You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
5.8 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { RelationTypes, UITypes, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { useSharedFormStoreOrThrow } from '#imports'
const { sharedView, submitForm, v$, formState, notFound, formColumns, submitted, secondsRemain } = useSharedFormStoreOrThrow()
function isRequired(_columnObj: Record<string, any>, required = false) {
let columnObj = _columnObj
if (
columnObj.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord &&
columnObj.colOptions &&
columnObj.colOptions.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO
) {
columnObj = formColumns.value.find((c: Record<string, any>) => c.id === columnObj.colOptions.fk_child_column_id) as Record<
return required || (columnObj && columnObj.rqd && !columnObj.cdf)
<div class="bg-primary/100 !h-[100vh] overflow-auto w-100 flex flex-col">
<img src="~/assets/img/icons/512x512-trans.png" width="30" class="mx-4 mt-2" />
<div class="m-4 mt-2 bg-white rounded p-2 flex-1">
<a-alert v-if="notFound" type="warning" class="mx-auto mt-10 max-w-[300px]" message="Not found"> </a-alert>
<template v-else-if="submitted">
<div class="flex justify-center">
<div v-if="sharedView" style="min-width: 350px" class="mt-3">
<a-alert type="success" outlined :message="sharedView.success_msg || 'Successfully submitted form data'"> </a-alert>
<p v-if="sharedView.show_blank_form" class="text-xs text-gray-500 text-center">
New form will be loaded after {{ secondsRemain }} seconds
<div v-if="sharedView.submit_another_form" class="text-center">
<a-button color="primary" @click="submitted = false"> Submit Another Form</a-button>
<div v-else-if="sharedView" class="">
<a-row class="justify-center">
<a-col :md="20">
<div class="h-full ma-0 rounded-b-0">
class="nc-form-wrapper pb-10 rounded shadow-xl"
style="background: linear-gradient(180deg, #dbdbdb 0, #dbdbdb 200px, white 200px)"
<div class="mt-10 flex items-center justify-center flex-col">
<div class="nc-form-banner backgroundColor darken-1 flex-column justify-center d-flex">
<div class="flex items-center justify-center grow h-[100px]">
<img src="~/assets/img/icon.png" width="50" class="mx-4" />
<span class="text-4xl font-weight-bold">NocoDB</span>
<div class="mx-auto nc-form bg-white shadow-lg pa-2 mb-10 max-w-[600px] mx-auto rounded">
<h2 class="mt-4 text-4xl font-weight-bold text-left mx-4 mb-3 px-1">
{{ sharedView.view.heading }}
<div class="text-lg text-left mx-4 py-2 px-1 text-gray-500">
{{ sharedView.view.subheading }}
<div class="h-100">
<div v-for="(field, index) in formColumns" :key="index" class="flex flex-col mt-4 px-4 space-y-2">
<div class="flex">
:column="{ ...field, title: field.label || field.title }"
:required="isRequired(field, field.required)"
:column="{ ...field, title: field.label || field.title }"
:required="isRequired(field, field.required)"
<div v-if="isVirtualCol(field)" class="mt-0">
<SmartsheetVirtualCell class="mt-0 nc-input" :column="field" />
<template v-if="v$.virtual.$dirty && v$.virtual?.[field.title]">
<div v-for="error of v$.virtual[field.title].$errors" :key="error" class="text-xs text-red-500">
{{ error.$message }}
<div v-else class="mt-0">
<template v-if="v$.localState.$dirty && v$.localState?.[field.title]">
<div v-for="error of v$.localState[field.title].$errors" :key="error" class="text-xs text-red-500">
{{ error.$message }}
<div class="text-center my-9">
<a-button type="primary" size="large" @click="submitForm(formState, additionalState)"> Submit</a-button>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-input {
@apply w-full !bg-white rounded px-2 py-2 min-h-[40px] mt-2 mb-2 flex align-center border-solid border-1 border-primary;
.nc-form-wrapper {
@apply my-0 mx-auto max-w-[800px];