"create_new_dashboard_project":"Create New Interface",
"connect_data_sources":"Connect data sources",
"alert-message":"No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
"select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects":"Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
"maxRequiredArgumentsFormula":"{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
"functionNotAvailable":"{function} function is not available",
"firstParamWeekDayHaveDate":"The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
"secondParamWeekDayHaveDate":"The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
"firstParamDateAddHaveDate":"The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
"secondParamDateAddHaveNumber":"The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
"thirdParamDateAddHaveDate":"The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
"firstParamDateDiffHaveDate":"The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"secondParamDateDiffHaveDate":"The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate":"The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
"columnNotAvailable":"Field {columnName} is not available",
"cantSaveCircularReference":"Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
"columnWithTypeFoundButExpected":"Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
"columnNotMatchedWithType":"{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
"cantBeNull":"Select options can't be null",
"multiSelectCantHaveCommas":"MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
"cantHaveDuplicates":"Select options can't have duplicates",
"createNewOptionNamed":"Create new option named"
"plsEnterANumber":"Please enter a number",
"plsInputEmail":"Please input email",
"invalidDate":"Invalid date",
"invalidLocale":"Invalid locale",
"invalidCurrencyCode":"Invalid Currency Code",
"postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings":"PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
"validColumnsForBarCode":"The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
"title":"Has Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc":"A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2":" can be linked with multiple records from table "
"title":"Many to Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc":"Multiple records from table ",
"tooltip_desc2":" can be linked with multiple records from table "
"title":"Belongs to Relation",
"tooltip_desc":"A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2":" can be linked with a record from table "
"title":"One to One Relation",
"tooltip_desc":"A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2":" can be linked with a single record from table "
"noRecordsAreLinkedFromTable":"No records are linked from table",
"noRecordsLinked":"No records linked",
"recordsLinked":"records linked",
"acceptOnlyValid":"Accepts only",
"apiTokenCreate":"Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
"message":"Sme malý tím, ktorý na plný úväzok pracuje na tom, aby sa NocoDB stala open-source. Veríme, že nástroj ako NocoDB by mal byť voľne dostupný každému riešiteľovi problémov na internete."
"showM2mTablesDesc":"Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.",
"showNullInCells":"Show NULL in Cells",
"showNullInCellsDesc":"Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter":"Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc":"Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation":"Odstránením tohto zásobníka sa odstráni aj možnosť výberu `{stackToBeDeleted}` z `{groupingField}`. Záznamy sa presunú do zásobníka bez kategórií.",