import {
type ColumnType,
type LinkToAnotherRecordType,
type LookupType,
type SelectOptionsType,
type TableType,
type ViewType,
} from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { Group } from '../lib/types'
const excludedGroupingUidt = [UITypes.Attachment, UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Barcode]
const [useProvideViewGroupBy, useViewGroupBy] = useInjectionState(
view: Ref<ViewType | undefined>,
meta: Ref<TableType | undefined> | ComputedRef<TableType | undefined>,
where?: ComputedRef<string | undefined>,
isPublic = false,
) => {
const groupByLimit: number = 3
const { api } = useApi()
const { appInfo } = useGlobal()
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { sharedView, fetchSharedViewData, fetchBulkAggregatedData, fetchBulkListData, fetchBulkGroupData } = useSharedView()
const { gridViewCols } = useViewColumnsOrThrow()
const { getMeta } = useMetas()
const sharedViewPassword = inject(SharedViewPasswordInj, ref(null))
const groupBy = computed<{ column: ColumnType; sort: string; order?: number }[]>(() => {
const tempGroupBy: { column: ColumnType; sort: string; order?: number }[] = []
Object.values(gridViewCols.value).forEach((col) => {
if (col.group_by) {
const column = meta?.value?.columns?.find((f) => f.id === col.fk_column_id)
if (column) {
sort: col.group_by_sort || 'asc',
order: col.group_by_order || 1,
tempGroupBy.sort((a, b) => (a.order ?? Infinity) - (b.order ?? Infinity))
return tempGroupBy
const isGroupBy = computed(() => !!groupBy.value.length)
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const { sorts, nestedFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow()
const reloadViewDataHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj, createEventHook())
const groupByGroupLimit = computed(() => {
return appInfo.value.defaultGroupByLimit?.limitGroup || 25
const groupByRecordLimit = computed(() => {
return appInfo.value.defaultGroupByLimit?.limitRecord || 10
const supportedLookups = ref<string[]>([])
const fieldsToGroupBy = computed(() =>
(meta?.value?.columns || []).filter((field) => {
if (excludedGroupingUidt.includes(field.uidt as UITypes)) return false
if (field.uidt === UITypes.Lookup) {
return field.id && supportedLookups.value.includes(field.id)
return true
const rootGroup = ref<Group>({
key: 'root',
color: 'root',
count: 0,
column: {} as any,
nestedIn: [],
aggregations: {},
paginationData: { page: 1, pageSize: groupByGroupLimit.value },
nested: true,
children: [],
root: true,
async function groupWrapperChangePage(page: number, groupWrapper?: Group) {
groupWrapper = groupWrapper || rootGroup.value
if (!groupWrapper) return
groupWrapper.paginationData.page = page
await loadGroups(
offset: (page - 1) * (groupWrapper.paginationData.pageSize || groupByGroupLimit.value),
} as any,
const formatData = (list: Record<string, any>[]) =>
list.map((row) => ({
row: { ...row },
oldRow: { ...row },
rowMeta: {},
const valueToTitle = (value: string, col: ColumnType, displayValueProp?: string) => {
if (col.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) {
if ([UITypes.User, UITypes.CreatedBy, UITypes.LastModifiedBy].includes(col.uidt as UITypes)) {
if (!value) {
if (col.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && displayValueProp && value && typeof value === 'object') {
return value[displayValueProp] ?? GROUP_BY_VARS.NULL
// convert to JSON string if non-string value
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
value = JSON.stringify(value)
return value ?? GROUP_BY_VARS.NULL
const colors = ref(enumColor.light)
const nextGroupColor = ref(colors.value[0])
const getNextColor = () => {
const tempColor = nextGroupColor.value
const index = colors.value.indexOf(nextGroupColor.value)
if (index === colors.value.length - 1) {
nextGroupColor.value = colors.value[0]
} else {
nextGroupColor.value = colors.value[index + 1]
return tempColor
const findKeyColor = (key?: string, col?: ColumnType): string => {
if (col) {
switch (col.uidt) {
case UITypes.MultiSelect: {
const keys = key?.split(',') || []
const colors = []
for (const k of keys) {
