<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
type ColumnReqType,
type ColumnType,
} from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { PlanLimitTypes, RelationTypes, UITypes, isLinksOrLTAR, isSupportedDisplayValueColumn, isSystemColumn } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { SmartsheetStoreEvents, isColumnInvalid } from '#imports'
const props = defineProps<{ virtual?: boolean; isOpen: boolean; isHiddenCol?: boolean }>()
const emit = defineEmits(['edit', 'addColumn', 'update:isOpen'])
const virtual = toRef(props, 'virtual')
const isOpen = useVModel(props, 'isOpen', emit)
const { eventBus, allFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow()
const column = inject(ColumnInj)
const reloadDataHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj)
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref())
const isLocked = inject(IsLockedInj)
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const isExpandedForm = inject(IsExpandedFormOpenInj, ref(false))
const { insertSort } = useViewSorts(view, () => reloadDataHook?.trigger())
const { $api, $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const { getMeta } = useMetas()
const { addUndo, defineModelScope, defineViewScope } = useUndoRedo()
const showDeleteColumnModal = ref(false)
const { gridViewCols } = useViewColumnsOrThrow()
const { fieldsToGroupBy, groupByLimit } = useViewGroupByOrThrow(view)
const { isUIAllowed, isMetaReadOnly, isDataReadOnly } = useRoles()
const { aiIntegrations } = useNocoAi()
const isLoading = ref<'' | 'hideOrShow' | 'setDisplay'>('')
const columnInvalid = computed<{ isInvalid: boolean; tooltip: string }>(() => {
if (!column?.value) {
return {
isInvalid: false,
tooltip: '',
return isColumnInvalid(column.value, aiIntegrations.value, isPublic.value || !isUIAllowed('dataEdit'))
const setAsDisplayValue = async () => {
isLoading.value = 'setDisplay'
try {
const currentDisplayValue = meta?.value?.columns?.find((f) => f.pv)
isOpen.value = false
await $api.dbTableColumn.primaryColumnSet(column?.value?.id as string)
await getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true)
// Successfully updated as primary column
// message.success(t('msg.success.primaryColumnUpdated'))
redo: {
fn: async (id: string) => {
await $api.dbTableColumn.primaryColumnSet(id)
await getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true)
// Successfully updated as primary column
// message.success(t('msg.success.primaryColumnUpdated'))
args: [column?.value?.id as string],
undo: {
fn: async (id: string) => {
await $api.dbTableColumn.primaryColumnSet(id)
await getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true)
// Successfully updated as primary column
// message.success(t('msg.success.primaryColumnUpdated'))
args: [currentDisplayValue?.id],
scope: defineModelScope({ model: meta.value }),
} catch (e) {
} finally {
isLoading.value = ''
const sortByColumn = async (direction: 'asc' | 'desc') => {
await insertSort({
column: column!.value,
const isDuplicateDlgOpen = ref(false)
const selectedColumnExtra = ref<any>()
const duplicateDialogRef = ref<any>()
const duplicateVirtualColumn = async () => {
let columnCreatePayload = {}
// generate duplicate column title
const duplicateColumnTitle = getUniqueColumnName(`${column!.value.title} copy`, meta!.value!.columns!)
