import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, PaginatedType, RelationTypes, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes, isCreatedOrLastModifiedByCol, isCreatedOrLastModifiedTimeCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue'
import type { CellRange } from '#imports'
export function useData(args: {
meta: Ref<TableType | undefined> | ComputedRef<TableType | undefined>
viewMeta: Ref<ViewType | undefined> | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>
formattedData: Ref<Row[]>
paginationData: Ref<PaginatedType>
callbacks?: {
changePage?: (page: number) => Promise<void>
loadData?: () => Promise<void>
globalCallback?: (...args: any[]) => Promise<void>
syncCount?: () => Promise<void>
syncPagination?: () => Promise<void>
}) {
const { meta, viewMeta, formattedData, paginationData, callbacks } = args
const { t } = useI18n()
const { getMeta, metas } = useMetas()
const { addUndo, clone, defineViewScope } = useUndoRedo()
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const { isPaginationLoading } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore())
const reloadAggregate = inject(ReloadAggregateHookInj)
const selectedAllRecords = computed({
get() {
return !!formattedData.value.length && formattedData.value.every((row: Row) => row.rowMeta.selected)
set(selected: boolean) {
formattedData.value.forEach((row: Row) => (row.rowMeta.selected = selected))
function addEmptyRow(addAfter = formattedData.value.length, metaValue = meta.value) {
formattedData.value.splice(addAfter, 0, {
row: { ...rowDefaultData(metaValue?.columns) },
oldRow: {},
rowMeta: { new: true },
return formattedData.value[addAfter]
async function insertRow(
currentRow: Row,
ltarState: Record<string, any> = {},
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
undo = false,
) {
const row = currentRow.row
if (currentRow.rowMeta) currentRow.rowMeta.saving = true
try {
const { missingRequiredColumns, insertObj } = await populateInsertObject({
meta: metaValue!,
if (missingRequiredColumns.size) return
const insertedData = await $api.dbViewRow.create(
base?.value.id as string,
metaValue?.id as string,
viewMetaValue?.id as string,
{ ...insertObj, ...(ltarState || {}) },
await reloadAggregate?.trigger()
if (!undo) {
Object.assign(currentRow, {
row: { ...insertedData, ...row },
rowMeta: { ...(currentRow.rowMeta || {}), new: undefined },
oldRow: { ...insertedData },
const id = extractPkFromRow(insertedData, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[])
const pkData = rowPkData(insertedData, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[])
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(pkData, formattedData.value)
redo: {
fn: async function redo(
this: UndoRedoAction,
row: Row,
ltarState: Record<string, any>,
pg: { page: number; pageSize: number },
) {
row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row }
const insertedData = await insertRow(row, ltarState, undefined, true)
if (rowIndex !== -1 && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page) {
formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 0, {
row: { ...row, ...insertedData },
rowMeta: row.rowMeta,
oldRow: row.oldRow,
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
args: [
{ page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize },
undo: {
fn: async function undo(this: UndoRedoAction, id: string) {
await deleteRowById(id)
if (rowIndex !== -1) formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 1)
paginationData.value.totalRows = paginationData.value.totalRows! - 1
args: [id],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }),
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
return insertedData
} catch (error: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error))
} finally {
if (currentRow.rowMeta) currentRow.rowMeta.saving = false
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
async function bulkInsertRows(
rows: Row[],
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
undo = false,
) {
isPaginationLoading.value = true
const autoGeneratedKeys = clone(metaValue?.columns || [])
.filter((c) => !c.pk && (isCreatedOrLastModifiedTimeCol(c) || isCreatedOrLastModifiedByCol(c)))
.map((c) => c.title)
try {
const rowsToInsert =
await Promise.all(
rows.map(async (currentRow) => {
const { missingRequiredColumns, insertObj } = await populateInsertObject({
meta: metaValue!,
ltarState: {},
row: currentRow.row,
if (missingRequiredColumns.size === 0) {
autoGeneratedKeys.forEach((key) => delete insertObj[key!])
