</strong> - Name of the child table
* <strong>id</strong> - Id in child table
### BelongsTo APIs
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/childTableName/belongs/parentTablename](#with-parent) | where, limit, offset, sort, fields | List rows of the table with parent |
* <strong>tableName</strong> - Name of the parent table <br>
* <strong>childTableName</strong> - Name of the child table
## Query params
| **Name** | **Alias** | **Use case** | **Default value** |**Example value** |
| [where](#comparison-operators) | [w](#comparison-operators) | Complicated where conditions | | `(colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)` <br />[Usage: Comparison operators](#comparison-operators) <br />[Usage: Logical operators](#logical-operators) |
| limit | l | Number of rows to get(SQL limit value) | 10 | 20 |
| offset | o | Offset for pagination(SQL offset value) | 0 | 20 |
| sort | s | Sort by column name, Use `-` as prefix for descending sort | | column_name |
| fields | f | Required column names in result | * | column_name1,column_name2 |
| fields1 | f1 | Required column names in child result | * | column_name1,column_name2 |
#### Comparison operators
eq - '=' - (colName,eq,colValue)
not - '!=' - (colName,ne,colValue)
gt - '>' - (colName,gt,colValue)
ge - '>=' - (colName,ge,colValue)
lt - '<' - (colName,lt,colValue)
le - '<=' - (colName,le,colValue)
is - 'is' - (colName,is,true/false/null)
isnot - 'is not' - (colName,isnot,true/false/null)
in - 'in' - (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
btw - 'between' - (colName,btw,val1,val2)
nbtw - 'not between'- (colName,nbtw,val1,val2)
like - 'like' - (colName,like,%name)
#### Example use of comparison operators - complex example
#### Logical operators
~or - 'or'
~and - 'and'
~not - 'not'
### Examples
#### List
<code-block label="Request" active>
GET /api/v1/country
<code-block label="Response">
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
#### List + where
<code-block label="Request" active>
GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)
<code-block label="Response">
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
"country_id": 103,
"country": "United States",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
<em><a href="#comparison-operators">Usage : comparison operators</a></em>
#### List + where + sort
<code-block label="Request" active>
GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)&sort=-country
<code-block label="Response" active>
country_id: 103,
country: "United States",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 102,
country: "United Kingdom",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 101,
country: "United Arab Emirates",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
#### List + where + sort + offset
##### Request
``` GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)&sort=-country&offset=1```
##### Response
country_id: 102,
country: "United Kingdom",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 101,
country: "United Arab Emirates",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
#### List + limit
##### Request
``` GET /api/v1/country?limit=6```
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 2,
"country": "Algeria",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 3,
"country": "American Samoa",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 4,
"country": "Angola",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 5,
"country": "Anguilla",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 6,
"country": "Argentina",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Get By Primary Key
##### Request
`GET /api/v1/country/1`
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Create
##### Request
POST /api/v1/country
"country": "Afghanistan"
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Update
##### Request
PUT /api/v1/country/1
"country": "Afghanistan1"
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan1",
"last_update": "20020-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Exists
##### Request
```DELETE /api/v1/country/1/exists```
#### Response
### Delete
##### Request
```DELETE /api/v1/country/1```
##### Response
### Find One
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/findOne?where=(country_id,eq,1)```
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Group By
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/groupby/last_update```
##### Response
"count": 109,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"count": 1,
"last_update": "2020-01-06T15:18:13.000Z"
"count": 1,
"last_update": "2020-01-06T14:33:21.000Z"
### Distribution
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/payment/distribution/amount```
##### Response
"count": 8302,
"range": "0-4"
"count": 3100,
"range": "5-8"
"count": 371,
"range": "9-11.99"
### Distinct
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/distinct/last_update```
##### Response
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-06T15:18:13.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-06T14:33:21.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-07T13:42:01.000Z"
### Aggregate
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/payment/aggregate/amount?func=min,max,avg,sum,count```
##### Response
"min": 0,
"max": 11.99,
"avg": 4.200743,
"sum": 67413.52,
"count": 16048
### Count
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/count```
##### Response
"count": 161
### Bulk Insert
##### Request
```POST /api/v1/country/bulk
"country": "test 1"
"country": "test 2"
##### Response
### Bulk Update
##### Request
```PUT /api/v1/country/bulk
"country_id" : 10261,
"country": "test 3"
"country_id" : 10262,
"country": "test 4"
##### Response
### Bulk Delete
##### Request
```DELETE /api/v1/country/bulk
"country_id" : 10261
"country_id" : 10262
##### Response
### With Children
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/has/city```
##### Response
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z",
"city": [
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Children of parent
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/1/city```
##### Response
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Insert to child table
##### Request
```POST /api/v1/country/1/city
"city": "test"
##### Response
"city": "test",
"country_id": "1",
"city_id": 10000
### Findone under parent
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/1/city/findOne?where=(city,like,ka%)```
##### Response
"city": "test",
"country_id": "1",
"city_id": 10000
### Child count
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/1/city/count```
##### Response
"count": 37
### Get Child By Primary key
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/1/city/251```
##### Response
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Update Child By Primary key
##### Request
```POST /api/v1/country/1/city/251
"city": "Kabul-1"
##### Response
### Get parent and chlidren within
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/country/has/city```
##### Response
"city_id": 1,
"city": "sdsdsdsd",
"country_id": 87,
"last_update": "2020-01-02T14:50:49.000Z",
"country": {
"country_id": 87,
"country": "Spain",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Get table and parent class within
##### Request
```GET /api/v1/city/belongs/country```
##### Response
city_id: 1,
city: "A Corua (La Corua)",
country_id: 87,
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:45:25.000Z",
country: {
country_id: 87,
country: "Spain",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"


@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
title: 'Introduction'
description: 'Empower your NuxtJS application with this awesome module.'
