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feat(nocodb): setUtcTimezone logic

Wing-Kam Wong 1 year ago
  1. 40


@ -1757,8 +1757,6 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
let response;
// const driver = trx ? trx : this.dbDriver;
await this.setUtcTimezoneForPg();
const query = this.dbDriver(this.tnPath).insert(insertObj);
if ((this.isPg || this.isMssql) && this.model.primaryKey) {
@ -1896,8 +1894,6 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
const prevData = await this.readByPk(id);
await this.setUtcTimezoneForPg();
const query = this.dbDriver(this.tnPath)
.where(await this._wherePk(id));
@ -2158,8 +2154,6 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
// refer :
const chunkSize = this.isSqlite ? 10 : _chunkSize;
await this.setUtcTimezoneForPg();
const trx = await this.dbDriver.transaction();
if (!foreign_key_checks) {
@ -2170,6 +2164,10 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
// set the session timezone
// see the comments in function for details
await this.setUtcTimezone(trx);
const response =
this.isPg || this.isMssql
? await trx
@ -2229,10 +2227,12 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
await this.setUtcTimezoneForPg();
transaction = await this.dbDriver.transaction();
// set the session timezone
// see the comments in function for details
await this.setUtcTimezone(transaction);
for (const o of toBeUpdated) {
await transaction(this.tnPath).update(o.d).where(o.wherePk);
@ -3197,6 +3197,11 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
} else {
query = sanitize(query);
// set the session timezone
// see the comments in function for details
await this.setUtcTimezone(this.dbDriver);
let data =
this.isPg || this.isSnowflake
? (await this.dbDriver.raw(query))?.rows
@ -3343,12 +3348,19 @@ class BaseModelSqlv2 {
return data;
// SET TIME ZONE only works for the current session
// trigger before insert / update
// TODO: refactor - maybe there is a better approach
private async setUtcTimezoneForPg() {
if (this.isPg) {
await this.dbDriver.raw(`SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'`);
private async setUtcTimezone(knex) {
if (this.isMySQL) {
// MySQL stores timestamp in UTC but display in timezone
// To verify the timezone, run `SELECT @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;`
// If it's SYSTEM, then the timezone is read from the configuration file
// if a timezone is set in a DB, the retrieved value would be converted to the corresponding timezone
// for example, let's say the global timezone is +08:00 in DB
// the value 2023-01-01 10:00:00 (UTC) would display as 2023-01-01 18:00:00 (UTC+8)
// our existing logic is based on UTC, during the query, we need to take the UTC value
// hence, set the session timezone here
await knex.raw(`SET SESSION time_zone = '+00:00';`);
} else if (this.isPg) {
await knex.raw(`SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'`);