return insertObj
)?.filter(Boolean) ?? [] // Filter out undefined values (if any)
const bulkInsertedIds = await $api.dbDataTableRow.create(metaValue?.id as string, rowsToInsert, {
viewId: viewMetaValue?.id as string,
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
return bulkInsertedIds
} catch (error: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error))
} finally {
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
isPaginationLoading.value = false
// inside this method use metaValue and viewMetaValue to refer meta
// since sometimes we need to pass old metas
async function updateRowProperty(
toUpdate: Row,
property: string,
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
undo = false,
) {
if (toUpdate.rowMeta) toUpdate.rowMeta.saving = true
try {
const id = extractPkFromRow(toUpdate.row, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[])
const updatedRowData: Record<string, any> = await $api.dbViewRow.update(
base?.value.id as string,
metaValue?.id as string,
viewMetaValue?.id as string,
// if value is undefined treat it as null
[property]: toUpdate.row[property] ?? null,
// todo:
// {
// query: { ignoreWebhook: !saved }
// }
await reloadAggregate?.trigger({ field: [property] })
if (!undo) {
redo: {
fn: async function redo(toUpdate: Row, property: string, pg: { page: number; pageSize: number }) {
const updatedData = await updateRowProperty(toUpdate, property, undefined, true)
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(rowPkData(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) {
const row = formattedData.value[rowIndex]
Object.assign(row.row, updatedData)
Object.assign(row.oldRow, updatedData)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
args: [clone(toUpdate), property, { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(toUpdate: Row, property: string, pg: { page: number; pageSize: number }) {
const updatedData = await updateRowProperty(
{ row: toUpdate.oldRow, oldRow: toUpdate.row, rowMeta: toUpdate.rowMeta },
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(rowPkData(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) {
const row = formattedData.value[rowIndex]
Object.assign(row.row, updatedData)
Object.assign(row.oldRow, updatedData)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
args: [clone(toUpdate), property, { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }),
/** update row data(to sync formula and other related columns)
* update only formula, rollup and auto updated datetime columns data to avoid overwriting any changes made by user
metaValue!.columns!.reduce<Record<string, any>>((acc: Record<string, any>, col: ColumnType) => {
if (
col.title in updatedRowData &&
(col.uidt === UITypes.Formula ||
col.uidt === UITypes.QrCode ||
col.uidt === UITypes.Barcode ||
col.uidt === UITypes.Rollup ||
col.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox ||
col.uidt === UITypes.User ||
col.uidt === UITypes.LastModifiedTime ||
col.uidt === UITypes.LastModifiedBy ||
col.uidt === UITypes.Lookup ||
col.au ||
(col.cdf && / on update /i.test(col.cdf)))
acc[col.title!] = updatedRowData[col.title!]
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, any>),
Object.assign(toUpdate.oldRow, updatedRowData)
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
return updatedRowData
} catch (e: any) {
toUpdate.row[property] = toUpdate.oldRow[property]
message.error(`${t('msg.error.rowUpdateFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`)
} finally {
if (toUpdate.rowMeta) toUpdate.rowMeta.saving = false
async function updateOrSaveRow(
row: Row,
property?: string,
ltarState?: Record<string, any>,
args: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
) {
// update changed status
if (row.rowMeta) row.rowMeta.changed = false
// if new row and save is in progress then wait until the save is complete
await until(() => !(row.rowMeta?.new && row.rowMeta?.saving)).toMatch((v) => v)
if (row.rowMeta.new) {
return await insertRow(row, ltarState, args)
} else {
// if the field name is missing skip update
if (property) {
await updateRowProperty(row, property, args)
async function bulkUpdateRows(
rows: Row[],
props: string[],
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
undo = false,
) {
const promises = []
for (const row of rows) {
// update changed status
if (row.rowMeta) row.rowMeta.changed = false
// if new row and save is in progress then wait until the save is complete
promises.push(until(() => !(row.rowMeta?.new && row.rowMeta?.saving)).toMatch((v) => v))
await Promise.all(promises)
const updateArray = []
for (const row of rows) {
if (row.rowMeta) row.rowMeta.saving = true
const pk = rowPkData(row.row, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[])
const updateData = props.reduce((acc: Record<string, any>, prop) => {
acc[prop] = row.row[prop]
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, any>)
updateArray.push({ ...updateData, ...pk })
await $api.dbTableRow.bulkUpdate(NOCO, metaValue?.base_id as string, metaValue?.id as string, updateArray)
