You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
11 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { type Row, computed, ref } from '#imports'
interface Props {
isEmbed?: boolean
data?: Row[] | null
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
isEmbed: false,
data: null,
const emit = defineEmits(['expand-record', 'new-record'])
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const fields = inject(FieldsInj, ref([]))
const data = toRefs(props).data
const displayField = computed(() => meta.value?.columns?.find((c) => c.pv && fields.value.includes(c)) ?? null)
const { pageDate, selectedTime, selectedDate, calDataType, formattedData, calendarRange } = useCalendarViewStoreOrThrow()
const renderData = computed(() => {
if (data.value) {
return data.value
return formattedData.value
const getRecordPosition = (record: Row) => {
if (!calendarRange.value || !calendarRange.value[0]) return ''
const startCol = calendarRange.value[0].fk_from_col
const endCol = calendarRange.value[0].fk_to_col
if (!endCol && startCol) {
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[startCol.title])
return startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') ? 'rounded' : ''
} else if (endCol && startCol) {
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[startCol.title])
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[endCol.title])
// StartDate is Same as selectedDate and EndDate is Same as selectedDate -> Same Day No Spanning - none
// StartDate is Same as selectedDate and EndDate is After selectedDate -> Spanning Right
// StartDate is Before selectedDate and EndDate is Same as selectedDate -> Spanning Left
// StartDate is Before selectedDate and EndDate is After selectedDate -> Spanning Both
// StartDate is same as selectedDate and EndDate is Before selectedDate -> Spanning Left
// StartDate is after selectedDate and EndDate is same as selectedDate -> Spanning Right
// StartDate is after selectedDate and EndDate is before selectedDate -> Spanning Both
// StartDate and no EndDate -> Same Day No Spanning - none
// EndDate and no StartDate -> Same Day No Spanning - none
if (startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'rounded'
} else if (startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'leftRounded'
} else if (startDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'rightRounded'
} else if (startDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'rounded'
} else if (startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'rightRounded'
} else if (startDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'leftRounded'
} else if (startDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day')) {
return 'rounded'
} else {
return 'rounded'
const timeSlots = reactive({})
const getRecordStyles = (record) => {
if (!calendarRange.value || !calendarRange.value[0]) return ''
const startColTitle = calendarRange.value[0].fk_from_col.title
const endColTitle = calendarRange.value[0].fk_to_col.title
const scheduleStart = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day').toDate()
const scheduleEnd = dayjs(selectedDate.value).endOf('day').toDate()
let fromDate = record.row[startColTitle] ? new Date(record.row[startColTitle]) : null
let endDate = record.row[endColTitle] ? new Date(record.row[endColTitle]) : null
if (!fromDate && !endDate) return null
if (!fromDate) {
fromDate = new Date(endDate.getTime() - 60 * 60000)
} else if (!endDate) {
endDate = new Date(fromDate.getTime() + 60 * 60000)
const scaleMinutes = (scheduleEnd - scheduleStart) / 60000
const startMinutes = Math.max(0, (fromDate - scheduleStart) / 60000)
const endMinutes = Math.min(scaleMinutes, (endDate - scheduleStart) / 60000)
if (endMinutes < startMinutes) return null
const height = ((endMinutes - startMinutes) / scaleMinutes) * 100
const timeslot = `${fromDate.getHours()}:${Math.floor(fromDate.getMinutes() / 15) * 15}`
// Calculate the column index based on timeSlots
let columnIndex = -1
if (timeSlots[timeslot]) {
columnIndex = timeSlots[timeslot].findIndex((colEndTime) => startMinutes >= colEndTime)
if (columnIndex === -1 && timeSlots[timeslot].length < 10) {
columnIndex = timeSlots[timeslot].length
