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Merge pull request #5123 from nocodb/l10n_develop_2

New Crowdin updates
Pranav C 2 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
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@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "إعادة تسمية الجدول",
"deleteTable": "حذف الجدول",
"addField": "إضافة حقل جديد إلى هذا الجدول",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "إضافة صف جديد",
"saveRow": "حفظ الصف",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذا العرض؟",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "هل تريد حذف الجدول",
"showM2mTables": "إظهار جداول M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "টিল নম পরিবরতন",
"deleteTable": "टबल मि",
"addField": "এই টি নতন কর যত করন",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "নতন সিত করন",
"saveRow": "সিরকষণ করন",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Přejmenování tabulky",
"deleteTable": "Tabulka Odstranit",
"addField": "Přidání nového pole do této tabulky",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Přidat nový řádek",
"saveRow": "Uložit řádek",
"saveAndExit": "Uložit a odejít",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Opravdu chcete toto zobrazení odstranit?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Chcete odstranit tabulku",
"showM2mTables": "Zobrazit tabulky M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Odstraněním tohoto zásobníku se také odstraní možnost výběru `{stackToBeDeleted}` z `{groupingField}`. Záznamy se přesunou do zásobníku nezařazených záznamů.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Vypočtené pole: obsah je určen pouze pro čtení. Ke změně konfigurace sloupce použijte nabídku úprav sloupce",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Vypočtené pole: obsah je určen pouze pro čtení. Nelze vymazat obsah.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Bord omdøb",
"deleteTable": "TABEL DELETE.",
"addField": "Tilføj nyt felt til denne tabel",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Tilføj ny række",
"saveRow": "Gem ro",
"saveAndExit": "Gem og afslutning",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne visning?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ønsker du at slette tabellen",
"showM2mTables": "Vis M2M-tabeller",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Hvis du sletter denne stak, fjernes også valgmuligheden `{stackToBeDeleted}` fra `{groupingField}`. Posterne vil blive flyttet til stakken \"uncategorized\".",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Beregnet felt: indholdet er skrivebeskyttet. Brug kolonne-redigeringsmenuen til at omkonfigurere",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Beregnet felt: indholdet er skrivebeskyttet. Det er ikke muligt at slette indholdet.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabelle umbenennen",
"deleteTable": "Tabelle löschen",
"addField": "Neues Feld zu dieser Tabelle hinzufügen",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Neue Zeile hinzufügen",
"saveRow": "Zeile speichern",
"saveAndExit": "Speichern & Verlassen",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Ansicht löschen möchten?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Möchten Sie die Tabelle löschen",
"showM2mTables": "M2M Tabellen anzeigen",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Wenn Sie diesen Stapel löschen, wird auch die Auswahloption \"{stackToBeDeleted}\" von der Seite \"{groupingField}\" entfernt. Die Datensätze werden in den nicht kategorisierten Stapel verschoben.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Berechnetes Feld: Der Inhalt ist schreibgeschützt. Verwenden Sie das Menü \"Spalten bearbeiten\", um das Feld neu zu konfigurieren.",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Berechnetes Feld: Inhalt ist schreibgeschützt. Inhalt kann nicht gelöscht werden.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Cambiar el nombre de la tabla",
"deleteTable": "Borrar tabla",
"addField": "Añadir nuevo campo a esta tabla",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Añadir nueva fila",
"saveRow": "Grabar la fila",
"saveAndExit": "Guardar y salir",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta vista?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "¿Desea eliminar la tabla",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar tablas M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Al eliminar esta pila también se eliminará la opción de selección `{stackToBeDeleted}` de la `{groupingField}`. Los registros pasarán a la pila de no categorizados.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo calculado: el contenido es de sólo lectura. Utilice el menú de edición de columnas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo calculado: el contenido es de sólo lectura. No se puede borrar el contenido.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Table Rename",
"deleteTable": "Table Delete",
"addField": "Add new field to this table",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Add new row",
"saveRow": "Save row",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "تغییر نام جدول",
"deleteTable": "حذف جدول",
"addField": "اضافه کردن فیلد جدید به این جدول",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "اضافه کردن ردیف جدید",
"saveRow": "دخیره ردیف",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Taulukko uudelleen",
"deleteTable": "Taulukko poistaa",
"addField": "Lisää uusi kenttä tähän taulukkoon",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Lisää uusi rivi",
"saveRow": "Tallenna rivi",
"saveAndExit": "Tallenna & poistu",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän näkymän?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Haluatko poistaa taulukon",
