import type { ColumnType, GridColumnType, GridType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import { IsPublicInj, computed, inject, ref, useMetas, useNuxtApp, useStyleTag, useUIPermission, watch } from '#imports'
export function useGridViewColumnWidth(view: Ref<GridType | undefined>) {
const { css, load: loadCss, unload: unloadCss } = useStyleTag('')
const { isUIAllowed } = useUIPermission()
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const { metas } = useMetas()
const gridViewCols = ref<Record<string, GridColumnType>>({})
const resizingCol = ref('')
const resizingColWidth = ref('200px')
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const columns = computed<ColumnType[]>(() => metas.value?.[(view.value as ViewType)?.fk_model_id as string]?.columns || [])
[gridViewCols, resizingCol, resizingColWidth],
() => {
let style = ''
for (const c of columns?.value || []) {
const val = gridViewCols?.value?.[c?.id as string]?.width || '200px'
if (val && c.title !== resizingCol?.value) {
style += `[data-col="${c.id}"]{min-width:${val};max-width:${val};width: ${val};}`
} else {
style += `[data-col="${c.id}"]{min-width:${resizingColWidth?.value};max-width:${resizingColWidth?.value};width: ${resizingColWidth?.value};}`
css.value = style
{ deep: true, immediate: true },
const loadGridViewColumns = async () => {
if (!view.value?.id && !isPublic.value) return
const colsData: GridColumnType[] = (isPublic.value ? columns.value : await $api.dbView.gridColumnsList(view.value!.id!)) ?? []
gridViewCols.value = colsData.reduce<Record<string, GridColumnType>>(
(o, col) => ({
[col.fk_column_id as string]: col,
/** when columns changes(create/delete) reload grid columns
* or when view changes reload columns width */
watch([() => columns.value?.length, () => view?.value?.id], loadGridViewColumns)
const updateWidth = async (id: string, width: string) => {
if (gridViewCols?.value?.[id]) {
gridViewCols.value[id].width = width
// sync with server if allowed
if (!isPublic.value && isUIAllowed('gridColUpdate') && gridViewCols.value[id]?.id) {
await $api.dbView.gridColumnUpdate(gridViewCols.value[id].id as string, {
return { loadGridViewColumns, updateWidth, resizingCol, resizingColWidth, loadCss, unloadCss }