<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ProjectType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
import TableNode from './TableNode.vue'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
import { toRef } from '#imports'
const props = withDefaults(
project: ProjectType
baseIndex?: number
baseIndex: 0,
const project = toRef(props, 'project')
const baseIndex = toRef(props, 'baseIndex')
const base = computed(() => project.value?.bases?.[baseIndex.value])
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal()
const { projectTables } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore())
const tables = computed(() => projectTables.value.get(project.value.id!) ?? [])
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const tablesById = computed(() =>
tables.value.reduce<Record<string, TableType>>((acc, table) => {
acc[table.id!] = table
return acc
}, {}),
const keys = ref<Record<string, number>>({})
const menuRefs = ref<HTMLElement[] | HTMLElement>()
const sortables: Record<string, Sortable> = {}
// todo: replace with vuedraggable
const initSortable = (el: Element) => {
const base_id = el.getAttribute('nc-base')
if (!base_id) return
if (isMobileMode.value) return
if (sortables[base_id]) sortables[base_id].destroy()
Sortable.create(el as HTMLLIElement, {
onEnd: async (evt) => {
const offset = tables.value.findIndex((table) => table.base_id === base_id)
const { newIndex = 0, oldIndex = 0 } = evt
if (newIndex === oldIndex) return
const itemEl = evt.item as HTMLLIElement
const item = tablesById.value[itemEl.dataset.id as string]
// get the html collection of all list items
const children: HTMLCollection = evt.to.children
// skip if children count is 1
if (children.length < 2) return
// get items before and after the moved item
const itemBeforeEl = children[newIndex - 1] as HTMLLIElement
const itemAfterEl = children[newIndex + 1] as HTMLLIElement
// get items meta of before and after the moved item
const itemBefore = itemBeforeEl && tablesById.value[itemBeforeEl.dataset.id as string]
const itemAfter = itemAfterEl && tablesById.value[itemAfterEl.dataset.id as string]
// set new order value based on the new order of the items
if (children.length - 1 === evt.newIndex) {
item.order = (itemBefore.order as number) + 1
} else if (newIndex === 0) {
item.order = (itemAfter.order as number) / 2
} else {
item.order = ((itemBefore.order as number) + (itemAfter.order as number)) / 2
// update the order of the moved item
tables.value?.splice(newIndex + offset, 0, ...tables.value?.splice(oldIndex + offset, 1))
// force re-render the list
if (keys.value[base_id]) {
keys.value[base_id] = keys.value[base_id] + 1
} else {
keys.value[base_id] = 1
// update the item order
await $api.dbTable.reorder(item.id as string, {
order: item.order,
animation: 150,
setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
id: dragEl.dataset.id,
title: dragEl.dataset.title,
type: dragEl.dataset.type,
baseId: dragEl.dataset.baseId,
revertOnSpill: true,
watchEffect(() => {
if (menuRefs.value) {
if (menuRefs.value instanceof HTMLElement) {
} else {
menuRefs.value.forEach((el) => initSortable(el))
const availableTables = computed(() => {
return tables.value.filter((table) => table.base_id === project.value?.bases?.[baseIndex.value].id)
<div class="border-none sortable-list">
<template v-if="project">
v-if="availableTables.length === 0"
class="py-0.5 text-gray-500"
'ml-13.55': baseIndex === 0,
'ml-19.25': baseIndex !== 0,
{{ $t('general.empty') }}
v-if="project.bases?.[baseIndex] && project!.bases[baseIndex].enabled"
:key="`sortable-${base?.id}-${base?.id && base?.id in keys ? keys[base?.id] : '0'}`"
v-for="table of availableTables"
class="nc-tree-item text-sm"