diff --git a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json index e93d48f62c..61b37fbc8a 100644 --- a/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json +++ b/packages/nc-gui/lang/sl.json @@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ "renameTable": "Preimenuj tabele", "deleteTable": "Tabela Delete.", "addField": "V to tabelo dodajte novo polje", + "setDisplay": "Set as Display value", "addRow": "Dodaj novo vrstico", "saveRow": "Shrani vrstico", "saveAndExit": "Shranjevanje in izhod", @@ -630,6 +631,11 @@ "deleteViewConfirmation": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta pogled?", "deleteTableConfirmation": "Ali želite izbrisati tabelo", "showM2mTables": "Prikaži tabele M2M", + "showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.", + "showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells", + "showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.", + "showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter", + "showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.", "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Z brisanjem tega sklada se odstrani tudi možnost izbire `{stackToBeDeleted}` iz `{groupingField}`. Zapisi se bodo premaknili v kup nekategoriziranih zapisov.", "computedFieldEditWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Uporabite meni za urejanje stolpcev, da ponovno konfigurirate", "computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Vsebine ni mogoče izbrisati.",