mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
3 months ago
4 changed files with 98 additions and 16 deletions
@ -1,18 +1,104 @@
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' |
const { navigateToFeed } = useWorkspace() |
const { loadFeed } = useProductFeed() |
const isNewFeedAvailable = ref(true) |
const checkNewFeed = async () => { |
const feed = await loadFeed({ type: 'all', loadMore: false }) |
if (!feed.length) return |
const gotoFeed = async () => { |
await navigateToFeed() |
const [latestFeed] = feed |
const lastFeedTime = localStorage.getItem('lastFeedPublishedTime') |
const lastFeed = dayjs(lastFeedTime) |
if (!lastFeed.isValid() || dayjs(latestFeed['Published Time']).isAfter(lastFeed)) { |
isNewFeedAvailable.value = true |
localStorage.setItem('lastFeedPublishedTime', latestFeed['Published Time']) |
} |
} |
onMounted(checkNewFeed) |
const gotoFeed = () => navigateToFeed() |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="px-2 py-2"> |
<div class="px-2 feed-btn py-2"> |
<div class="flex items-center py-1.5 cursor-pointer px-3 hover:bg-gray-100 bg-[#F0F3FF] rounded-md gap-3" @click="gotoFeed"> |
<GeneralIcon class="text-yellow-500" icon="magic" /> |
<span class="text-[#2952CC] font-semibold"> What’s New! </span> |
<span class="text-[#2952CC] font-semibold">What’s New!</span> |
<svg |
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'animation-active': isNewFeedAvailable, |
}" |
class="sparkle text-yellow-500 w-4 h-4" |
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d="M14.187 8.096L15 5.25L15.813 8.096C16.0231 8.83114 16.4171 9.50062 16.9577 10.0413C17.4984 10.5819 18.1679 10.9759 18.903 11.186L21.75 12L18.904 12.813C18.1689 13.0231 17.4994 13.4171 16.9587 13.9577C16.4181 14.4984 16.0241 15.1679 15.814 15.903L15 18.75L14.187 15.904C13.9769 15.1689 13.5829 14.4994 13.0423 13.9587C12.5016 13.4181 11.8321 13.0241 11.097 12.814L8.25 12L11.096 11.187C11.8311 10.9769 12.5006 10.5829 13.0413 10.0423C13.5819 9.50162 13.9759 8.83214 14.186 8.097L14.187 8.096Z" |
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stroke-linecap="round" |
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animation-duration: 0.6s; |
animation: bounce 2s infinite !important; |
transition: color var(--transition); |
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35%, |
65% { |
scale: var(--scale); |
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Reference in new issue