# script to build local docker image.
# highlevel steps involved
# 1. build nocodb-sdk
# 2. build nc-gui
# 2a. static build of nc-gui
# 2b. copy nc-gui build to nocodb dir
# 3. build nocodb
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
function build_sdk(){
#build nocodb-sdk
cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/packages/nocodb-sdk
npm ci || ERROR="sdk build failed"
npm run build || ERROR="sdk build failed"
function build_gui(){
# build nc-gui
export NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=16384"
# generate static build of nc-gui
cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/packages/nc-gui
npm ci || ERROR="gui build failed"
npm run generate || ERROR="gui build failed"
function copy_gui_artifacts(){
# copy nc-gui build to nocodb dir
rsync -rvzh --delete ./dist/ ${SCRIPT_DIR}/packages/nocodb/docker/nc-gui/ || ERROR="copy_gui_artifacts failed"
function package_nocodb(){
#build nocodb
# build nocodb ( pack nocodb-sdk and nc-gui )
cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/packages/nocodb
npm install || ERROR="package_nocodb failed"
EE=true ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.local.config.js || ERROR="package_nocodb failed"
function build_image(){
# build docker
docker build . -f Dockerfile.local -t nocodb-local || ERROR="build_image failed"
function log_message(){
if [[ ${ERROR} != "" ]];
>&2 echo "build failed, Please check build-local-docker-image.log for more details"
>&2 echo "ERROR: ${ERROR}"
exit 1
echo 'docker image with tag "nocodb-local" built sussessfully. Use below sample command to run the container'
echo 'docker run -d -p 3333:8080 --name nocodb-local nocodb-local '
echo "Info: Building nocodb-sdk" | tee ${LOG_FILE}
build_sdk 1>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Info: Building nc-gui" | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
build_gui 1>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Info: copy nc-gui build to nocodb dir" | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
copy_gui_artifacts 1>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Info: build nocodb, package nocodb-sdk and nc-gui" | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
package_nocodb 1>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_FILE}
if [[ ${ERROR} == "" ]]; then
echo "Info: building docker image" | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}
build_image 1>> ${LOG_FILE} 2>> ${LOG_FILE}
log_message | tee -a ${LOG_FILE}