} else if (columnIndex === -1) {
columnIndex = 9 // Last column if there are already 10 columns
// Calculate the width and left based on the column index
const numColumns = columnIndex !== -1 ? Math.min(timeSlots[timeslot].length, 10) : 1
const width = 100 / numColumns
const left = columnIndex !== -1 ? width * columnIndex : 0
return {
top: `${(startMinutes / scaleMinutes) * 100}%`,
height: `${height}%`,
left: `calc(${left}% + 40px)`,
width: `${width}%`,
const getSpanningRecords = computed(() => {
if (!calendarRange.value || !calendarRange.value[0]) return []
const startCol = calendarRange.value[0].fk_from_col
const endCol = calendarRange.value[0].fk_to_col
const recordsSpanning = []
// StartDate is Same as selectedDate and EndDate is Same as selectedDate -> Same Day No Spanning
// StartDate is Same as selectedDate and EndDate is After selectedDate -> Spanning Right
// StartDate is Before selectedDate and EndDate is Same as selectedDate -> Spanning Left
// StartDate is Before selectedDate and EndDate is After selectedDate -> Spanning Both
// StartDate is same as selectedDate and EndDate is Before selectedDate -> Spanning Left
// StartDate is after selectedDate and EndDate is same as selectedDate -> Spanning Right
// StartDate is after selectedDate and EndDate is before selectedDate -> Spanning Both
for (const record of renderData.value) {
if (endCol && startCol) {
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[startCol.title])
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[endCol.title])
if (
(startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day')) ||
(startDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')) ||
(startDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day')) ||
(startDate.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day') && endDate.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day'))
) {
return recordsSpanning
const hours = computed<dayjs.Dayjs>(() => {
const hours = []
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
return hours
<template v-if="renderData && renderData.length && displayField.title && calendarRange[0].fk_from_col">
v-if="calDataType === UITypes.Date"
'h-calc(100vh-10.8rem) overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md': !props.isEmbed,
'border-r-1 h-full border-gray-200 hover:bg-gray-50 ': props.isEmbed,
class="flex flex-col pt-3 !gap-2 h-full w-full"
<LazySmartsheetRow v-for="(record, rowIndex) in renderData" :key="rowIndex" :row="record">
@click="emit('expand-record', record)"
v-else-if="calDataType === UITypes.DateTime"
'h-calc(100vh-10.8rem) overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md': !props.isEmbed,
'border-r-1 h-full border-gray-200 ': props.isEmbed,
class="flex flex-col w-full"
<div v-if="getSpanningRecords && getSpanningRecords.length" class="pb-3">
<div class="text-xs text-gray-500 pl-3 py-3 font-bold">Records spanning multiple days</div>
<LazySmartsheetRow v-for="(record, rowIndex) in getSpanningRecords.slice(0, 4)" :key="rowIndex" :row="record">
@click="emit('expand-record', record)"
<div class="relative">
v-for="hour in hours"
'!border-brand-500': dayjs(hour).isSame(selectedTime),
class="flex w-full relative border-1 group hover:bg-gray-50 border-white border-b-gray-100"
@click="selectedTime = dayjs(hour).toDate()"
<div class="pt-2 px-4 text-xs text-gray-500 font-semibold h-20">
{{ dayjs(hour).format('H A') }}
'!block': dayjs(hour).isSame(selectedTime),
'!hidden': !dayjs(hour).isSame(selectedTime),
class="mr-4 my-auto ml-auto z-10 top-0 bottom-0 !group-hover:block absolute"
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="h-4 w-4 text-gray-700 transition-all" />
v-for="(record, rowIndex) in renderData.filter((rec) => !getSpanningRecords.includes(rec))"
'ml-3': getRecordPosition(record) === 'leftRounded',
'mr-3': getRecordPosition(record) === 'rightRounded',
'mx-3': getRecordPosition(record) === 'rounded',
<LazySmartsheetRow :row="record">
@click="emit('expand-record', record)"
<div v-else-if="!data" class="w-full h-full flex text-md font-bold text-gray-500 items-center justify-center">
No Records in this day
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>