"editorDesc":"Can edit records but cannot change structure of database/fields.",
"commenterDesc":"Can view and comment the records but cannot edit anything",
"viewerDesc":"Can view the records but cannot edit anything",
"addUser":"Add new user",
"staticRoleInfo":"System defined roles can't be edited",
"exportZip":"Export project meta to zip file and download.",
"importZip":"Import project meta zip file and restart.",
"importText":"Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file",
"metaNoChange":"No change identified",
"sqlMigration":"Schema migrations will be created automatically. Create a table and refresh this page.",
"dbConnectionStatus":"Environment validated",
"dbConnected":"Connection was successful",
"no_new":"No new notifications",
"header":"You can help us!",
"message":"We are a tiny team working full time to make NocoDB Open-source. We believe a tool like NocoDB should be available freely to every problem solver on Internet."
"loginMsg":"Log In To NocoDB",
"message_1":"Please provide the email address you used when you signed up.",
"message_2":"We will send you an email with a link to reset your password.",
"success":"Please check your email to reset the password"
"superAdmin":"You will be the 'Super Admin'",
"alreadyHaveAccount":"Already have an account ?",
"workEmail":"Enter your work email",
"enterPassword":"Enter your password",
"forgotPassword":"Forgot your password ?",
"dontHaveAccount":"Don't have an account ?"
"grid":"Add Grid View",
"gallery":"Add Gallery View",
"form":"Add Form View",
"kanban":"Add Kanban View",
"calendar":"Add Calendar View"
"tablesMetadataInSync":"Tables metadata is in Sync",
"addMultipleUsers":"You can add multiple comma(,) separated emails",