const option = (col.colOptions as SelectOptionsType).options?.find((o) => o.title === k)
if (option) {
return colors.join(',')
case UITypes.SingleSelect: {
const option = (col.colOptions as SelectOptionsType).options?.find((o) => o.title === key)
if (option) {
return option.color || getNextColor()
return 'gray'
case UITypes.Checkbox: {
if (key) {
return themeColors.success
return themeColors.error
return key ? getNextColor() : 'gray'
return key ? getNextColor() : 'gray'
const calculateNestedWhere = (nestedIn: GroupNestedIn[], existing = '') => {
return nestedIn.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (curr.key === GROUP_BY_VARS.NULL) {
acc += `${acc.length ? '~and' : ''}(${curr.title},gb_null)`
} else if (curr.column_uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) {
acc += `${acc.length ? '~and' : ''}(${curr.title},${curr.key === GROUP_BY_VARS.TRUE ? 'checked' : 'notchecked'})`
} else if (
[UITypes.Date, UITypes.DateTime, UITypes.CreatedTime, UITypes.LastModifiedTime].includes(curr.column_uidt as UITypes)
) {
acc += `${acc.length ? '~and' : ''}(${curr.title},gb_eq,exactDate,${curr.key})`
} else if ([UITypes.User, UITypes.CreatedBy, UITypes.LastModifiedBy].includes(curr.column_uidt as UITypes)) {
try {
const value = JSON.parse(curr.key)
acc += `${acc.length ? '~and' : ''}(${curr.title},gb_eq,${(Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value])
.map((v: any) => v.id)
} catch (e) {
} else {
acc += `${acc.length ? '~and' : ''}(${curr.title},gb_eq,${curr.key})`
return acc
}, existing)
const getSortParams = (sort: string) => {
if (sort === 'asc') {
return '+'
} else if (sort === 'desc') {
return '-'
} else if (sort === 'count-asc') {
return '~+'
} else if (sort === 'count-desc') {
return '~-'
const processGroupData = async (response: any, group?: Group) => {
group = group || rootGroup.value
const groupby = groupBy.value[group.nestedIn.length]
if (!groupby) return group
const tempList: Group[] = response.list.reduce((acc: Group[], curr: Record<string, any>) => {
const keyExists = acc.find(
(a) => a.key === valueToTitle(curr[groupby.column.column_name!] ?? curr[groupby.column.title!], groupby.column),
if (keyExists) {
keyExists.count += +curr.count
keyExists.paginationData = {
page: 1,
pageSize: group.paginationData.pageSize || groupByGroupLimit.value,
totalRows: keyExists.count,
return acc
if (groupby.column.title && groupby.column.uidt) {
key: valueToTitle(curr[groupby.column.title!], groupby.column),
column: groupby.column,
count: +curr.count,
color: findKeyColor(curr[groupby.column.title!], groupby.column),
nestedIn: [
title: groupby.column.title,
column_name: groupby.column.title!,
key: valueToTitle(curr[groupby.column.title!], groupby.column),
column_uidt: groupby.column.uidt,
aggregations: curr.aggregations ?? {},
paginationData: {
page: 1,
group!.nestedIn.length < groupBy.value.length - 1
? group.paginationData.pageSize || groupByGroupLimit.value
: groupByRecordLimit.value,
totalRows: +curr.count,
nested: group!.nestedIn.length < groupBy.value.length - 1,
return acc
}, [])
if (!group.children) group.children = []
for (const temp of tempList) {
const keyExists = group.children?.find((a) => a.key === temp.key)
if (keyExists) {
temp.paginationData = {
page: keyExists.paginationData.page || temp.paginationData.page,
pageSize: keyExists.paginationData.pageSize || temp.paginationData.pageSize,
totalRows: temp.count,
temp.color = keyExists.color
// update group
Object.assign(keyExists, temp)
group.children = group.children.filter((c) => tempList.find((t) => t.key === c.key))
if (group.count <= (group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value)) {
group.children.sort((a, b) => {
const orderA = tempList.findIndex((t) => t.key === a.key)
const orderB = tempList.findIndex((t) => t.key === b.key)
return orderA - orderB
group.paginationData = response.pageInfo
// to cater the case like when querying with a non-zero offset
// the result page may point to the target page where the actual returned data don't display on
const expectedPage = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(group.paginationData.totalRows! / group.paginationData.pageSize!))
