let t0 = require("./explicitLogin");
let t01 = require("../common/00_pre_configurations");
let t6b = require("../common/6b_downloadCsv");
let t6c = require("../common/6c_swagger_api");
let t6d = require("../common/6d_language_validation");
let t6e = require("../common/6e_project_operations");
let t6f = require("../common/6f_attachments");
let t6g = require("../common/6g_base_share");
let t7a = require("../common/7a_create_project_from_excel");
const {
} = require("../../support/page_objects/projectConstants");
const t8a = require("../common/8a_webhook");
const t9b = require("../common/9b_ERD");
const nocoTestSuite = (apiType, dbType) => {
setCurrentMode(apiType, dbType);
// Sakila Ext DB project creation
t01.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Download CSV
t6b.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// i18n: language validation suffice to be done in REST MySQL suite
// t6d.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Swagger API
// exclude@ncv2 t6c.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Attachment cell
t6f.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// ERD:
t9b.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Webhook tests
t8a.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Base share (viewer, editor), iFrame tests
t6g.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Project operations: Delete
t6e.genTest(apiType, dbType);
// Create project from Excel
t7a.genTest(apiType, dbType);
nocoTestSuite("rest", "postgres");