You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

306 lines
9.1 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { isSystemColumn } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { NavigateDir } from '#imports'
interface Props {
column: ColumnType
modelValue: any
editEnabled: boolean
readOnly?: boolean
rowIndex?: number
active?: boolean
virtual?: boolean
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'save', 'navigate', 'update:editEnabled', 'update:cdf'])
const column = toRef(props, 'column')
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const active = toRef(props, 'active', false)
const readOnly = toRef(props, 'readOnly', false)
provide(ColumnInj, column)
const editEnabled = useVModel(props, 'editEnabled', emit)
provide(EditModeInj, editEnabled)
provide(ActiveCellInj, active)
provide(ReadonlyInj, readOnly)
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false))
const isGrid = inject(IsGridInj, ref(false))
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const isSurveyForm = inject(IsSurveyFormInj, ref(false))
const isCalendar = inject(IsCalendarInj, ref(false))
const isEditColumnMenu = inject(EditColumnInj, ref(false))
const isExpandedFormOpen = inject(IsExpandedFormOpenInj, ref(false))
const { currentRow } = useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow()
const { sqlUis } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { generatingRows, generatingColumns } = useNocoAi()
const pk = computed(() => {
if (!meta.value?.columns) return
return extractPkFromRow(currentRow.value?.row, meta.value.columns)
const isGenerating = computed(
() =>
pk.value && column.value.id && generatingRows.value.includes(pk.value) && generatingColumns.value.includes(column.value.id),
const sourceId = meta.value?.source_id || column.value?.source_id
const sqlUi = ref(sourceId && sqlUis.value[sourceId] ? sqlUis.value[sourceId] : Object.values(sqlUis.value)[0])
const abstractType = computed(() => column.value && sqlUi.value.getAbstractType(column.value))
const syncValue = useDebounceFn(
() => {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = false
{ maxWait: 2000 },
let saveTimer: number
const updateWhenEditCompleted = () => {
if (editEnabled.value) {
if (saveTimer) clearTimeout(saveTimer)
saveTimer = window.setTimeout(updateWhenEditCompleted, 500)
} else {
const vModel = computed({
get: () => {
return props.modelValue
set: (val) => {
if (isEditColumnMenu.value) {
emit('update:cdf', val)
} else if (val !== props.modelValue) {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = true
emit('update:modelValue', val)
if (column.value.pk || column.value.unique) {
} else if (isAutoSaved(column.value)) {
} else if (!isManualSaved(column.value)) {
const navigate = (dir: NavigateDir, e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (isJSON(column.value)) return
if (currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed || currentRow.value.rowMeta.new) {
currentRow.value.rowMeta.changed = false
emit('navigate', dir)
if (!isForm.value) e.stopImmediatePropagation()
const isNumericField = computed(() => {
return isNumericFieldType(column.value, abstractType.value)
// disable contexxtmenu event propagation when cell is in
// editable state and typable (e.g. text area)
// this is to prevent the custom grid view context menu from opening
const onContextmenu = (e: MouseEvent) => {
if (props.editEnabled && isTypableInputColumn(column.value)) {
const showCurrentDateOption = computed(() => {
if (!isEditColumnMenu.value || (!isDate(column.value, abstractType.value) && !isDateTime(column.value, abstractType.value)))
return false
return sqlUi.value?.getCurrentDateDefault?.(column.value) ? true : 'disabled'
const currentDate = () => {
vModel.value = sqlUi.value?.getCurrentDateDefault?.(column.value)
`nc-cell-${(column?.uidt || 'default').toLowerCase()}`,
Nc fix: UI improvements (#8223) * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): revert sidebar changes * fix(nc-gui): disable grid row hover effect if fillMode is true * fix(nc-gui): display checkbox & row expand icon if it is active row * fix(nc-gui): increase the weight of display value cell * fix(nc-gui): grid cell should have constant padding * fix(nc-gui): att cell row height auto increase issue * fix(nc-gui): att cell center align issue * fix(nc-gui): percent cell spacing issue * fix(nc-gui): text overflow ellipsis * fix(nc-gui): single select auto increase height issue if rowHeight is short * fix(nc-gui): grayed out header text color * fix(nc-gui): reduce header icon size * fix(nc-gui): set 12px grid header horizontal padding * fix(nc-gui): center align expand icon for short row height * fix(nc-gui): rich text and select type field auto row height increase issue * fix(nc-gui): lookup cell auto increase height issue * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): truncate text after no. of lines base on rowHeight * fix(nc-gui): barcode & qrcode cell row height issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(test): update row height pw test * fix(test): grid toolbar rowHeight test update * fix(nc-gui): ai review changes * fix(test): multiselect pw test update * fix(test): verify multiselct options test update * fix(nc-gui): merge conflicts * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): display value should be in blue color
