You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
2.9 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Sketch } from '@ckpack/vue-color'
import { useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow } from '#imports'
import { enumColor, getMdiIcon } from '@/utils'
const { formState, validateInfos, setAdditionalValidations, sqlUi, onDataTypeChange, onAlter } = useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow()
// cater existing v1 cases
const iconList = [
checked: 'mdi-check-bold',
unchecked: 'mdi-crop-square',
checked: 'mdi-check-circle-outline',
unchecked: 'mdi-checkbox-blank-circle-outline',
checked: 'mdi-star',
unchecked: 'mdi-star-outline',
checked: 'mdi-heart',
unchecked: 'mdi-heart-outline',
checked: 'mdi-moon-full',
unchecked: 'mdi-moon-new',
checked: 'mdi-thumb-up',
unchecked: 'mdi-thumb-up-outline',
checked: 'mdi-flag',
unchecked: 'mdi-flag-outline',
const advanced = ref(true)
const picked = ref(formState.value.meta.color || enumColor.light[0])
// set default value
formState.value.meta = {
icon: {
checked: 'mdi-check-bold',
unchecked: 'mdi-crop-square',
color: '#777',
// antdv doesn't support object as value
// use iconIdx as value and update back in watch
const iconIdx = iconList.findIndex(
(ele) => ele.checked === formState.value.meta.icon.checked && ele.unchecked === formState.value.meta.icon.unchecked,
formState.value.meta.iconIdx = iconIdx === -1 ? 0 : iconIdx
() => formState.value.meta.iconIdx,
(v) => {
formState.value.meta.icon = iconList[v]
<a-col :span="24">
<a-form-item label="Icon">
<a-select v-model:value="formState.meta.iconIdx" size="small" class="w-52">
<a-select-option v-for="(icon, i) of iconList" :key="i" :value="i">
color: formState.meta.color,
color: formState.meta.color,
<a-card class="w-full shadow-lg mt-2" body-style="padding: 0px">
<a-collapse v-model:activeKey="advanced" accordion ghost expand-icon-position="right">
<a-collapse-panel key="1" header="Advanced" class="">
<a-button class="!bg-primary text-white w-full" @click="formState.meta.color = picked.hex"> Pick Color </a-button>
<div class="px-7 py-3">
<Sketch v-model="picked" />
<style scoped lang="scss">
.color-selector:hover {
@apply brightness-90;
.color-selector.selected {
@apply py-[5px] px-[10px] brightness-90;