You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

221 lines
6.8 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, navigateTo, onMounted, ref, storeToRefs, useGlobal, useSidebarStore, useUsers, watch } from '#imports'
const { user, signOut, appInfo } = useGlobal()
// So watcher in users store is triggered
const { leftSidebarState } = storeToRefs(useSidebarStore())
const name = computed(() => user.value?.display_name?.trim())
const isMenuOpen = ref(false)
const isAuthTokenCopied = ref(false)
const isLoggingOut = ref(false)
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal()
const logout = async () => {
isLoggingOut.value = true
try {
await signOut(false)
1 year ago
// No need as all stores are cleared on signout
// await clearWorkspaces()
await navigateTo('/signin')
} catch (e) {
} finally {
isLoggingOut.value = false
watch(isMenuOpen, () => {
if (isAuthTokenCopied.value) {
isAuthTokenCopied.value = false
watch(leftSidebarState, () => {
if (leftSidebarState.value === 'peekCloseEnd') {
isMenuOpen.value = false
// This is a hack to prevent github button error (prevents navigateTo if user is not signed in)
const isMounted = ref(false)
onMounted(() => {
isMounted.value = true
<div class="flex w-full flex-col py-0.9 px-1 border-gray-200 gap-y-1">
<NcDropdown v-model:visible="isMenuOpen" placement="topLeft" overlay-class-name="!min-w-64">
Nc Fix: UI improvements - left sidebar (#8244) * fix(nc-gui); update toolbar menu text grom GroupBy to Group * fix(nc-gui): move sidebar base, table expand icon to the right side * fix(nc-gui): sidebar base, table, view menu options padding issue * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): sidebar view menu alignment issue on mobile screen * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): keep only sidebar changes & revert all other changes * fix(nc-gui): change table icon * fix(nc-gui): trim base, table, view title while saving it * fix(nc-gui): increate left sidebar max width * fix(nc-gui): show truncated base/table/view name until standard end * fix(nc-gui): oss sidebar base menu options alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): use valid classname * fix(nc-gui): sidebar external db source menu ui fixes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): pw test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): trim title while creating base, table, view * fix(nc-gui): some of the sidebar pw test fail issues * fix(test): sidebar test fail issue * fix(test): projectCollaboration test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): change font size of view menu option view mode chip text * fix(nc-gui): grayed out create view dropdown plus icon color * fix(nc-gui): grayed out table icon and reduce width of default view context menu * fix(nc-gui): remove copyright text from user menu * fix(nc-gui): chevron icon and show/hide sidebar icon should be gray in color
8 months ago
class="flex flex-row py-1 px-3 gap-x-2 items-center hover:bg-gray-200 rounded-lg cursor-pointer h-8"
Nc Fix: UI improvements - left sidebar (#8244) * fix(nc-gui); update toolbar menu text grom GroupBy to Group * fix(nc-gui): move sidebar base, table expand icon to the right side * fix(nc-gui): sidebar base, table, view menu options padding issue * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): sidebar view menu alignment issue on mobile screen * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): keep only sidebar changes & revert all other changes * fix(nc-gui): change table icon * fix(nc-gui): trim base, table, view title while saving it * fix(nc-gui): increate left sidebar max width * fix(nc-gui): show truncated base/table/view name until standard end * fix(nc-gui): oss sidebar base menu options alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): use valid classname * fix(nc-gui): sidebar external db source menu ui fixes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): pw test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): trim title while creating base, table, view * fix(nc-gui): some of the sidebar pw test fail issues * fix(test): sidebar test fail issue * fix(test): projectCollaboration test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): change font size of view menu option view mode chip text * fix(nc-gui): grayed out create view dropdown plus icon color * fix(nc-gui): grayed out table icon and reduce width of default view context menu * fix(nc-gui): remove copyright text from user menu * fix(nc-gui): chevron icon and show/hide sidebar icon should be gray in color
8 months ago
<GeneralUserIcon :email="user?.email" size="auto" :name="user?.display_name" />
<div class="flex truncate">
{{ name ? name : user?.email }}
