<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { GeoLocationType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { useVModel } from '#imports'
interface Props {
// modelValue?: GeoLocationType | null
modelValue?: string | null
interface Emits {
(event: 'update:modelValue', model: GeoLocationType): void
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits<Emits>()
// const editEnabled = inject(EditModeInj)
// const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false))
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits)
// const localValueState = ref<string | undefined>()
let error = $ref<string | undefined>()
let isExpanded = $ref(false)
// const localValue = computed<string | Record<string, any> | undefined>({
// get: () => localValueState.value,
// set: (val: undefined | string | Record<string, any>) => {
// localValueState.value = typeof val === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : val
// /** if form and not expanded then sync directly */
// if (isForm.value && !isExpanded) {
// vModel.value = val
// }
// },
// })
// const isPopupOpen = ref(false)
// const showPopup = () => (isPopupOpen.value = true)
// const latitudeInput = ref(String(vModel?.value?.latitude) || '')
// const longitudeInput = ref(String(vModel?.value?.latitude) || '')
// const onSubmit = () => {
// if (latitudeInput == null || longitudeInput == null) {
// console.error("Tried to submit a GeoLocation where latitude or longitude value wasn't provicde")
// return
// }
// emits('update:modelValue', {
// latitude: Number.parseFloat(latitudeInput.value),
// longitude: Number.parseFloat(longitudeInput.value),
// })
// }
// const onAbort = () => alert('ABORT!')
// const isOpen = ref(false)
// const visible = ref<boolean>(false)
// const readOnly = inject(ReadonlyInj)!
// const focus: VNodeRef = (el) => (el as HTMLInputElement)?.focus()
// function onKeyDown(evt: KeyboardEvent) {
// return evt.key === '.' && evt.preventDefault()
// }
// const visibleMenu = ref(false)
// const toggleVisbility = () => {
// visible.value = !visible.value
// }
// const latitude = computed(() => {
// })
// const onSave = () => {
// isExpanded = false
// editEnabled.value = false
// // localValue.value = localValue ? formatJson(localValue.value as string) : localValue
// // vModel.value = localValue.value
// }
// watch(
// vModel,
// (val) => {
// localValue.value = val
// },
// { immediate: true },
// )
// watch(localValue, (val) => {
// try {
// JSON.parse(val as string)
// error = undefined
// } catch (e: any) {
// error = e
// }
// })
// watch(editEnabled, () => {
// isExpanded = false
// localValue.value = vModel.valuec
// })
const [latitude, longitude] = (vModel.value || '').split(';')
const latLongStr = computed(() => {
const [latitude, longitude] = (vModel.value || '').split(';')
return latitude && longitude ? `${latitude}; ${longitude}` : 'Set location'
// interface LatLong {
// latitude: number
// longitude: number
// }
// const latitude = ref('INITIAL')
// interface FormState {
// latitude: string
// longitude: string
// }
const formState = reactive({
const handleFinish = () => {
console.log(`handleFinish - formState: `, formState)
vModel.value = `${formState.latitude};${formState.longitude}`
isExpanded = false
const clear = () => {
error = undefined
isExpanded = false
formState.latitude = latitude
formState.longitude = longitude
console.log(`clear - formState: `, formState)
<!-- <input
class="outline-none px-2 border-none w-full h-full text-sm"
@blur="editEnabled = false"
<span v-else class="text-sm">{{ vModel }}</span> -->
<a-dropdown :is="isExpanded ? AModal : 'div'" v-model:visible="isExpanded" trigger="click">
<a-button>{{ latLongStr }}</a-button>
<template #overlay>
<a-form :model="formState" class="flex flex-col w-full" @finish="handleFinish">
<a-form-item label="Latitude">
<a-input v-model:value="formState.latitude" type="number" step="0.000001" :max="90" :min="-90" />
<a-form-item label="Longitude">
<a-input v-model:value="formState.longitude" type="number" step="0.000001" :min="-180" :max="180" />
<a-button type="text" @click="clear">Cancel</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">Submit</a-button>
<style scoped lang="scss">
input[type='number']:focus {
@apply ring-transparent;
input {
max-width: 150px;
.heja {
background-color: red;
padding-top: 2rem;