You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

257 lines
7.6 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
const emit = defineEmits(['expandRecord', 'newRecord'])
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const container = ref()
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const { selectedDate, formattedData, formattedSideBarData, calendarRange, updateRowProperty } = useCalendarViewStoreOrThrow()
const fields = inject(FieldsInj, ref())
const { fields: _fields } = useViewColumnsOrThrow()
const fieldStyles = computed(() => {
if (!_fields.value) return new Map()
return new Map(
_fields.value.map((field) => [
underline: field.underline,
bold: field.bold,
italic: field.italic,
const getFieldStyle = (field: ColumnType) => {
return fieldStyles.value.get(field.id)
// We loop through all the records and calculate the position of each record based on the range
// We only need to calculate the top, of the record since there is no overlap in the day view of date Field
const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<Row[]>(() => {
let dayRecordCount = 0
const perRecordHeight = 28
if (!calendarRange.value) return []
const recordsByRange: Array<Row> = []
calendarRange.value.forEach((range) => {
const fromCol = range.fk_from_col
const endCol = range.fk_to_col
if (fromCol && endCol) {
for (const record of formattedData.value) {
10 months ago
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!])
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[endCol.title!])
const style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {
top: `${(dayRecordCount - 1) * perRecordHeight}px`,
width: '100%',
// This property is used to determine which side the record should be rounded. It can be left, right, both or none
let position = 'none'
10 months ago
const isSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')
const isBeforeSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day')
const isAfterSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day')
if (isSelectedDay(startDate) && isSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'rounded'
} else if (isBeforeSelectedDay(startDate) && isAfterSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'none'
} else if (isSelectedDay(startDate) && isAfterSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'leftRounded'
} else if (isBeforeSelectedDay(startDate) && isSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'rightRounded'
} else {
position = 'none'
rowMeta: {
10 months ago
range: range as any,
} else if (fromCol) {
for (const record of formattedData.value) {
rowMeta: {
10 months ago
range: range as any,
style: {
width: '100%',
left: '0',
top: `${(dayRecordCount - 1) * perRecordHeight}px`,
position: 'rounded',
return recordsByRange
const dragElement = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)
const hoverRecord = ref<string | null>(null)
// We support drag and drop from the sidebar to the day view of the date field
const dropEvent = (event: DragEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
const data = event.dataTransfer?.getData('text/plain')
if (data) {
const {
}: {
record: Row
initialClickOffsetY: number
initialClickOffsetX: number
} = JSON.parse(data)
const fromCol = record.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = record.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
10 months ago
if (!fromCol) return
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day')
let endDate
const newRow = {
row: {
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
10 months ago
const updateProperty = [fromCol.title!]
if (toCol) {
10 months ago
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = record.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[toCol.title!]) : null
if (fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).add(toDate.diff(fromDate, 'day'), 'day')
} else if (fromDate && !toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else if (!fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else {
endDate = newStartDate.clone()
newRow.row[toCol.title!] = dayjs(endDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ')
10 months ago
if (!newRow) return
const newPk = extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)
if (dragElement.value) {
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
10 months ago
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} else {
formattedData.value = [...formattedData.value, newRow]
formattedSideBarData.value = formattedSideBarData.value.filter((r) => {
return extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!) !== newPk
if (dragElement.value) {
dragElement.value.style.boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement.value = null
updateRowProperty(newRow, updateProperty, false)
// TODO: Add Support for multiple ranges when multiple ranges are supported
const newRecord = () => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit') || !calendarRange.value?.length) return
const record = {
row: {
[calendarRange.value[0].fk_from_col!.title!]: selectedDate.value.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
emit('newRecord', record)
class="w-full cursor-pointer relative h-[calc(100vh-10.8rem)] overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md"
v-for="(record, rowIndex) in recordsAcrossAllRange"
class="absolute mt-2"
@mouseleave="hoverRecord = null"
@mouseover="hoverRecord = record.rowMeta.id as string"
<LazySmartsheetRow :row="record">
@click.prevent="emit('expandRecord', record)"
<template v-for="(field, id) in fields" :key="id">
v-if="!isRowEmpty(record, field!)"
class="w-full h-full cursor-pointer flex text-md font-bold text-gray-500 items-center justify-center"
No records in this day
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>