if (expectedPage < group.paginationData.page!) {
await groupWrapperChangePage(expectedPage, group)
return group
async function loadGroups(
params: any = {},
group?: Group,
options?: {
triggerChildOnly: boolean
) {
try {
group = group || rootGroup.value
if (!base?.value?.id || !view.value?.id || !view.value?.fk_model_id || !group) return
if (groupBy.value.length === 0) {
group.children = []
if (group.nestedIn.length > groupBy.value.length) return
if (group.nestedIn.length === 0) nextGroupColor.value = colors.value[0]
const groupby = groupBy.value[group.nestedIn.length]
const nestedWhere = calculateNestedWhere(group.nestedIn, where?.value)
if (!groupby || !groupby.column.title) return
if (isPublic && !sharedView.value?.uuid) {
if (groupby.column.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord) {
const relatedTableMeta = await getMeta(
(groupby.column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType).fk_related_model_id as string,
if (!relatedTableMeta) return
group.displayValueProp = (relatedTableMeta.columns?.find((c) => c.pv) || relatedTableMeta.columns?.[0])?.title || ''
if (!options?.triggerChildOnly) {
const response = !isPublic
? await api.dbViewRow.groupBy('noco', base.value.id, view.value.fk_model_id, view.value.id, {
offset: ((group.paginationData.page ?? 0) - 1) * (group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value),
limit: group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value,
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }),
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }),
where: `${nestedWhere}`,
sort: `${getSortParams(groupby.sort)}${groupby.column.title}`,
column_name: groupby.column.title,
} as any)
: await api.public.dataGroupBy(
offset: ((group.paginationData.page ?? 0) - 1) * (group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value),
limit: group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value,
where: nestedWhere,
sort: `${getSortParams(groupby.sort)}${groupby.column.title}`,
column_name: groupby.column.title,
sortsArr: sorts.value,
filtersArr: nestedFilters.value,
headers: {
'xc-password': sharedViewPassword.value,
group = await processGroupData(response, group)
if (appInfo.value.ee) {
const aggregationMap = new Map<string, string>()
const aggregationParams = (group.children ?? []).map((child) => {
let key = child.key
if (!key?.length || key.startsWith(' ') || key.endsWith(' ')) {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aggregationMap.set(key, child.key)
try {
key = JSON.parse(key)
if (typeof key === 'object') {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aggregationMap.set(key, child.key)
return {
where: calculateNestedWhere(child.nestedIn, where?.value),
alias: key,
} catch (e) {}
return {
where: calculateNestedWhere(child.nestedIn, where?.value),
alias: key,
const aggResponse = !isPublic
? await api.dbDataTableBulkAggregate.dbDataTableBulkAggregate(
viewId: view.value!.id,
: await fetchBulkAggregatedData({}, aggregationParams)
Object.entries(aggResponse).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === key.toString())
if (child) {
Object.assign(child.aggregations, value)
} else {
const originalKey = aggregationMap.get(key)
const child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === originalKey.toString())
if (child) {
Object.assign(child.aggregations, value)
if (group?.children && group.nestedIn.length === groupBy.value.length - 1) {
const aliasMap = new Map<string, string>()
const childViewFilters = group?.children?.map((childGroup) => {
let key = childGroup.key
if (!key?.length || key.startsWith(' ') || key.endsWith(' ')) {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aliasMap.set(key, childGroup.key)
try {
key = JSON.parse(key)
if (typeof key === 'object') {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aliasMap.set(key, childGroup.key)
} catch (e) {}
return {
alias: key,
where: calculateNestedWhere(childGroup.nestedIn, where?.value),
((childGroup.paginationData.page ?? 0) - 1) * (childGroup.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByRecordLimit.value),
limit: childGroup.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByRecordLimit.value,
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }),
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }),
if (childViewFilters.length > 0) {
const bulkData = !isPublic
? await api.dbDataTableBulkList.dbDataTableBulkList(
viewId: view.value.id,
: await fetchBulkListData({}, childViewFilters)
Object.entries(bulkData).forEach(([key, value]: { key: string; value: any }) => {
const child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === key.toString())
if (child) {
child.count = value.pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0
child.rows = formatData(value.list)
child.paginationData = value.pageInfo
} else {
const originalKey = aliasMap.get(key)
const child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === originalKey.toString())
if (child) {
child.count = value.pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0
child.rows = formatData(value.list)
child.paginationData = value.pageInfo
if (group?.children && group.nestedIn.length < groupBy.value.length - 1) {
const aliasMap = new Map<string, string>()
const childGroupFilters = group?.children?.map((childGroup) => {
const childGroupBy = groupBy.value[childGroup.nestedIn.length]
const childNestedWhere = calculateNestedWhere(childGroup.nestedIn, where?.value)
let key = childGroup.key
if (!key?.length || key.startsWith(' ') || key.endsWith(' ')) {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aliasMap.set(key, childGroup.key)
try {
key = JSON.parse(key)
if (typeof key === 'object') {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aliasMap.set(key, childGroup.key)
} catch (e) {}
return {
alias: key,
((childGroup.paginationData.page ?? 0) - 1) * (childGroup.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value),
limit: childGroup.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByGroupLimit.value,
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }),
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }),
where: `${childNestedWhere}`,
sort: `${getSortParams(childGroupBy.sort)}${childGroupBy.column.title}`,
column_name: childGroupBy.column.title,
if (childGroupFilters.length > 0) {
const bulkGroupData = !isPublic
? await api.dbDataTableBulkGroupList.dbDataTableBulkGroupList(
viewId: view.value.id,
: await fetchBulkGroupData({}, childGroupFilters)
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(bulkGroupData)) {
let child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === key.toString())
if (!child) {
const originalKey = aliasMap.get(key)
child = (group?.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === originalKey.toString())!
