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New translations en.json (Basque)

navi 2 years ago
  1. 193


@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"general": {
"home": "Home",
"load": "Load",
"open": "Open",
"close": "Close",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"ok": "OK",
"and": "And",
"or": "Or",
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"remove": "Remove",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"submit": "Submit",
"create": "Create",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"insert": "Insert",
"delete": "Delete",
"update": "Update",
"rename": "Rename",
"reload": "Reload",
"reset": "Reset",
"install": "Install",
"show": "Show",
"hide": "Hide",
"showAll": "Show all",
"hideAll": "Hide all",
"showMore": "Show more",
"showOptions": "Show options",
"hideOptions": "Hide options",
"showMenu": "Show menu",
"hideMenu": "Hide menu",
"addAll": "Add all",
"removeAll": "Remove all",
"signUp": "SIGN UP",
"signIn": "SIGN IN",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"required": "Required",
"home": "Hasiera",
"load": "Kargatu",
"open": "Ireki",
"close": "Itxi",
"yes": "Bai",
"no": "Ez",
"ok": "Ados",
"and": "Eta",
"or": "Edo",
"add": "Gehitu",
"edit": "Editatu",
"remove": "Ezabatu",
"save": "Gorde",
"cancel": "Ezeztatu",
"submit": "Bidali",
"create": "Sortu",
"duplicate": "Bikoiztu",
"insert": "Txertatu",
"delete": "Ezabatu",
"update": "Eguneratu",
"rename": "Berrizendatu",
"reload": "Birkargatu",
"reset": "Berrezarri",
"install": "Instalatu",
"show": "Erakutsi",
"hide": "Ezkutatu",
"showAll": "Dena erakutsi",
"hideAll": "Ezkutatu dena",
"showMore": "Erakutsi gehiago",
"showOptions": "Erakutsi aukerak",
"hideOptions": "Ezkutatu aukerak",
"showMenu": "Menua erakutsi",
"hideMenu": "Ezkutatu menua",
"addAll": "Guztiak gehitu",
"removeAll": "Kendu denak",
"signUp": "IZENA EMAN",
"signIn": "SARTU",
"signOut": "Saioa amaitu",
"required": "Beharrezkoa",
"preferred": "Preferred",
"mandatory": "Mandatory",
"loading": "Loading ...",
"title": "Title",
"upload": "Upload",
"download": "Download",
"default": "Default",
"more": "More",
"less": "Less",
"event": "Event",
"condition": "Condition",
"mandatory": "Derrigorrezkoa",
"loading": "Kargatzen ...",
"title": "Titulua",
"upload": "Igo",
"download": "Deskargatu",
"default": "Lehenetsia",
"more": "Gehiago",
"less": "Gutxiago",
"event": "Gertaera",
"condition": "Baldintza",
"after": "After",
"before": "Before",
"search": "Search",
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@
"role": "Role",
"roles": "Roles",
"roleType": {
"owner": "Owner",
"creator": "Creator",
"editor": "Editor",
"commenter": "Commenter",
"viewer": "Viewer",
"owner": "Jabea",
"creator": "Sortzailea",
"editor": "Editorea",
"commenter": "Iruzkinlaria",
"viewer": "Ikuslea",
"orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator",
"orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer"
@ -119,25 +119,25 @@
"ID": "ID",
"ForeignKey": "Foreign Key",
"SingleLineText": "Single Line Text",
"LongText": "Long Text",
"Attachment": "Attachment",
"Checkbox": "Checkbox",
"MultiSelect": "Multi Select",
"SingleSelect": "Single Select",
"LongText": "Testu luzea",
"Attachment": "Eranskina",
"Checkbox": "Kontrol laukia",
"MultiSelect": "Aukera anitza",
"SingleSelect": "Aukera bakarra",
"Collaborator": "Collaborator",
"Date": "Date",
"Year": "Year",
"Time": "Time",
"PhoneNumber": "Phone Number",
"Email": "Email",
"URL": "URL",
"Number": "Number",
"Decimal": "Decimal",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Percent": "Percent",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Formula": "Formula",
"Date": "Data",
"Year": "Urtea",
"Time": "Ordua",
"PhoneNumber": "Telefono zenbakia",
"Email": "Eposta",
"URL": "URL-a",
"Number": "Zenbakia",
"Decimal": "Dezimala",
"Currency": "Moneta",
"Percent": "Ehunekoa",
"Duration": "Iraupena",
"Rating": "Balorazioa",
"Formula": "Ekuazioa",
"Rollup": "Rollup",
"Count": "Count",
"Lookup": "Lookup",
@ -146,21 +146,21 @@
"LastModifiedTime": "Last Modified Time",
"AutoNumber": "Auto Number",
"Barcode": "Barcode",
"Button": "Button",
"Password": "Password",
"Button": "Botoia",
"Password": "Pasahitza",
"relationProperties": {
"noAction": "No Action",
"noAction": "Ekintzarik ez",
"cascade": "Cascade",
"restrict": "Restrict",
"setNull": "Set NULL",
"setDefault": "Set Default"
"restrict": "Mugatu",
"setNull": "Ezarri NULLa",
"setDefault": "Ezarri lehenetsia"
"filterOperation": {
"isEqual": "is equal",
"isNotEqual": "is not equal",
"isLike": "is like",
"isNot like": "is not like",
"isEqual": "honen berdina da",
"isNotEqual": "ez da honen berdina",
"isLike": "honen antzekoa da",
"isNot like": "ez da honen antzekoa",
"isEmpty": "is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty",
"isNull": "is null",
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@
"teamAndSettings": "Team & Settings",
"apiDocs": "API Docs",
"importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable",
"generateToken": "Generate Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
"helpCenter": "Help center",
"generateToken": "Sortu tokena",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIak & laguntza",
"helpCenter": "Laguntza gunea",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
"quickImport": "Quick Import",
@ -224,17 +224,17 @@
"sqliteFile": "SQLite File",
"hostAddress": "Host Address",
"port": "Port Number",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"username": "Erabiltzaile izena",
"password": "Pasahitza",
"schemaName": "Schema name",
"database": "Database",
"action": "Action",
"actions": "Actions",
"database": "Datu-basea",
"action": "Ekintza",
"actions": "Ekintzak",
"operation": "Operation",
"operationType": "Operation type",
"operationSubType": "Operation sub-type",
"description": "Description",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"description": "Deskribapena",
"authentication": "Autentifikazioa",
"token": "Token",
"where": "Where",
"cache": "Cache",
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
"syncState": "Sync state",
"created": "Created",
"sqlOutput": "SQL Output",
"addOption": "Add option",
"addOption": "Gehitu aukera",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode format",
@ -312,7 +312,9 @@
"signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google",
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url"
"inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row"
"activity": {
"createProject": "Create Project",
@ -629,7 +631,8 @@
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content."
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "No more records"
"error": {
"searchProject": "Your search for {search} found no results",