position: 1
category: 'Getting started'
version: 1.4
fullscreen: true
menuTitle: 'Intro'
<h1 align="center" style="border-bottom: none">
<a href="">NocoDB </a><br>
✨ The Open Source Airtable Alternative ✨ <br>
<p align="center">
Turns any MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite & MariaDB into a smart-spreadsheet.
<div align="center">
[![Build Status](](
[![Node version](](
<p align="center">
<a href=""><b>Website</b></a>
<a href=""><b>Discord</b></a>
<a href=""><b>Twitter</b></a>
<p align="center">
<img src="static/open-source-airtable-alternative/OpenSourceAirtableAlternative.png" width="100%">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="NocoDB - The Open Source Airtable alternative | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a>
# Quick try
### 1-Click Deploy
<a href="">
alt="Deploy NocoDB to Heroku with 1-Click"
### Using Docker
docker run -d --name nocodb -p 8080:8080 nocodb/nocodb
### Using Npm
npx create-nocodb-app
### Using Git
git clone
cd nocodb-seed
npm install
npm start
### GUI
Access Dashboard using : [http://localhost:8080/dashboard](http://localhost:8080/dashboard)
# Join Our Community
<a href="">
alt="Join NocoDB : Free & Open Source Airtable Alternative"
# Screenshots
<img src="static/nocodb/2.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/1.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/7.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/5.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/6.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/3.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/4.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/11.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/10.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/8.png"/>
<img src="static/nocodb/9.png"/>
# Features
### Rich Spreadsheet Interface
- ⚡ &nbsp;Search, sort, filter, hide columns with uber ease
- ⚡ &nbsp;Create Views : Grid, Gallery, Kanban, Gantt, Form
- ⚡ &nbsp;Share Views : public & password protected
- ⚡ &nbsp;Personal & locked Views
- ⚡ &nbsp;Upload images to cells (Works with S3, Minio, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean, Linode, OVH, BackBlaze)!!
- ⚡ &nbsp;Roles : Owner, Creator, Editor, Commenter, Viewer, Commenter, Custom Roles.
- ⚡ &nbsp;Access Control : Fine-grained access control even at database, table & column level.
### App Store for workflow automations :
- ⚡ &nbsp;Chat : Microsoft Teams, Slack, Discord, Mattermost
- ⚡ &nbsp;Email : SMTP, SES, Mailchimp
- ⚡ &nbsp;SMS : Twilio
- ⚡ &nbsp;Whatsapp
- ⚡ &nbsp;Any 3rd Party APIs
### Programmatic API access via :
- ⚡ &nbsp;REST APIs (Swagger)
- ⚡ &nbsp;GraphQL APIs.
- ⚡ &nbsp;Includes JWT Authentication & Social Auth
- ⚡ &nbsp;API tokens to integrate with Zapier, Integromat.
# Production Setup
NocoDB requires a database to store metadata of spreadsheets views and external databases.
And connection params for this database can be specified in `NC_DB` environment variable.