Object.assign(child, await processGroupData(value, child))
} catch (e) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
async function loadGroupData(group: Group, force = false, params: any = {}) {
try {
if (!base?.value?.id || !view.value?.id || !view.value?.fk_model_id) return
if (group.children && !force) return
if (!group.paginationData) {
group.paginationData = { page: 1, pageSize: groupByRecordLimit.value }
const nestedWhere = calculateNestedWhere(group.nestedIn, where?.value)
const query = {
offset: ((group.paginationData.page ?? 0) - 1) * (group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByRecordLimit.value),
limit: group.paginationData.pageSize ?? groupByRecordLimit.value,
where: `${nestedWhere}`,
const response = !isPublic
? await api.dbViewRow.list('noco', base.value.id, view.value.fk_model_id, view.value.id, {
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }),
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }),
} as any)
: await fetchSharedViewData({ sortsArr: sorts.value, filtersArr: nestedFilters.value, ...query }, { isGroupBy: true })
group.count = response.pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0
group.rows = formatData(response.list)
group.paginationData = response.pageInfo
} catch (e) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
async function loadGroupAggregation(
group: Group,
fields?: Array<{
field: string
type: string
) {
try {
if (!meta?.value?.id || !view.value?.id || !view.value?.fk_model_id || !appInfo.value.ee) return
const filteredFields = fields?.filter((x) => x.type !== CommonAggregations.None)
if (filteredFields && !filteredFields?.length) return
const aggregationMap = new Map<string, string>()
const aggregationParams = (group.children ?? []).map((child) => {
let key = child.key
if (!key?.length || key.startsWith(' ') || key.endsWith(' ')) {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aggregationMap.set(key, child.key)
try {
key = JSON.parse(child.key)
if (typeof key === 'object') {
key = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
aggregationMap.set(key, child.key)
} catch (e) {}
return {
where: calculateNestedWhere(child.nestedIn, where?.value),
alias: key,
const response = !isPublic
? await api.dbDataTableBulkAggregate.dbDataTableBulkAggregate(
viewId: view.value!.id,
...(filteredFields ? { aggregation: filteredFields } : {}),
: await fetchBulkAggregatedData(
...(filteredFields ? { aggregation: filteredFields } : {}),
Object.entries(response).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const child = (group.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === key.toString())
if (child) {
Object.assign(child.aggregations, value)
} else {
const originalKey = aggregationMap.get(key)
if (originalKey) {
const child = (group.children ?? []).find((c) => c.key.toString() === originalKey.toString())
if (child) {
Object.assign(child.aggregations, value)
} catch (e) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
const loadGroupPage = async (group: Group, p: number) => {
if (!group.paginationData) {
group.paginationData = { page: 1, pageSize: groupByRecordLimit.value }
group.paginationData.page = p
await loadGroupData(group, true)
const refreshNested = (group?: Group, nestLevel = 0) => {
group = group || rootGroup.value
if (!group) return
if (nestLevel < groupBy.value.length) {
group.nested = true
} else {
group.nested = false
if (group.nested) {
if (group?.rows) {
group.rows = []
} else {
if (group?.children) {
group.children = []
if (nestLevel > groupBy.value.length) return
for (const child of group.children || []) {
refreshNested(child, nestLevel + 1)
() => groupBy.value.length,
async () => {
if (groupBy.value.length > 0) {
rootGroup.value.paginationData = { page: 1, pageSize: groupByGroupLimit.value }
