<script setup lang="ts">
import type { UploadChangeParam } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import MdiFileIcon from '~icons/mdi/file-plus-outline'
const { t } = useI18n()
interface Props {
modelValue: boolean
importType: 'csv' | 'json' | 'excel'
const { modelValue, importType } = defineProps<Props>()
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const activeKey = ref('upload')
const fileList = ref([])
const handleDrop = (e: DragEvent) => {
const uploadHint = computed(() => {
if (importType === 'excel') {
return t('msg.info.excelSupport')
const dialogShow = computed({
get() {
return modelValue
set(v) {
emit('update:modelValue', v)
const handleChange = (info: UploadChangeParam) => {
const status = info.file.status
if (status !== 'uploading') {
console.log(info.file, info.fileList)
if (status === 'done') {
console.log(`${info.file.name} file uploaded successfully.`)
} else if (status === 'error') {
console.log(`${info.file.name} file upload failed.`)
<v-dialog v-model="dialogShow" persistent @keydown.esc="dialogShow = false">
<v-card style="height: 400px; width: 700px">
<a-tabs v-model:activeKey="activeKey" hide-add type="editable-card" :tab-position="top">
<a-tab-pane key="upload" :closable="false">
<template #tab>
<MdiTableIcon class="text-primary mdi-icons" />
<a-upload-dragger v-model:fileList="fileList" name="file" :multiple="true" @change="handleChange" @drop="handleDrop">
<MdiFileIcon />
<p class="ant-upload-text">Click or drag file to this area to upload</p>
<p class="ant-upload-hint">
{{ uploadHint }}
<a-tab-pane v-if="importType === 'json'" key="json" :closable="false">
<template #tab>
<MdiTableIcon class="text-primary mdi-icons" />
Json String
<!-- TODO -->
<a-tab-pane v-else key="url" :closable="false">
<template #tab>
<MdiTableIcon class="text-primary mdi-icons" />
<!-- TODO -->
<style scoped lang="scss"></style>