Nc Fix: UI improvements - left sidebar (#8244) * fix(nc-gui); update toolbar menu text grom GroupBy to Group * fix(nc-gui): move sidebar base, table expand icon to the right side * fix(nc-gui): sidebar base, table, view menu options padding issue * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): sidebar view menu alignment issue on mobile screen * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): keep only sidebar changes & revert all other changes * fix(nc-gui): change table icon * fix(nc-gui): trim base, table, view title while saving it * fix(nc-gui): increate left sidebar max width * fix(nc-gui): show truncated base/table/view name until standard end * fix(nc-gui): oss sidebar base menu options alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): use valid classname * fix(nc-gui): sidebar external db source menu ui fixes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): pw test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): trim title while creating base, table, view * fix(nc-gui): some of the sidebar pw test fail issues * fix(test): sidebar test fail issue * fix(test): projectCollaboration test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): change font size of view menu option view mode chip text * fix(nc-gui): grayed out create view dropdown plus icon color * fix(nc-gui): grayed out table icon and reduce width of default view context menu * fix(nc-gui): remove copyright text from user menu * fix(nc-gui): chevron icon and show/hide sidebar icon should be gray in color
8 months ago
<GeneralIcon icon="chevronDown" class="flex-none !min-w-5 transform rotate-180 !text-gray-500" />
<template #overlay>
<NcMenu data-testid="nc-sidebar-userinfo">
<NcMenuItem data-testid="nc-sidebar-user-logout" @click="logout">
<div v-e="['c:user:logout']" class="flex gap-2 items-center">
<GeneralLoader v-if="isLoggingOut" class="!ml-0.5 !mr-0.5 !max-h-4.5 !-mt-0.5" />
<GeneralIcon v-else icon="signout" class="menu-icon" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('general.logout') }}</span>
<NcDivider />
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<NcMenuItem class="social-icon-wrapper">
<GeneralIcon class="social-icon" icon="ncDiscord" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('labels.community.joinDiscord') }} </span>
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<NcMenuItem class="social-icon-wrapper">
<GeneralIcon class="social-icon" icon="ncReddit" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('labels.community.joinReddit') }} </span>
10 months ago
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<NcMenuItem class="social-icon-wrapper group">
<GeneralIcon class="social-icon text-gray-500 group-hover:text-gray-800" icon="ncTwitter" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('labels.twitter') }} </span>
<template v-if="!appInfo.ee">
<NcDivider />
<a-popover key="language" class="lang-menu !py-1.5" placement="rightBottom">
<div v-e="['c:translate:open']" class="flex gap-2 items-center">
<GeneralIcon icon="translate" class="group-hover:text-black nc-language ml-0.25 menu-icon" />
{{ $t('labels.language') }}
<div class="flex items-center text-gray-400 text-xs">{{ $t('labels.community.communityTranslated') }}</div>
<div class="flex-1" />
class="transform group-hover:(scale-115 text-accent) text-xl text-gray-400"
<template #content>
<div class="bg-white max-h-50vh scrollbar-thin-dull min-w-64 !overflow-auto">
<LazyGeneralLanguageMenu />
<template v-if="!isMobileMode">
<NcDivider />
<GeneralIcon icon="ncHelp" class="menu-icon mt-0.5" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('title.forum') }} </span>
<GeneralIcon icon="file" class="menu-icon mt-0.5" />
<span class="menu-btn"> {{ $t('title.docs') }} </span>
<NcDivider />
<nuxt-link v-e="['c:user:settings']" class="!no-underline" to="/account/profile">
<NcMenuItem> <GeneralIcon icon="ncSettings" class="menu-icon" /> {{ $t('title.accountSettings') }} </NcMenuItem>
Nc Fix: UI improvements - left sidebar (#8244) * fix(nc-gui); update toolbar menu text grom GroupBy to Group * fix(nc-gui): move sidebar base, table expand icon to the right side * fix(nc-gui): sidebar base, table, view menu options padding issue * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): sidebar view menu alignment issue on mobile screen * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): keep only sidebar changes & revert all other changes * fix(nc-gui): change table icon * fix(nc-gui): trim base, table, view title while saving it * fix(nc-gui): increate left sidebar max width * fix(nc-gui): show truncated base/table/view name until standard end * fix(nc-gui): oss sidebar base menu options alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): use valid classname * fix(nc-gui): sidebar external db source menu ui fixes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): pw test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): trim title while creating base, table, view * fix(nc-gui): some of the sidebar pw test fail issues * fix(test): sidebar test fail issue * fix(test): projectCollaboration test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): change font size of view menu option view mode chip text * fix(nc-gui): grayed out create view dropdown plus icon color * fix(nc-gui): grayed out table icon and reduce width of default view context menu * fix(nc-gui): remove copyright text from user menu * fix(nc-gui): chevron icon and show/hide sidebar icon should be gray in color
8 months ago
<template v-if="isMobileMode || appInfo.ee"></template>
<div v-else class="flex flex-row w-full justify-between pt-0.5 truncate">
<GeneralJoinCloud />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.menu-btn {
line-height: 1.5;
.menu-icon {
@apply w-4 h-4;
font-size: 1rem;
:deep(.ant-popover-inner-content) {
@apply !p-0 !rounded-md;
.social-icon {
@apply my-0.5 w-4 h-4 stroke-transparent;
// Make icon black and white
filter: grayscale(100%);
// Make icon red on hover
&:hover {
filter: grayscale(100%) invert(100%);
.social-icon-wrapper {
.nc-icon {
@apply mr-0.15;
&:hover {
.social-icon {
filter: none !important;