"showM2mTables": "Näytä M2M-taulukot",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Tämän pinon poistaminen poistaa myös valintavaihtoehdon `{stackToBeDeleted}` valikosta `{groupingField}`. Tietueet siirtyvät luokittelemattomaan pinoon.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Laskettu kenttä: sisältö on vain luettavissa. Käytä sarakkeen muokkausvalikkoa uudelleenmäärittämiseen",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Laskettu kenttä: sisältö on vain luettavissa. Sisältöä ei voi tyhjentää.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Renommer le tableau",
"deleteTable": "Supprimer le tableau",
"addField": "Ajouter un nouveau champ à ce tableau",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Ajouter une nouvelle ligne",
"saveRow": "Enregistrer la ligne",
"saveAndExit": "Enregistrer et quitter",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer cette vue ?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Voulez-vous supprimer ce tableau",
"showM2mTables": "Afficher les tables plusieurs à plusieurs",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "La suppression de cette pile entraînera également la suppression de l'option de sélection `{stackToBeDeleted}` de la pile `{groupingField}`. Les enregistrements seront déplacés vers la pile non catégorisée.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Champ calculé : le contenu est en lecture seule. Utilisez le menu d'édition des colonnes pour reconfigurer",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Champ calculé : le contenu est en lecture seule. Impossible d'effacer le contenu.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "שולחן שינוי שם",
"deleteTable": "טבלה מחיקה",
"addField": "הוסף שדה חדש לטבלה זו",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "הוסף שורה חדשה",
"saveRow": "שמור שורה",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "तिम",
"deleteTable": "टबल मि",
"addField": "इस ति नयड ज",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "नई पि",
"saveRow": "पि सह",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Preimenovati stolom",
"deleteTable": "Obriši tablicu",
"addField": "Dodajte novo polje na ovu tablicu",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Dodaj novi red",
"saveRow": "Spremanje retka",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Ganti nama meja",
"deleteTable": "Table Delete.",
"addField": "Tambahkan bidang baru ke tabel ini",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Tambahkan baris baru",
"saveRow": "Hemat Baris",
"saveAndExit": "Simpan & Keluar",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus tampilan ini?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus tabel",
"showM2mTables": "Tampilkan Tabel M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Menghapus tumpukan ini juga akan menghapus opsi pilihan `{stackToBeDeleted}` dari `{groupingField}`. Catatan akan berpindah ke tumpukan yang tidak dikategorikan.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Bidang yang dihitung: isinya hanya dapat dibaca. Gunakan menu edit kolom untuk mengkonfigurasi ulang",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Bidang yang dihitung: isinya hanya dapat dibaca. Tidak dapat menghapus konten.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Rinomina tabella",
"deleteTable": "Elimina tabella",
"addField": "Aggiungi un nuovo campo a questa tabella",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Aggiungi nuova riga",
"saveRow": "Salva riga",
"saveAndExit": "Salvare e uscire",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "È sicuro di voler eliminare questa vista?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vuole eliminare la tabella",
"showM2mTables": "Mostra tabelle M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "L'eliminazione di questa pila rimuoverà anche l'opzione di selezione `{stackToBeDeleted}` da `{groupingField}`. I record si sposteranno nella pila non categorizzata.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo calcolato: il contenuto è di sola lettura. Utilizzi il menu di modifica della colonna per riconfigurare",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo calcolato: il contenuto è di sola lettura. Impossibile cancellare il contenuto.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "テーブル名の変更",
"deleteTable": "テーブルを削除",
"addField": "新しいフィールドを追加",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "行を追加",
"saveRow": "行を保存",
"saveAndExit": "保存して終了",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "このビューを本当に削除しますか?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "テーブルを削除しますか?",
"showM2mTables": "M2Mテーブルを表示する",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "スタックを削除すると、`{stackToBeDeleted}`から選択肢`{groupingField}`も削除されます。レコードは未分類スタックに移動します。",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "計算フィールド: コンテンツは読み取り専用です。列編集メニューを使用して再設定してください。",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "計算フィールド: コンテンツは読み取り専用です。コンテンツを消去できません。",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "테이블 이름 바꾸기",
"deleteTable": "테이블 삭제",
"addField": "테이블에 새 필드 추가",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "행 추가",
"saveRow": "행 저장",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabulas pārdēvēšana",
"deleteTable": "Tabulas dzēšana",
"addField": "Jauna lauka pievienošana",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Pievienot ierakstu",
"saveRow": "Saglabāt ierakstu",
"saveAndExit": "Saglabāt un iziet",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Vai esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties dzēst šo skatījumu?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vai vēlaties izdzēst tabulu",
