
51 lines
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import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { defineNuxtPlugin, nextTick } from '#imports'
import type { Language, NocoI18n } from '~/lib'
import { LanguageAlias } from '~/lib'
let globalI18n: NocoI18n
export const createI18nPlugin = async (): Promise<NocoI18n> =>
locale: 'en', // Set the initial locale
fallbackLocale: 'en', // Set the fallback locale in case the current locale can't be found
legacy: false, // disable legacy API (we use the composition API and inject utilities)
globalInjection: true, // enable global injection, so all utilities are injected into all components
export const getI18n = () => globalI18n
export async function setI18nLanguage(locale: keyof typeof Language, i18n = globalI18n) {
if (!i18n.global.availableLocales.includes(locale)) {
await loadLocaleMessages(locale)
i18n.global.locale.value = locale
export async function loadLocaleMessages(
locale: keyof typeof Language | keyof typeof LanguageAlias,
i18n: NocoI18n = globalI18n,
) {
if (Object.keys(LanguageAlias).includes(locale)) locale = LanguageAlias[locale as keyof typeof LanguageAlias]
// load locale messages with dynamic import
const messages = await import(`../lang/${locale}.json`)
// set locale and locale message
i18n.global.setLocaleMessage(locale, messages.default)
return nextTick()
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxtApp) => {
globalI18n = await createI18nPlugin()
nuxtApp.vueApp.i18n = globalI18n