<script lang="ts" setup>
import { UITypes, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
import { computed, inject, useMetas, watchEffect } from '#imports'
import { IsFormInj, MetaInj, ReloadViewDataHookInj } from '~/context'
import { uiTypes } from '~/utils/columnUtils'
import MdiPlusIcon from '~icons/mdi/plus-circle-outline'
import MdiMinusIcon from '~icons/mdi/minus-circle-outline'
import MdiIdentifierIcon from '~icons/mdi/identifier'
const emit = defineEmits(['submit', 'cancel'])
const { formState, generateNewColumnMeta, addOrUpdate, onAlter, onUidtOrIdTypeChange, validateInfos, isEdit } =
const { getMeta } = useMetas()
const { t } = useI18n()
const { $e } = useNuxtApp()
const meta = inject(MetaInj)
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false))
const reloadDataTrigger = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj)
const advancedOptions = ref(false)
const columnToValidate = [UITypes.Email, UITypes.URL, UITypes.PhoneNumber]
const onlyNameUpdateOnEditColumns = [UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord, UITypes.Lookup, UITypes.Rollup]
const uiTypesOptions = computed<typeof uiTypes>(() => {
return [
...uiTypes.filter((t) => !isEdit.value || !t.virtual),
...(!isEdit.value && meta?.value?.columns?.every((c) => !c.pk)
? [
name: UITypes.ID,
icon: MdiIdentifierIcon,
virtual: 0,
: []),
const reloadMetaAndData = async () => {
await getMeta(meta?.value.id as string, true)
async function onSubmit() {
const saved = await addOrUpdate(reloadMetaAndData)
if (!saved) return
// add delay to complete the minimize transition
setTimeout(() => {
advancedOptions.value = false
}, 500)
if (isForm.value) {
// focus and select the column name field
const antInput = ref()
watchEffect(() => {
if (antInput.value && formState.value) {
// todo: replace setTimeout
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300)
advancedOptions.value = false
onMounted(() => {
if (isEdit.value === false) {
} else {
if (formState.value.pk) {
// for cases like formula
if (formState.value && !formState.value.column_name) {
formState.value.column_name = formState.value?.title
class="w-[400px] max-h-[95vh] bg-gray-50 shadow-lg p-6 overflow-auto !border"
:class="{ '!w-[600px]': formState.uidt === UITypes.Formula }"
<a-form v-if="formState" v-model="formState" name="column-create-or-edit" layout="vertical">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<a-form-item :label="$t('labels.columnName')" v-bind="validateInfos.title">
<a-input ref="antInput" v-model:value="formState.title" class="nc-column-name-input" @input="onAlter(8)" />
v-if="!(isEdit && !!onlyNameUpdateOnEditColumns.find((col) => col === formState.uidt))"
<a-select v-model:value="formState.uidt" show-search class="nc-column-type-input" @change="onUidtOrIdTypeChange">
<a-select-option v-for="opt of uiTypesOptions" :key="opt.name" :value="opt.name" v-bind="validateInfos.uidt">
<div class="flex gap-1 items-center">
<component :is="opt.icon" class="text-grey" />
{{ opt.name }}
<SmartsheetColumnFormulaOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Formula" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnCurrencyOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Currency" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnDurationOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Duration" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnRatingOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Rating" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnCheckboxOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnLookupOptions v-if="!isEdit && formState.uidt === UITypes.Lookup" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnDateOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.Date" v-model:value="formState" />
<SmartsheetColumnRollupOptions v-if="!isEdit && formState.uidt === UITypes.Rollup" v-model:value="formState" />
v-if="!isEdit && formState.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord"
<SmartsheetColumnSpecificDBTypeOptions v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.SpecificDBType" />
v-if="formState.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || formState.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect"
class="text-xs cursor-pointer text-grey nc-more-options mb-1 mt-4 flex items-center gap-1 justify-end"
@click="advancedOptions = !advancedOptions"
{{ advancedOptions ? $t('general.hideAll') : $t('general.showMore') }}
<component :is="advancedOptions ? MdiMinusIcon : MdiPlusIcon" />
<div class="overflow-hidden" :class="advancedOptions ? 'h-min mb-2' : 'h-0'">
v-if="formState.meta && columnToValidate.includes(formState.uidt)"
class="ml-1 mb-1"
<span class="text-[10px] text-gray-600">
{{ `Accept only valid ${formState.uidt}` }}
<SmartsheetColumnAdvancedOptions v-model:value="formState" />
<div class="flex justify-end gap-1 mt-4">
<a-button html-type="button" @click="emit('cancel')">
<!-- Cancel -->
{{ $t('general.cancel') }}
<a-button html-type="submit" type="primary" @click.prevent="onSubmit">
<!-- Save -->
{{ $t('general.save') }}
<style scoped>
:deep(.ant-form-item-label > label) {
@apply !text-xs;
:deep(.ant-form-item-label) {
@apply !pb-0;
:deep(.ant-form-item-control-input) {
@apply !min-h-min;
:deep(.ant-form-item) {
@apply !mb-1;
:deep(.ant-select-selection-item) {
@apply flex items-center;
:deep(.ant-form-item-explain-error) {
@apply !text-[10px];
:deep(.ant-form-item-explain) {
@apply !min-h-[15px];