You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
984 B

import ApiFactory from '@/plugins/ncApis/apiFactory'
export default function({ store: $store, $axios, ...rest }, inject) {
let instanceRefs = {}
let projectId = null
inject('ncApis', {
get: ({ table, dbAlias = 'db', env = '_noco', type }) => {
if (!$store.state.meta.metas[table]) {
if (instanceRefs[env] && instanceRefs[env][dbAlias] && instanceRefs[env][dbAlias][table]) {
return instanceRefs[env][dbAlias][table]
instanceRefs[env] = instanceRefs[env] || {}
instanceRefs[env][dbAlias] = instanceRefs[env][dbAlias] || {}
instanceRefs[env][dbAlias][table] = ApiFactory.create(
type || $store.getters['project/GtrProjectType'],
{ $store, $axios, projectId, dbAlias, env, table }
return instanceRefs[env][dbAlias][table]
clear: () => {
instanceRefs = {}
setProjectId: (_projectId) => {
projectId = _projectId