rootGroup.value.column = {} as any
nextTick(() => reloadViewDataHook?.trigger())
const findGroupByNestedIn = (nestedIn: GroupNestedIn[], group?: Group, nestLevel = 0): Group => {
group = group || rootGroup.value
if (nestLevel >= nestedIn.length) return group
const child = group.children?.find((g) => g.key === nestedIn[nestLevel].key)
if (child) {
if (child.nested) {
return findGroupByNestedIn(nestedIn, child, nestLevel + 1)
return child
return group
const parentGroup = (group: Group) => {
const parent = findGroupByNestedIn(group.nestedIn.slice(0, -1))
return parent
const modifyCount = (group: Group, countEffect: number) => {
if (!group) return
group.count += countEffect
// remove group if count is 0
if (group.count === 0) {
const parent = parentGroup(group)
if (parent) {
parent.children = parent.children?.filter((c) => c.key !== group.key)
if (group.root) return
modifyCount(parentGroup(group), countEffect)
const findGroupForRow = (row: Row, group?: Group, nestLevel = 0): { found: boolean; group: Group } => {
group = group || rootGroup.value
if (group.nested) {
const child = group.children?.find((g) => {
if (!groupBy.value[nestLevel].column.title) return undefined
return (
g.key ===
valueToTitle(row.row[groupBy.value[nestLevel].column.title!], groupBy.value[nestLevel].column, group.displayValueProp)
if (child) {
return findGroupForRow(row, child, nestLevel + 1)
return { found: false, group }
return { found: true, group }
const redistributeRows = (group?: Group) => {
group = group || rootGroup.value
if (!group) return
if (!group.nested && group.rows) {
group.rows.forEach((row) => {
const properGroup = findGroupForRow(row)
if (properGroup.found) {
if (properGroup.group !== group) {
if (properGroup.group) {
modifyCount(properGroup.group, 1)
if (group) {
group.rows?.splice(group!.rows.indexOf(row), 1)
modifyCount(group, -1)
} else {
if (group) {
group.rows?.splice(group!.rows.indexOf(row), 1)
modifyCount(group, -1)
} else {
rootGroup.value.rows?.splice(rootGroup.value.rows!.indexOf(row), 1)
// if (properGroup.group?.children) loadGroups({}, properGroup.group)
} else {
group.children?.forEach((g) => redistributeRows(g))
const loadAllowedLookups = async () => {
const filteredLookupCols = []
try {
for (const col of meta?.value?.columns || []) {
if (col.uidt !== UITypes.Lookup) continue
let nextCol: ColumnType = col
// check the lookup column is supported type or not
while (nextCol && nextCol.uidt === UITypes.Lookup) {
const lookupRelation = (await getMeta(nextCol.fk_model_id as string))?.columns?.find(
(c) => c.id === (nextCol?.colOptions as LookupType).fk_relation_column_id,
if (!lookupRelation?.colOptions) break
const relatedTableMeta = await getMeta(
(lookupRelation?.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType).fk_related_model_id as string,
nextCol = relatedTableMeta?.columns?.find(
(c) => c.id === ((nextCol?.colOptions as LookupType).fk_lookup_column_id as string),
) as ColumnType
// if next column is same as root lookup column then break the loop
// since it's going to be a circular loop, and ignore the column
if (nextCol?.id === col.id) {
if (nextCol?.uidt !== UITypes.Attachment && col.id) filteredLookupCols.push(col.id)
supportedLookups.value = filteredLookupCols
} catch (e) {
watch([() => view?.value?.id, () => meta.value?.columns], async ([newViewId]) => {
// reload only if view belongs to current table
if (newViewId && view.value?.fk_model_id === meta.value?.id) {
await loadAllowedLookups()
return {
export { useProvideViewGroupBy }
export function useViewGroupByOrThrow() {
const viewColumns = useViewGroupBy()
if (viewColumns == null) throw new Error('Please call `useProvideViewGroupBy` on the appropriate parent component')
return viewColumns