"showM2mTables": "Rādīt M2M tabulas",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Dzēšot šo kaudzīti, no `{groupingField}` tiks noņemta arī atlases opcija `{stackToBeDeleted}`. Ieraksti tiks pārvietoti uz neklasificēto kaudzi.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Izmantojiet kolonnas rediģēšanas izvēlni, lai mainītu konfigurāciju",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izrēķināts lauks: saturs ir tikai lasāms. Nevar dzēst saturu.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabel hernoemen",
"deleteTable": "Tabel verwijderen",
"addField": "Voeg nieuw veld toe aan deze tabel",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Nieuwe rij toevoegen",
"saveRow": "Sla rij op",
"saveAndExit": "Opslaan en afsluiten",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u deze weergave wilt verwijderen?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Wilt u de tabel verwijderen",
"showM2mTables": "Toon M2M-tabellen",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Door deze stapel te verwijderen wordt ook de selectieoptie `{stackToBeDeleted}` van de `{groupingField}` verwijderd. De records worden verplaatst naar de ongecategoriseerde stapel.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Berekend veld: de inhoud is alleen leesbaar. Gebruik het kolombewerkingsmenu om opnieuw te configureren",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Berekend veld: inhoud is alleen-lezen. Kan inhoud niet wissen.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabell omdøpe",
"deleteTable": "Bordet slett",
"addField": "Legg til nytt felt i denne tabellen",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Legg til ny rad",
"saveRow": "Lagre rad",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Zmień nazwę tabeli.",
"deleteTable": "Usuń tabelę",
"addField": "Dodaj nowe pole do tej tabeli",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Dodaj nowy rząd",
"saveRow": "Zapisz wiersz",
"saveAndExit": "Zapisz i wyjdź",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten widok?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Czy chcesz usunąć tabelę",
"showM2mTables": "Pokaż tabele M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Usunięcie tego stosu spowoduje również usunięcie wybranej opcji `{stackToBeDeleted}` z `{groupingField}`. Rekordy przeniosą się do nieskategoryzowanego stosu.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Pole obliczeniowe: zawartość jest tylko do odczytu. Do rekonfiguracji należy użyć menu edycji kolumny",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Pole obliczeniowe: zawartość jest tylko do odczytu. Nie można wyczyścić zawartości.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabela Renomear",
"deleteTable": "Tabela Delete.",
"addField": "Adicionar novo campo a esta tabela",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Adicionar nova linha",
"saveRow": "Salvar linha",
"saveAndExit": "Salvar & Sair",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer apagar esta vista?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Deseja apagar a tabela",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar Mesas M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "A eliminação desta pilha irá também remover a opção seleccionada `{stackToBeDeleted}` do `{groupingField}`. Os registos serão movidos para a pilha não categorizada.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Utilizar o menu de edição de colunas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Incapaz de limpar o conteúdo.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabela Renomear",
"deleteTable": "Tabela Delete.",
"addField": "Adicionar novo campo a esta tabela",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Adicionar nova linha",
"saveRow": "Salvar linha",
"saveAndExit": "Salvar & Sair",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer apagar esta vista?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Deseja apagar a tabela",
"showM2mTables": "Mostrar Mesas M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "A eliminação desta pilha irá também remover a opção seleccionada `{stackToBeDeleted}` do `{groupingField}`. Os registos serão movidos para a pilha não categorizada.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Utilizar o menu de edição de colunas para reconfigurar",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Campo computorizado: o conteúdo é apenas de leitura. Incapaz de limpar o conteúdo.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Переименовать таблицу",
"deleteTable": "Удалить таблицу",
"addField": "Добавить новое поле в эту таблицу",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Добавить новую строку",
"saveRow": "Сохранить строку",
"saveAndExit": "Сохранить и выйти",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Вы действительно хотите удалить это представление?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Вы действительно хотите удалить эту таблицу",
"showM2mTables": "Показать таблицы M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Удаление этого стека также удалит опцию выбора `{stackToBeDeleted}` из `{groupingField}`. Записи переместятся в стек без категории.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Вычисляемое поле: содержимое доступно только для чтения. Используйте меню редактирования столбцов для изменения конфигурации",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Вычисляемое поле: содержимое доступно только для чтения. Невозможно очистить содержимое.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Premenovanie tabuľky",
"deleteTable": "Tabuľka Vymazať",
"addField": "Pridanie nového poľa do tejto tabuľky",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Pridanie nového riadku",
"saveRow": "Uložiť riadok",
"saveAndExit": "Uložiť a ukončiť",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ste si istí, že chcete toto zobrazenie odstrániť?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Chcete odstrániť tabuľku",