columnCreatePayload = {
...(column!.value.colOptions ?? {}),
title: duplicateColumnTitle,
column_name: duplicateColumnTitle.replace(/\s/g, '_'),
id: undefined,
colOptions: undefined,
order: undefined,
system: false,
try {
const gridViewColumnList = (await $api.dbViewColumn.list(view.value?.id as string)).list
const currentColumnIndex = gridViewColumnList.findIndex((f) => f.fk_column_id === column!.value.id)
let newColumnOrder
if (currentColumnIndex === gridViewColumnList.length - 1) {
newColumnOrder = gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + 1
} else {
newColumnOrder = (gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex + 1].order!) / 2
await $api.dbTableColumn.create(meta!.value!.id!, {
pv: false,
view_id: view.value!.id as string,
column_order: {
order: newColumnOrder,
view_id: view.value!.id as string,
} as ColumnReqType)
await getMeta(meta!.value!.id!, true)
// message.success(t('msg.success.columnDuplicated'))
} catch (e) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
// closing dropdown
isOpen.value = false
const openDuplicateDlg = async () => {
if (!column?.value) return
if (
column.value.uidt &&
].includes(column.value.uidt as UITypes)
) {
} else {
const gridViewColumnList = (await $api.dbViewColumn.list(view.value?.id as string)).list
const currentColumnIndex = gridViewColumnList.findIndex((f) => f.fk_column_id === column!.value.id)
let newColumnOrder
if (currentColumnIndex === gridViewColumnList.length - 1) {
newColumnOrder = gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + 1
} else {
newColumnOrder = (gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex + 1].order!) / 2
selectedColumnExtra.value = {
pv: false,
view_id: view.value!.id as string,
column_order: {
order: newColumnOrder,
view_id: view.value!.id as string,
if (column.value.uidt === UITypes.Formula || column.value.uidt === UITypes.Button) {
nextTick(() => {
} else {
isDuplicateDlgOpen.value = true
isOpen.value = false
// add column before or after current column
const addColumn = async (before = false) => {
const gridViewColumnList = (await $api.dbViewColumn.list(view.value?.id as string)).list
const currentColumnIndex = gridViewColumnList.findIndex((f) => f.fk_column_id === column!.value.id)
let newColumnOrder
if (before) {
if (currentColumnIndex === 0) {
newColumnOrder = gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order / 2
} else {
newColumnOrder = (gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex - 1]?.order) / 2
} else {
if (currentColumnIndex === gridViewColumnList.length - 1) {
newColumnOrder = gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order + 1
} else {
newColumnOrder = (gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex].order! + gridViewColumnList[currentColumnIndex + 1]?.order) / 2
emit('addColumn', {
column_order: {
order: newColumnOrder,
view_id: view.value?.id as string,
// hide the field in view
const hideOrShowField = async () => {
isLoading.value = 'hideOrShow'
const gridViewColumnList = (await $api.dbViewColumn.list(view.value?.id as string)).list
const currentColumn = gridViewColumnList.find((f) => f.fk_column_id === column!.value.id)
const promises = [$api.dbViewColumn.update(view.value!.id!, currentColumn!.id!, { show: !currentColumn.show })]
if (isExpandedForm.value) {
promises.push(getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true))
await Promise.all(promises)
if (!currentColumn.show) {
redo: {
fn: async function redo(id: string, show: boolean) {
const promises = [$api.dbViewColumn.update(view.value!.id!, id, { show: !show })]
if (isExpandedForm.value) {
promises.push(getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true))
await Promise.all(promises)
if (!show) {
args: [currentColumn!.id, currentColumn.show],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(id: string, show: boolean) {
const promises = [$api.dbViewColumn.update(view.value!.id!, id, { show })]
if (isExpandedForm.value) {
promises.push(getMeta(meta?.value?.id as string, true))
await Promise.all(promises)
if (show) {
args: [currentColumn!.id, currentColumn.show],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: view.value }),
