You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

278 lines
8.2 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
interface Props {
size?: 'medium' | 'large' | 'small'
selectedDate?: dayjs.Dayjs | null
8 months ago
isDisabled?: boolean
pageDate?: dayjs.Dayjs
activeDates?: Array<dayjs.Dayjs>
8 months ago
isMondayFirst?: boolean
isWeekPicker?: boolean
8 months ago
disablePagination?: boolean
selectedWeek?: {
start: dayjs.Dayjs
end: dayjs.Dayjs
} | null
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
size: 'large',
selectedDate: null,
isDisabled: false,
isMondayFirst: true,
pageDate: dayjs(),
isWeekPicker: false,
disablePagination: false,
activeDates: [] as Array<dayjs.Dayjs>,
selectedWeek: null,
8 months ago
const emit = defineEmits(['change', 'update:selectedDate', 'update:pageDate', 'update:selectedWeek'])
// Page date is the date we use to manage which month/date that is currently being displayed
8 months ago
const pageDate = useVModel(props, 'pageDate', emit)
8 months ago
const selectedDate = useVModel(props, 'selectedDate', emit)
8 months ago
const activeDates = useVModel(props, 'activeDates', emit)
8 months ago
const selectedWeek = useVModel(props, 'selectedWeek', emit)
const days = computed(() => {
if (props.isMondayFirst) {
return ['Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su']
} else {
return ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa']
// Used to display the current month and year
const currentMonthYear = computed(() => {
return dayjs(pageDate.value).format('MMMM YYYY')
8 months ago
const selectWeek = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
const dayOffset = +props.isMondayFirst
const dayOfWeek = (date.day() - dayOffset + 7) % 7
const startDate = date.subtract(dayOfWeek, 'day')
selectedWeek.value = {
start: startDate,
end: startDate.endOf('week'),
8 months ago
// Generates all dates should be displayed in the calendar
// Includes all blank days at the start and end of the month
const dates = computed(() => {
const startOfMonth = dayjs(pageDate.value).startOf('month')
const dayOffset = +props.isMondayFirst
const firstDayOfWeek = startOfMonth.day()
const startDay = startOfMonth.subtract((firstDayOfWeek - dayOffset + 7) % 7, 'day')
8 months ago
const datesArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
datesArray.push(startDay.add(i, 'day'))
8 months ago
return datesArray
// Check if the date is in the selected week
const isDateInSelectedWeek = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
8 months ago
if (!selectedWeek.value) return false
return date.isBetween(selectedWeek.value.start, selectedWeek.value.end, 'day', '[]')
8 months ago
// Used to check if two dates are the same
const isSameDate = (date1: dayjs.Dayjs, date2: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
8 months ago
if (!date1 || !date2) return false
return date1.isSame(date2, 'day')
// Used in DatePicker for checking if the date is currently selected
const isSelectedDate = (dObj: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
8 months ago
if (!selectedDate.value) return false
const propDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value)
8 months ago
return props.selectedDate ? isSameDate(propDate, dObj) : false
const isDayInPagedMonth = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
return date.month() === dayjs(pageDate.value).month()
// Since we are using the same component for week picker and date picker we need to handle the date selection differently
const handleSelectDate = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
if (props.isWeekPicker) {
8 months ago
} else {
if (!isDayInPagedMonth(date)) {
pageDate.value = date
emit('update:pageDate', date)
selectedDate.value = date
emit('update:selectedDate', date)
8 months ago
// Used to check if a date is in the current month
const isDateInCurrentMonth = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
return date.month() === dayjs(pageDate.value).month()
8 months ago
// Used to Check if an event is in the date
const isActiveDate = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
return activeDates.value.some((d) => isSameDate(d, date))
8 months ago
// Paginate the calendar
const paginate = (action: 'next' | 'prev') => {
let newDate = dayjs(pageDate.value)
if (action === 'next') {
newDate = newDate.add(1, 'month')
} else {
newDate = newDate.subtract(1, 'month')
pageDate.value = newDate
emit('update:pageDate', newDate)
8 months ago
'gap-1': size === 'small',
'gap-4': size === 'medium' || size === 'large',
class="flex flex-col"
8 months ago
'justify-center': disablePagination,
'justify-between': !disablePagination,
class="flex items-center"
<NcButton v-if="!disablePagination" size="small" type="secondary" @click="paginate('prev')">
<component :is="iconMap.doubleLeftArrow" class="h-4 w-4" />
<template #title>
<span>{{ $t('labels.previousMonth') }}</span>
'text-xs': size === 'small',
'text-sm': size === 'medium',
>{{ currentMonthYear }}</span
<NcButton v-if="!disablePagination" size="small" type="secondary" @click="paginate('next')">
<component :is="iconMap.doubleRightArrow" class="h-4 w-4" />
<template #title>
<span>{{ $t('labels.nextMonth') }}</span>
'rounded-lg': size === 'small',
'rounded-y-xl': size !== 'small',
class="border-1 border-gray-200 max-w-[320px]"
'gap-1 px-1': size === 'medium',
'gap-2 px-2': size === 'large',
'px-2 py-1 !rounded-t-lg': size === 'small',
'rounded-t-xl': size !== 'small',
class="flex flex-row bg-gray-100 justify-between"
v-for="(day, index) in days"
'w-9 h-9': size === 'large',
'w-8 h-8': size === 'medium',
'text-[10px]': size === 'small',
class="flex items-center uppercase justify-center text-gray-500"
>{{ day[0] }}</span
'gap-2 p-2': size === 'large',
'gap-1 p-1': size === 'medium',
class="grid grid-cols-7"
8 months ago
v-for="(date, index) in dates"
8 months ago
'rounded-lg': !isWeekPicker,
'bg-brand-50 border-1 !border-brand-500': isSelectedDate(date) && !isWeekPicker && isDayInPagedMonth(date),
'hover:(border-1 border-gray-200 bg-gray-100)': !isSelectedDate(date) && !isWeekPicker,
'nc-selected-week z-1': isDateInSelectedWeek(date) && isWeekPicker,
7 months ago
'border-none': isWeekPicker,
'border-transparent': !isWeekPicker,
8 months ago
'text-gray-400': !isDateInCurrentMonth(date),
'nc-selected-week-start': isSameDate(date, selectedWeek?.start),
'nc-selected-week-end': isSameDate(date, selectedWeek?.end),
'rounded-md bg-brand-50 nc-calendar-today text-brand-500': isSameDate(date, dayjs()) && isDateInCurrentMonth(date),
'h-9 w-9': size === 'large',
'h-8 w-8': size === 'medium',
'h-6 w-6 text-[10px]': size === 'small',
8 months ago
7 months ago
class="px-1 py-1 relative border-1 font-large flex items-center cursor-pointer justify-center"
8 months ago
'h-1.5 w-1.5': size === 'large',
'h-1 w-1': size === 'medium',
'h-0.75 w-0.75': size === 'small',
'top-1 right-1': size !== 'small',
'top-0.5 right-0.5': size === 'small',
class="absolute z-2 rounded-full bg-brand-500"
<span class="z-2">
{{ date.get('date') }}
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-selected-week {
@apply relative;
.nc-selected-week:before {
@apply absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full border-y-1 bg-brand-50 border-brand-500;
content: '';
width: 124%;
height: 100%;
.nc-selected-week-start:before {
@apply !border-l-1 !rounded-l-lg;
.nc-selected-week-end:before {
width: 100%;
@apply !border-r-1 !rounded-r-lg;