9 months ago
'nc-display-value-cell': isPrimary(column) && !props.virtual && !isForm && !isCalendar,
isGrid &&
isNumericField &&
!isEditColumnMenu &&
!isForm &&
!isExpandedFormOpen &&
!isRating(column) &&
!isYear(column, abstractType),
'h-10': !isEditColumnMenu && isForm && !isAttachment(column) && !isTextArea(column) && !isJSON(column) && !props.virtual,
'nc-grid-numeric-cell-left': (isForm && isNumericField && isExpandedFormOpen) || isEditColumnMenu,
'!min-h-30': isTextArea(column) && (isForm || isSurveyForm),
class="nc-cell w-full h-full relative"
@keydown.enter.exact="navigate(NavigateDir.NEXT, $event)"
@keydown.shift.enter.exact="navigate(NavigateDir.PREV, $event)"
<template v-if="column">
<div v-if="isGenerating" class="flex items-center gap-2 w-full">
<GeneralLoader />
<NcTooltip class="truncate max-w-[calc(100%_-_24px)]" show-on-truncate-only>
<template #title> {{ $t('general.generating') }} </template>
{{ $t('general.generating') }}
<LazyCellTextArea v-else-if="isTextArea(column)" v-model="vModel" :virtual="props.virtual" />
<LazyCellGeoData v-else-if="isGeoData(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellCheckbox v-else-if="isBoolean(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellAttachment v-else-if="isAttachment(column)" ref="attachmentCell" v-model="vModel" :row-index="props.rowIndex" />
v-else-if="isDate(column, abstractType)"
<LazyCellYearPicker v-else-if="isYear(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" :is-pk="isPrimaryKey(column)" />
v-else-if="isDateTime(column, abstractType)"
<LazyCellTimePicker v-else-if="isTime(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" :is-pk="isPrimaryKey(column)" />
<LazyCellRating v-else-if="isRating(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellDuration v-else-if="isDuration(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellEmail v-else-if="isEmail(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellUrl v-else-if="isURL(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellPhoneNumber v-else-if="isPhoneNumber(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellPercent v-else-if="isPercent(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellCurrency v-else-if="isCurrency(column)" v-model="vModel" @save="emit('save')" />
<LazyCellUser v-else-if="isUser(column)" v-model="vModel" :row-index="props.rowIndex" />
<LazyCellAI v-else-if="isAI(column)" v-model="vModel" @save="emit('save')" />
<LazyCellDecimal v-else-if="isDecimal(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellFloat v-else-if="isFloat(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellText v-else-if="isString(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellInteger v-else-if="isInt(column, abstractType)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellJson v-else-if="isJSON(column)" v-model="vModel" />
<LazyCellText v-else v-model="vModel" />
((isPublic && readOnly && !isForm) || isSystemColumn(column)) &&
!isAttachment(column) &&
!isTextArea(column) &&
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-grid-numeric-cell-left {
text-align: left;
:deep(input) {
text-align: left;
.nc-grid-numeric-cell-right {
text-align: right;
:deep(input) {
text-align: right;
.nc-cell {
Nc fix: UI improvements (#8223) * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): revert sidebar changes * fix(nc-gui): disable grid row hover effect if fillMode is true * fix(nc-gui): display checkbox & row expand icon if it is active row * fix(nc-gui): increase the weight of display value cell * fix(nc-gui): grid cell should have constant padding * fix(nc-gui): att cell row height auto increase issue * fix(nc-gui): att cell center align issue * fix(nc-gui): percent cell spacing issue * fix(nc-gui): text overflow ellipsis * fix(nc-gui): single select auto increase height issue if rowHeight is short * fix(nc-gui): grayed out header text color * fix(nc-gui): reduce header icon size * fix(nc-gui): set 12px grid header horizontal padding * fix(nc-gui): center align expand icon for short row height * fix(nc-gui): rich text and select type field auto row height increase issue * fix(nc-gui): lookup cell auto increase height issue * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): truncate text after no. of lines base on rowHeight * fix(nc-gui): barcode & qrcode cell row height issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(test): update row height pw test * fix(test): grid toolbar rowHeight test update * fix(nc-gui): ai review changes * fix(test): multiselect pw test update * fix(test): verify multiselct options test update * fix(nc-gui): merge conflicts * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): display value should be in blue color
9 months ago
@apply text-sm text-gray-600;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(.nc-cell-field-link) {
@apply !text-sm;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(textarea::placeholder) {
@apply text-gray-400;
font-weight: 300;
&.nc-display-value-cell {
@apply !text-brand-500 !font-semibold;
:deep(.nc-cell-field-link) {
@apply !font-semibold;
&.nc-cell-longtext {
@apply leading-5;
:deep(.ant-picker-input) {
@apply text-sm leading-4;
font-weight: 500;
input {
@apply text-sm leading-4;
font-weight: 500;
:deep(.nc-cell-field) {
@apply px-0;