isLoading.value = ''
const handleDelete = () => {
// closing the dropdown
// when modal opens
isOpen.value = false
showDeleteColumnModal.value = true
const onEditPress = (event?: MouseEvent, enableDescription = false) => {
isOpen.value = false
emit('edit', event, enableDescription)
const onInsertBefore = () => {
isOpen.value = false
const onInsertAfter = () => {
isOpen.value = false
const isDeleteAllowed = computed(() => {
return column?.value && !column.value.system
const isDuplicateAllowed = computed(() => {
return (
column?.value &&
!column.value.system &&
((!isMetaReadOnly.value && !isDataReadOnly.value) || readonlyMetaAllowedTypes.includes(column.value?.uidt)) &&
const isFilterSupported = computed(
() =>
!!(meta.value?.columns || []).find(
(f) => f.id === column?.value?.id && ![UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Barcode, UITypes.Button].includes(f.uidt),
const isSortSupported = computed(
() => !!(meta.value?.columns || []).find((f) => f.id === column?.value?.id && ![UITypes.Button].includes(f.uidt)),
const { getPlanLimit } = useWorkspace()
const isFilterLimitExceeded = computed(
() =>
allFilters.value.filter((f) => !(f.is_group || f.status === 'delete')).length >= getPlanLimit(PlanLimitTypes.FILTER_LIMIT),
const isGroupedByThisField = computed(() => !!gridViewCols.value[column?.value?.id]?.group_by)
const isGroupBySupported = computed(() => !!(fieldsToGroupBy.value || []).find((f) => f.id === column?.value?.id))
const isGroupByLimitExceeded = computed(() => {
const groupBy = Object.values(gridViewCols.value).filter((c) => c.group_by)
return !(fieldsToGroupBy.value.length && fieldsToGroupBy.value.length > groupBy.length && groupBy.length < groupByLimit)
const filterOrGroupByThisField = (event: SmartsheetStoreEvents) => {
if (column?.value) {
eventBus.emit(event, column.value)
isOpen.value = false
const isColumnUpdateAllowed = computed(() => {
if (isMetaReadOnly.value && !readonlyMetaAllowedTypes.includes(column.value?.uidt)) return false
return true
const isColumnEditAllowed = computed(() => {
if (
isMetaReadOnly.value &&
!readonlyMetaAllowedTypes.includes(column.value?.uidt) &&
return false
return true
// check if the column is associated as foreign key in any of the link column
const linksAssociated = computed(() => {
return meta.value?.columns?.filter(
(c) => isLinksOrLTAR(c) && [c.colOptions?.fk_child_column_id, c.colOptions?.fk_parent_column_id].includes(column?.value?.id),
const addLookupMenu = ref(false)
const openLookupMenuDialog = () => {
isOpen.value = false
addLookupMenu.value = true
const changeTitleFieldMenu = ref(false)
const changeTitleField = () => {
isOpen.value = false
changeTitleFieldMenu.value = true
const openDropdown = () => {
if (isLocked) return
isOpen.value = !isOpen.value
const isFieldIdCopied = ref(false)
const { copy } = useClipboard()
const onClickCopyFieldUrl = async (field: ColumnType) => {
await copy(field.id!)
isFieldIdCopied.value = true
await ncDelay(5000)
isFieldIdCopied.value = false
const onDeleteColumn = () => {
:placement="isExpandedForm ? 'bottomLeft' : 'bottomRight'"
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-column-operations !border-1 rounded-lg !shadow-xl "
<div class="flex gap-1 items-center" @dblclick.stop>
<div v-if="isExpandedForm" class="h-[1px]"> </div>
<NcTooltip v-if="column?.description?.length && !isExpandedForm" class="flex">
<template #title>
{{ column?.description }}
<GeneralIcon icon="info" class="group-hover:opacity-100 !w-3.5 !h-3.5 !text-gray-500 flex-none" />
<NcTooltip class="flex items-center">
<GeneralIcon v-if="columnInvalid.isInvalid && !isExpandedForm" class="text-red-300 w-3.5 h-3.5" icon="alertTriangle" />
<template #title>
{{ $t(columnInvalid.tooltip) }}
v-if="!isExpandedForm && !isLocked"
class="text-grey h-full text-grey nc-ui-dt-dropdown cursor-pointer outline-0 mr-2"
<template #overlay>
class="flex flex-col gap-1 border-gray-200 nc-column-options"
'min-w-[256px]': isExpandedForm,
class: 'w-full',
<template #title>{{ $t('msg.clickToCopyFieldId') }}</template>
class="nc-copy-field flex flex-row justify-between items-center w-[calc(100%_-_12px)] p-2 mx-1.5 rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100 cursor-pointer group"