## Docker
#### Example MySQL
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
-e NC_DB="mysql2://host.docker.internal:3306?u=root&p=password&d=d1" \
-e NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET="569a1821-0a93-45e8-87ab-eb857f20a010" \
#### Example Postgres
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
-e NC_DB="pg://host:port?u=user&p=password&d=database" \
-e NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET="569a1821-0a93-45e8-87ab-eb857f20a010" \
#### Example SQL Server
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
-e NC_DB="mssql://host:port?u=user&p=password&d=database" \
-e NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET="569a1821-0a93-45e8-87ab-eb857f20a010" \
## Docker Compose
git clone
cd docker-compose
cd mysql or pg or mssql
docker-compose up
## Environment variables
| Variable | Mandatory | Comments | If absent |
| NC_DB | Yes | See our database URLs | A local SQLite will be created in root folder |
| DATABASE_URL | No | JDBC URL Format. Can be used instead of NC_DB. Used in 1-Click Heroku deployment| |
| NC_PUBLIC_URL | Yes | Used for sending Email invitations | Best guess from http request params |
| NC_AUTH_JWT_SECRET | Yes | JWT secret used for auth and storing other secrets | A Random secret will be generated |
| NC_SENTRY_DSN | No | For Sentry monitoring | |
| NC_CONNECT_TO_EXTERNAL_DB_DISABLED | No | Disable Project creation with external database | |
| NC_DISABLE_TELE | No | Disable telemetry | |
| NC_BACKEND_URL | No | Custom Backend URL | ``http://localhost:8080`` will be used |
# Running locally
git clone
cd nocodb
# run backend
cd packages/nocodb
npm install
npm run watch:run
# open localhost:8080/dashboard in browser
# run frontend
cd packages/nc-gui
npm install
npm run dev
# open localhost:3000/dashboard in browser
Changes made to code automatically restart.
# Contributing
- Please take a look at ./contribute/
- Ignore adding headers for .json or .md or .yml
# 🎯 Why are we building this ?
Most internet businesses equip themselves with either spreadsheet or a database to solve their business needs. Spreadsheets are used by a Billion+ humans collaboratively every single day. However, we are way off working at similar speeds on databases which are way more powerful tools when it comes to computing. Attempts to solve this with SaaS offerings has meant horrible access controls, vendor lockin, data lockin, abrupt price changes & most importantly a glass ceiling on what's possible in future.
# ❤ Our Mission :
Our mission is to provide the most powerful no-code interface for databases which is open source to every single internet business in the world. This would not only democratise access to a powerful computing tool but also bring forth a billion+ people who will have radical tinkering-and-building abilities on internet.
# Contributors : 🌻🌻🌻🐝🐝
[//]: contributor-faces
<a href=""><img src="" title="Naveen MR" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="Pranav C Balan" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="bvkatwijk" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="markuman" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="DanielRuf" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="bertyhell" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="chocholand" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="0xflotus" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="sguionni" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="extremeshok" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="v2io" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="soaserele" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="ans-4175" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="lotas" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="ferrybig" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="" width="50" height="50"></a>
- - - - - - -
### Has Many - Schema
- Create
* Create a new relation
- Create foreign key in child table
- Update metadata
* Existing
- We need to show existing relation
- Update metadata
- Delete
* Delete virtual field
* Delete virtual field and relation
- HasMany Lookup column
* Rendering
* Adding new child
- Associate an existing child
- Create and add
* Pagination
* Remove child


@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
title: 'Setup and Usage'
description: 'Simple installation - takes about three minutes!'
position: 0
category: 'Getting started'
fullscreen: true
menuTitle: 'Install'
## Simple installation - takes about three minutes!
### Prerequisites
- __Must haves__
* [node.js >= 12]( / [Docker](
* [MySql]( / [Postgres]( / [SQLserver]( / SQLite Database
- Nice to haves
- Existing schemas can help to create APIs quickly.
- An example database schema can be found :<a class="grey--text"
## Quick try
### 1-Click Deploy
<a href="">
alt="Deploy NocoDB to Heroku with 1-Click"
### Node app or docker
<code-block label="NPX" active>
npx create-nocodb-app
<code-block label="Docker" >
docker run -d --name nocodb -p 8080:8080 nocodb/nocodb
<code-block label="Using Git" >
git clone
cd nocodb-seed
npm install
npm start
### Sample app
<code-sandbox :src="link"></code-sandbox>
# Sample Demos
### Docker deploying with one command
<youtube id="K-UEecQyiOk"></youtube>
### Using Npx
<youtube id="v6Nn75P1p7I"></youtube>
### Heroku Deployment
<youtube id="v6Nn75P1p7I"></youtube>


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