You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
4.7 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
const props = defineProps<{
// Prop used to align the dropdown to the left in sidebar
alignLeftLevel: number | undefined
const { $e } = useNuxtApp()
const alignLeftLevel = toRef(props, 'alignLeftLevel')
const { refreshCommandPalette } = useCommandPalette()
const viewsStore = useViewsStore()
const { loadViews, navigateToView } = viewsStore
const table = inject(SidebarTableInj)!
const base = inject(ProjectInj)!
const isViewListLoading = ref(false)
const toBeCreateType = ref<ViewTypes>()
const isOpen = ref(false)
const overlayClassName = computed(() => {
if (alignLeftLevel.value === 1) return 'nc-view-create-dropdown nc-view-create-dropdown-left-1'
if (alignLeftLevel.value === 2) return 'nc-view-create-dropdown nc-view-create-dropdown-left-2'
return 'nc-view-create-dropdown'
async function onOpenModal({
title = '',
}: {
title?: string
type: ViewTypes
copyViewId?: string
groupingFieldColumnId?: string
}) {
if (isViewListLoading.value) return
toBeCreateType.value = type
isViewListLoading.value = true
await loadViews({
tableId: table.value.id!,
isOpen.value = false
isViewListLoading.value = false
const isDlgOpen = ref(true)
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgViewCreate'), {
'modelValue': isDlgOpen,
'tableId': table.value.id,
'selectedViewId': copyViewId,
'onUpdate:modelValue': closeDialog,
'onCreated': async (view: ViewType) => {
await loadViews({
tableId: table.value.id!,
force: true,
table.value.meta = {
...(table.value.meta as object),
hasNonDefaultViews: true,
tableId: table.value.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
$e('a:view:create', { view: view.type })
function closeDialog() {
isOpen.value = false
1 year ago
isDlgOpen.value = false
<NcDropdown v-model:visible="isOpen" destroy-popup-on-hide :overlay-class-name="overlayClassName" @click.stop="isOpen = true">
<slot />
<template #overlay>
<NcMenu class="max-w-48">
<NcMenuItem @click.stop="onOpenModal({ type: ViewTypes.GRID })">
<div class="item" data-testid="sidebar-view-create-grid">
<div class="item-inner">
<GeneralViewIcon :meta="{ type: ViewTypes.GRID }" />
<GeneralLoader v-if="toBeCreateType === ViewTypes.GRID && isViewListLoading" />
<GeneralIcon v-else class="plus" icon="plus" />
<NcMenuItem @click="onOpenModal({ type: ViewTypes.FORM })">
<div class="item" data-testid="sidebar-view-create-form">
<div class="item-inner">
<GeneralViewIcon :meta="{ type: ViewTypes.FORM }" />
<GeneralLoader v-if="toBeCreateType === ViewTypes.FORM && isViewListLoading" />
<GeneralIcon v-else class="plus" icon="plus" />
<NcMenuItem @click="onOpenModal({ type: ViewTypes.GALLERY })">
<div class="item" data-testid="sidebar-view-create-gallery">
<div class="item-inner">
<GeneralViewIcon :meta="{ type: ViewTypes.GALLERY }" />
<GeneralLoader v-if="toBeCreateType === ViewTypes.GALLERY && isViewListLoading" />
<GeneralIcon v-else class="plus" icon="plus" />
<NcMenuItem data-testid="sidebar-view-create-kanban" @click="onOpenModal({ type: ViewTypes.KANBAN })">
<div class="item">
<div class="item-inner">
<GeneralViewIcon :meta="{ type: ViewTypes.KANBAN }" />
<GeneralLoader v-if="toBeCreateType === ViewTypes.KANBAN && isViewListLoading" />
<GeneralIcon v-else class="plus" icon="plus" />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.item {
@apply flex flex-row items-center w-36 justify-between;
.item-inner {
@apply flex flex-row items-center gap-x-1.75;
.plus {
@apply text-brand-400;
<style lang="scss">
.nc-view-create-dropdown {
@apply !max-w-43 !min-w-43;
.nc-view-create-dropdown-left-1 {
@apply !left-18;
.nc-view-create-dropdown-left-2 {
@apply !left-23.5;