<div class="w-full flex flex-row justify-between items-center gap-x-2 font-bold text-xs">
<div class="flex flex-row text-gray-500 text-xs items-baseline gap-x-1 font-bold">
$t('labels.idColon', {
id: column.id,
<NcButton size="xsmall" type="secondary" class="!group-hover:bg-gray-100">
<GeneralIcon v-if="isFieldIdCopied" icon="check" class="h-4 w-4" />
<GeneralIcon v-else icon="copy" class="h-4 w-4" />
<a-divider class="!my-0" />
<GeneralSourceRestrictionTooltip message="Field properties cannot be edited." :enabled="!isColumnEditAllowed">
:disabled="column?.pk || isSystemColumn(column) || !isColumnEditAllowed || linksAssociated.length"
:title="linksAssociated.length ? 'Field is associated with a link column' : undefined"
@click="onEditPress($event, false)"
<div class="nc-column-edit nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.ncEdit" class="text-gray-500" />
<!-- Edit -->
{{ $t('general.edit') }} {{ $t('objects.field').toLowerCase() }}
<template v-if="!isExpandedForm">
<GeneralSourceRestrictionTooltip message="Field cannot be duplicated." :enabled="!isDuplicateAllowed && isMetaReadOnly">
<NcMenuItem v-if="!column?.pk" :disabled="!isDuplicateAllowed" @click="openDuplicateDlg">
<div v-e="['a:field:duplicate']" class="nc-column-duplicate nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.duplicate" class="text-gray-500" />
<!-- Duplicate -->
{{ t('general.duplicate') }} {{ $t('objects.field').toLowerCase() }}
<GeneralSourceRestrictionTooltip message="Field cannot be duplicated." :enabled="!isDuplicateAllowed">
v-if="isUIAllowed('duplicateColumn') && isExpandedForm && !column?.pk"
<div v-e="['a:field:duplicate']" class="nc-column-duplicate nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.duplicate" class="text-gray-500" />
<!-- Duplicate -->
{{ t('general.duplicate') }} {{ $t('objects.field').toLowerCase() }}
v-if="isUIAllowed('fieldAlter') && !!column?.pv"
title="Select a new field as display value"
<div class="nc-column-edit nc-header-menu-item">
<GeneralIcon icon="star" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.25 !h-4.25" />
{{ $t('labels.changeDisplayValueField') }}
<NcMenuItem v-if="isUIAllowed('fieldAlter')" title="Add field description" @click="onEditPress($event, true)">
<div class="nc-column-edit-description nc-header-menu-item">
<GeneralIcon icon="ncAlignLeft" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.25 !h-4.25" />
{{ $t('labels.editDescription') }}
<NcMenuItem v-if="[UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord, UITypes.Links].includes(column.uidt)" @click="openLookupMenuDialog">
<div v-e="['a:field:lookup:create']" class="nc-column-lookup-create nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.cellLookup" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.5 !h-4.5" />
{{ t('general.addLookupField') }}
<a-divider v-if="isUIAllowed('fieldAlter') && !column?.pv" class="!my-0" />
<NcMenuItem v-if="!column?.pv" @click="hideOrShowField">
<div v-e="['a:field:hide']" class="nc-column-insert-before nc-header-menu-item">
<GeneralLoader v-if="isLoading === 'hideOrShow'" size="regular" />
<component :is="isHiddenCol ? iconMap.eye : iconMap.eyeSlash" v-else class="text-gray-500 !w-4 !h-4" />
<!-- Hide Field -->
{{ isHiddenCol ? $t('general.showField') : $t('general.hideField') }}
v-if="column && !column?.pv && !isHiddenCol && (!virtual || column.uidt === UITypes.Formula)"
<template #title>
{{ `${columnTypeName(column)} field cannot be used as display value field` }}
<NcMenuItem :disabled="!isSupportedDisplayValueColumn(column)" @click="setAsDisplayValue">
<div class="nc-column-set-primary nc-header-menu-item item">
<GeneralLoader v-if="isLoading === 'setDisplay'" size="regular" />
<GeneralIcon v-else icon="star" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.25 !h-4.25" />
<!-- todo : tooltip -->
<!-- Set as Display value -->
{{ $t('activity.setDisplay') }}
<template v-if="!isExpandedForm">
<a-divider v-if="!isLinksOrLTAR(column) || column.colOptions.type !== RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO" class="!my-0" />
