import { defineNuxtPlugin } from 'nuxt/app'
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
let i18n: ReturnType<typeof createI18n>
export const createI18nPlugin = async () =>
locale: 'en', // Set the initial locale
fallbackLocale: 'en', // Set the fallback locale in case the current locale can't be found
legacy: false, // disable legacy API (we use the composition API and inject utilities)
globalInjection: true, // enable global injection, so all utilities are injected into all components
// Associate each locale to a content file
messages: {
ar: await import('~/lang/ar.json'),
bn_IN: await import('~/lang/bn_IN.json'),
da: await import('~/lang/da.json'),
de: await import('~/lang/de.json'),
en: await import('~/lang/en.json'),
es: await import('~/lang/es.json'),
fa: await import('~/lang/fa.json'),
fi: await import('~/lang/fi.json'),
fr: await import('~/lang/fr.json'),
he: await import('~/lang/he.json'),
hi: await import('~/lang/hi.json'),
hr: await import('~/lang/hr.json'),
id: await import('~/lang/id.json'),
it: await import('~/lang/it.json'),
ja: await import('~/lang/ja.json'),
ko: await import('~/lang/ko.json'),
lv: await import('~/lang/lv.json'),
nl: await import('~/lang/nl.json'),
no: await import('~/lang/no.json'),
pl: await import('~/lang/pl.json'),
pt: await import('~/lang/pt.json'),
pt_BR: await import('~/lang/pt_BR.json'),
ru: await import('~/lang/ru.json'),
sv: await import('~/lang/sv.json'),
sl: await import('~/lang/sl.json'),
th: await import('~/lang/th.json'),
tr: await import('~/lang/tr.json'),
uk: await import('~/lang/uk.json'),
vi: await import('~/lang/vi.json'),
zh_Hans: await import('~/lang/zh-Hans.json'),
zh_Hant: await import('~/lang/zh-Hant.json'),
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxtApp) => {
i18n = (await createI18nPlugin()) as any
nuxtApp.vueApp.i18n = i18n.global as any
export const getI18n = () => i18n