Browse Source

fix: moved to table props

sreehari jayaraj 12 months ago
  1. 155


@ -66,7 +66,10 @@ const loadListData = async ($state: any) => {
// const oldPagesCount = currentPage.value || 0
await loadCollaborators()
onMounted(async () => {
await loadCollaborators()
if (prevUsersCount === collaborators.value?.length) {
@ -177,82 +180,80 @@ onMounted(async () => {
<Empty description="$t('title.noMembersFound')" />
<div v-else class="nc-collaborators-list !mt-10 nc-scrollbar-md rounded-md">
<div class="nc-collaborators-list-header bg-gray-50 rounded-t-md">
<div class="flex w-2/5 text-gray-600">{{ $t('objects.users') }}</div>
<div class="flex w-2/5 text-gray-600">{{ $t('title.dateJoined') }}</div>
<div class="flex w-2/5 text-gray-600">{{ $t('general.access') }}</div>
<div class="flex w-2/5 text-gray-600">Added By</div>
<div class="flex w-1/5 text-gray-600">Action</div>
<div v-else class="nc-collaborators-list !mt-10 rounded-md">
<div class="h-200 overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md">
<thead class="bg-gray-50 border-1 h-10">
<th class="text-start w-1/4 text-gray-700">{{ $t('objects.users') }}</th>
<th class="text-start w-1/4 text-gray-700">{{ $t('title.dateJoined') }}</th>
<th class="text-start w-1/4 text-gray-700">{{ $t('general.access') }}</th>
<th class="text-start w-1/4 text-gray-700">Actions</th>
<tr v-for="(collab, i) of collaborators" :key="i" class="border-b-1 py-1 h-14">
<td class="flex gap-3 justify-start items-center h-14 pl-8">
<GeneralUserIcon size="base" :email="" />
<span class="truncate">
{{ }}
<td class="w-1/4 text-center">
{{ timeAgo(collab.created_at) }}
<td class="w-1/4">
<template v-if="accessibleRoles.includes(collab.roles)">
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
isEeUI && collab.workspace_roles && WorkspaceRolesToProjectRoles[collab.workspace_roles]
? WorkspaceRolesToProjectRoles[collab.workspace_roles]
: null
:on-role-change="(role: ProjectRoles) => updateCollaborator(collab, role)"
<template v-else>
<RolesBadge class="!bg-white" :role="collab.roles" />
<td class="w-1/4">
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<NcDropdown v-if="collab.roles !== ProjectRoles.OWNER" :trigger="['click']">
class="border-1 !text-gray-600 h-5.5 w-5.5 rounded outline-0 p-0.5 nc-workspace-menu transform transition-transform !text-gray-400 cursor-pointer hover:(!text-gray-500 bg-gray-100)"
<template #overlay>
<NcMenuItem class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" @click="removeProjectUser(activeProjectId!, collab)">
<MaterialSymbolsDeleteOutlineRounded />
Remove user
<div class="flex flex-col nc-scrollbar-md">
<div v-for="(collab, i) of collaborators" :key="i" class="relative w-full nc-collaborators nc-collaborators-list-row">
<div class="!py-0 w-2/5 email truncate">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<span class="color-band" :style="{ backgroundColor: stringToColour( }">{{
collab?.email?.slice(0, 2)
<!-- <GeneralTruncateText> -->
<span class="truncate">
{{ }}
<!-- </GeneralTruncateText> -->
<div class="text-gray-500 text-xs w-2/5 created-at truncate">
{{ timeAgo(collab.created_at) }}
<div class="w-2/5 roles">
<div class="nc-collaborator-role-select p-2">
<template v-if="accessibleRoles.includes(collab.roles)">
isEeUI && collab.workspace_roles && WorkspaceRolesToProjectRoles[collab.workspace_roles]
? WorkspaceRolesToProjectRoles[collab.workspace_roles]
: null
:on-role-change="(role: ProjectRoles) => updateCollaborator(collab, role)"
<template v-else>
<RolesBadge class="!bg-white" :role="collab.roles" />
<InfiniteLoading v-bind="$attrs" @infinite="loadListData">
<template #spinner>
<div class="flex flex-row w-full justify-center mt-2">
<GeneralLoader />
<!-- TODO: add option to view added-by when API is ready -->
<!-- <div class="w-2/5"></div> -->
<div class="w-2/5 pl-5">
<NcDropdown v-if="collab.roles !== ProjectRoles.OWNER" :trigger="['click']">
class="border-1 !text-gray-600 h-5.5 w-5.5 rounded outline-0 p-0.5 nc-workspace-menu transform transition-transform !text-gray-400 cursor-pointer hover:(!text-gray-500 bg-gray-100)"
<template #overlay>
<NcMenuItem class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" @click="removeProjectUser(activeProjectId!, collab)">
<MaterialSymbolsDeleteOutlineRounded />
Remove user
<InfiniteLoading v-bind="$attrs" @infinite="loadListData">
<template #spinner>
<div class="flex flex-row w-full justify-center mt-2">
<GeneralLoader />
<template #complete>
<template #complete>
<!-- </div> -->
@ -263,21 +264,21 @@ onMounted(async () => {
.nc-collaborators-list {
@apply border-2 shadow-sm border-gray-100 mt-1 flex flex-col w-full;
@apply border-1 shadow-sm border-gray-100 mt-1 flex flex-col w-full;
// todo: replace/remove 120px with proper value while updating invite ui
height: calc(100vh - calc(var(--topbar-height) + 9rem + 120px));
.nc-collaborators-list-header {
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-10 border-b-2 shadow-sm border-gray-100 pl-4;
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-10 border-b-1 border-gray-100 pl-4;
.nc-collaborators-list-row {
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-16 border-b-2 shadow-sm border-gray-100 pl-4;
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-16 border-b-1 border-gray-100 pl-4;
.color-band {
@apply w-6 h-6 left-0 top-[10px] rounded-full flex justify-center uppercase text-white font-weight-bold text-xs items-center;
@apply w-6 h-6 left-0 top-2.5 rounded-full flex justify-center uppercase text-white font-weight-bold text-xs items-center;
:deep(.nc-collaborator-role-select .ant-select-selector) {
