You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
3.2 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted } from '#imports'
import MdiVisibilityOnIcon from '~icons/mdi/visibility'
import MdiVisibilityOffIcon from '~icons/mdi/visibility-off'
const { view, $api, meta } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow()
let isLoading = $ref(false)
// let activeSharedView = $ref(null)
const sharedViewList = ref()
const loadSharedViewsList = async () => {
isLoading = true
const list = await $api.dbViewShare.list(meta.value?.id as string)
sharedViewList.value = list
// todo: show active view in list separately
// const index = sharedViewList.value.findIndex((v) => {
// return view?.value?.id === v.id
// })
// if (index > -1) {
// activeSharedView = sharedViewList.value.splice(index, 1)[0]
// } else {
// activeSharedView = null
// }
isLoading = false
const test = (t) => console.log(t)
<div class="w-full">
<a-table class="" size="small" :data-source="sharedViewList" :pagination="{ position: ['bottomCenter'] }">
<!-- View name -->
<a-table-column key="title" :title="$t('labels.viewName')" data-index="title">
<template #default="{ text }">
<div class="text-xs" :title="text">
{{ text }}
<!-- View Link -->
<a-table-column key="title" :title="$t('labels.viewLink')" data-index="title">
<template #default="{ record }">
<!-- <nuxt-link :to="sharedViewUrl(currentView)">
{{ `${dashboardUrl}#${sharedViewUrl(currentView)}` }}
</nuxt-link> -->
<!-- Password -->
<a-table-column key="password" :title="$t('labels.password')" data-index="title">
<template #default="{ text, record }">
<div class="flex align-center items-center gap-1">
<span class="h-min">{{ record.showPassword ? text : '***************************' }}</span>
:is="record.showPassword ? MdiVisibilityOffIcon : MdiVisibilityOnIcon"
@click="record.showPassword = !record.showPassword"
<!-- Todo: i18n -->
<a-table-column key="meta" title="Download allowed" data-index="title">
<template #default="{ text }">
{{ text }}
<!-- <template v-if="'meta' in currentView"> -->
<!-- <span>{{ renderAllowCSVDownload(currentView) }}</span> -->
<!-- </template> -->
<!-- Actions -->
<a-table-column key="id" :title="$t('labels.actions')" data-index="title">
<template #default="{ record }">
<div class="text-xs" :title="text">
<!-- <v-icon small @click="copyLink(currentView)"> mdi-content-copy </v-icon> -->
<!-- <v-icon small @click="deleteLink(currentView.id)"> mdi-delete-outline </v-icon> -->
<style scoped></style>