"showM2mTables": "Zobraziť tabuľky M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Odstránením tohto zásobníka sa odstráni aj možnosť výberu `{stackToBeDeleted}` z `{groupingField}`. Záznamy sa presunú do zásobníka bez kategórií.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Vypočítané pole: obsah je len na čítanie. Na zmenu konfigurácie použite ponuku úprav stĺpcov",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Vypočítané pole: obsah je len na čítanie. Nie je možné vymazať obsah.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Preimenuj tabele",
"deleteTable": "Tabela Delete.",
"addField": "V to tabelo dodajte novo polje",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Dodaj novo vrstico",
"saveRow": "Shrani vrstico",
"saveAndExit": "Shranjevanje in izhod",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta pogled?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ali želite izbrisati tabelo",
"showM2mTables": "Prikaži tabele M2M",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Z brisanjem tega sklada se odstrani tudi možnost izbire `{stackToBeDeleted}` iz `{groupingField}`. Zapisi se bodo premaknili v kup nekategoriziranih zapisov.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Uporabite meni za urejanje stolpcev, da ponovno konfigurirate",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Izračunano polje: vsebina je namenjena samo branju. Vsebine ni mogoče izbrisati.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Bordsbyte",
"deleteTable": "Bord radera",
"addField": "Lägg till nytt fält till den här tabellen",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Lägg till ny rad",
"saveRow": "Spara rad",
"saveAndExit": "Spara och avsluta",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort den här vyn?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Vill du radera tabellen?",
"showM2mTables": "Visa M2M-tabeller",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Om du raderar denna stapel kommer även alternativet \"{stackToBeDeleted}\" att tas bort från \"{groupingField}\". Posterna kommer att flyttas till stapeln \"uncategorized\".",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Beräknat fält: innehållet är skrivskyddat. Använd kolumnredigeringsmenyn för att konfigurera om.",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Beräknat fält: innehållet är skrivskyddat. Det går inte att rensa innehållet.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "ตารางเปลยนชอ",
"deleteTable": "ลบตาราง",
"addField": "เพมฟลดใหมลงในตารางน",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "เพมแถวใหม",
"saveRow": "บนทกแถว",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Tabloyu Yeniden Adlandır",
"deleteTable": "Tabloyu Sil",
"addField": "Tabloya yeni alan ekle",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Yeni satır ekle",
"saveRow": "Satırı kaydet",
"saveAndExit": "Kaydet ve Çık",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Bu görünümü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Tabloyu silmek istiyor musunuz",
"showM2mTables": "M2M Tablolarını Göster",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Bu yığının silinmesi `{stackToBeDeleted}` seçim seçeneğini `{groupingField}` adresinden de kaldıracaktır. Kayıtlar kategorize edilmemiş yığına taşınacaktır.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Hesaplanan alan: içerik salt okunurdur. Yeniden yapılandırmak için sütun düzenleme menüsünü kullanın",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Hesaplanan alan: içerik salt okunurdur. İçerik temizlenemiyor.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Перейменувати таблицю",
"deleteTable": "Видалити таблицю",
"addField": "Додати нове поле до цієї таблиці",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Додати новий рядок",
"saveRow": "Зберегти рядок",
"saveAndExit": "Зберегти та вийти",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей вигляд?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Ви хочете видалити таблицю",
"showM2mTables": "Показати M2M таблиці",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Видалення цього стека також вилучить опцію вибору `{stackToBeDeleted}` зі стека `{groupingField}`. Записи буде переміщено до не категоризованого стека.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Обчислюване поле: вміст доступний лише для читання. Використовуйте меню редагування стовпця для зміни конфігурації",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Обчислюване поле: вміст доступний лише для читання. Не вдалося очистити вміст.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "Đổi tên bảng.",
"deleteTable": "Bảng xóa",
"addField": "Thêm trường mới vào bảng này",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "Thêm hàng mới",
"saveRow": "Lưu hàng.",
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "重命名表格",
"deleteTable": "删除表格",
"addField": "添加新字段",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "添加新行",
"saveRow": "保存行",
"saveAndExit": "保存并退出",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "您确定要删除此视图?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "您想要删除该表吗?",
"showM2mTables": "显示中间表",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "删除这个类别标签也将从 \"{groupingField}\"中删除选择选项 \"{stackToBeDeleted}\"。这类记录将移到未分类的类别中。",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",


@ -380,6 +380,7 @@
"renameTable": "表重命名",
"deleteTable": "表刪除",
"addField": "將新字段添加到此表",
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value",
"addRow": "新增行",
"saveRow": "儲存行",
"saveAndExit": "儲存並結束",
@ -630,6 +631,11 @@
"deleteViewConfirmation": "是否確定要刪除此檢視?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "你想刪除此資料表",
"showM2mTables": "顯示多對多資料表",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