<template v-if="!isLinksOrLTAR(column) || column.colOptions.type !== RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO">
<NcTooltip :disabled="isSortSupported">
<template #title>
{{ !isSortSupported ? "This field type doesn't support sorting" : '' }}
<NcMenuItem :disabled="!isSortSupported" @click="sortByColumn('asc')">
<div v-e="['a:field:sort', { dir: 'asc' }]" class="nc-column-insert-after nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.sortDesc" class="text-gray-500 transform !rotate-180 !w-4.25 !h-4.25" />
<!-- Sort Ascending -->
{{ $t('general.sortAsc') }}
<NcTooltip :disabled="isSortSupported">
<template #title>
{{ !isSortSupported ? "This field type doesn't support sorting" : '' }}
<NcMenuItem :disabled="!isSortSupported" @click="sortByColumn('desc')">
<div v-e="['a:field:sort', { dir: 'desc' }]" class="nc-column-insert-before nc-header-menu-item">
<!-- Sort Descending -->
<component :is="iconMap.sortDesc" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.25 !h-4.25" />
{{ $t('general.sortDesc').trim() }}
<a-divider class="!my-0" />
<NcTooltip :disabled="isFilterSupported && !isFilterLimitExceeded">
<template #title>
? "This field type doesn't support filtering"
: isFilterLimitExceeded
? 'Filter by limit exceeded'
: ''
:disabled="!isFilterSupported || isFilterLimitExceeded"
<div v-e="['a:field:add:filter']" class="nc-column-filter nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.filter" class="text-gray-500" />
<!-- Filter by this field -->
Filter by this field
:disabled="(isGroupBySupported && !isGroupByLimitExceeded) || isGroupedByThisField || !(isEeUI && !isPublic)"
<template #title
? "This field type doesn't support grouping"
: isGroupByLimitExceeded
? 'Group by limit exceeded'
: ''
:disabled="isEeUI && !isPublic && (!isGroupBySupported || isGroupByLimitExceeded) && !isGroupedByThisField"
isGroupedByThisField ? SmartsheetStoreEvents.GROUP_BY_REMOVE : SmartsheetStoreEvents.GROUP_BY_ADD,
<div v-e="['a:field:add:groupby']" class="nc-column-groupby nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.group" class="text-gray-500" />
<!-- Group by this field -->
{{ isGroupedByThisField ? "Don't group by this field" : 'Group by this field' }}
<a-divider class="!my-0" />
<NcMenuItem @click="onInsertAfter">
<div v-e="['a:field:insert:after']" class="nc-column-insert-after nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.colInsertAfter" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.5 !h-4.5" />
<!-- Insert After -->
{{ t('general.insertAfter') }}
<NcMenuItem v-if="!column?.pv" @click="onInsertBefore">
<div v-e="['a:field:insert:before']" class="nc-column-insert-before nc-header-menu-item">
<component :is="iconMap.colInsertBefore" class="text-gray-500 !w-4.5 !h-4.5" />
<!-- Insert Before -->
{{ t('general.insertBefore') }}
<a-divider v-if="!column?.pv" class="!my-0" />
<GeneralSourceRestrictionTooltip message="Field cannot be deleted." :enabled="!isColumnUpdateAllowed">
v-if="!column?.pv && isUIAllowed('fieldDelete')"
:disabled="!isDeleteAllowed || !isColumnUpdateAllowed || linksAssociated.length"
:title="linksAssociated ? 'Field is associated with a link column' : undefined"
class="nc-column-delete nc-header-menu-item"
:class="{ ' text-red-600': isDeleteAllowed && isColumnUpdateAllowed }"
<component :is="iconMap.delete" />
<!-- Delete -->
{{ $t('general.delete') }} {{ $t('objects.field').toLowerCase() }}
<SmartsheetHeaderDeleteColumnModal v-model:visible="showDeleteColumnModal" :on-delete-column="onDeleteColumn" />
<LazySmartsheetHeaderAddLookups v-if="addLookupMenu" v-model:value="addLookupMenu" :column="column" />
<LazySmartsheetHeaderUpdateDisplayValue v-if="changeTitleFieldMenu" v-model:value="changeTitleFieldMenu" :column="column" />
<style scoped lang="scss">
:deep(.nc-menu-item-inner) {
@apply !w-full;
.nc-header-menu-item {
@apply text-dropdown flex items-center gap-2;
.nc-column-options {
.nc-icons {
@apply !w-5 !h-5;
:deep(.ant-dropdown-menu-item:not(.ant-dropdown-menu-item-disabled)) {
@apply !hover:text-black text-gray-700;
:deep(.ant-dropdown-menu-item.ant-dropdown-menu-item-disabled .nc-icon) {
@apply text-current;