await reloadAggregate?.trigger({ field: props })
if (!undo) {
redo: {
fn: async function redo(redoRows: Row[], props: string[], pg: { page: number; pageSize: number }) {
await bulkUpdateRows(redoRows, props, { metaValue, viewMetaValue }, true)
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
for (const toUpdate of redoRows) {
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(rowPkData(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) {
const row = formattedData.value[rowIndex]
Object.assign(row.row, toUpdate.row)
Object.assign(row.oldRow, toUpdate.row)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
args: [clone(rows), clone(props), { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(undoRows: Row[], props: string[], pg: { page: number; pageSize: number }) {
await bulkUpdateRows(undoRows, props, { metaValue, viewMetaValue }, true)
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
for (const toUpdate of undoRows) {
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(rowPkData(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) {
const row = formattedData.value[rowIndex]
Object.assign(row.row, toUpdate.row)
Object.assign(row.oldRow, toUpdate.row)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
args: [
rows.map((row) => {
return { row: row.oldRow, oldRow: row.row, rowMeta: row.rowMeta }
{ page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize },
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMetaValue }),
for (const row of rows) {
if (row.rowMeta) row.rowMeta.saving = false
// reload data since row update may change the other columns data( Formula, QrCode, Barcode, Rollup, Checkbox, User, Auto Updated Datetime, etc...)
if (
metaValue!.columns!.some((col) =>
) {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
async function bulkUpdateView(
data: Record<string, any>[],
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
) {
if (!viewMetaValue) return
await $api.dbTableRow.bulkUpdateAll(NOCO, metaValue?.base_id as string, metaValue?.id as string, data, {
viewId: viewMetaValue.id,
await reloadAggregate?.trigger()
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
const linkRecord = async (
rowId: string,
relatedRowId: string,
column: ColumnType,
type: RelationTypes,
{ metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {},
) => {
try {
await $api.dbTableRow.nestedAdd(
base.value.id as string,
metaValue?.id as string,
type as RelationTypes,
column.title as string,
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
// Recover LTAR relations for a row using the row data
const recoverLTARRefs = async (row: Record<string, any>, { metaValue = meta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType } = {}) => {
const id = extractPkFromRow(row, metaValue?.columns as ColumnType[])
for (const column of metaValue?.columns ?? []) {
if (column.uidt !== UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord) continue
const colOptions = column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType
const relatedTableMeta = metas.value?.[colOptions?.fk_related_model_id as string]
if (isHm(column) || isMm(column)) {
const relatedRows = (row[column.title!] ?? []) as Record<string, any>[]
for (const relatedRow of relatedRows) {
await linkRecord(
extractPkFromRow(relatedRow, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]),
colOptions.type as RelationTypes,
{ metaValue },
} else if (isBt(column) && row[column.title!]) {
await linkRecord(
extractPkFromRow(row[column.title!] as Record<string, any>, relatedTableMeta.columns as ColumnType[]),
colOptions.type as RelationTypes,
{ metaValue },
async function deleteRowById(
id: string,
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
) {
if (!id) {
throw new Error("Delete not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key")
const res: any = await $api.dbViewRow.delete(
base.value.id as string,
metaValue?.id as string,
viewMetaValue?.id as string,
await reloadAggregate?.trigger()
if (res.message) {
`Record delete failed: ${`Unable to delete record with ID ${id} because of the following:
Clear the data first & try again`})}`,
return false
return true
async function deleteRow(rowIndex: number, undo?: boolean) {
try {
const row = formattedData.value[rowIndex]
if (!row.rowMeta.new) {
const id = meta?.value?.columns
?.filter((c) => c.pk)
.map((c) => row.row[c.title!])
const fullRecord = await $api.dbTableRow.read(
// todo: base_id missing on view type
base?.value.id as string,
meta.value?.id as string,
encodeURIComponent(id as string),
getHiddenColumn: true,
row.row = fullRecord
const deleted = await deleteRowById(id as string)
if (!deleted) {
if (!undo) {
redo: {
fn: async function redo(this: UndoRedoAction, id: string) {
await deleteRowById(id)
const pk: Record<string, string> = rowPkData(row.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(pk, formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 1)
paginationData.value.totalRows = paginationData.value.totalRows! - 1
args: [id],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(
this: UndoRedoAction,
row: Row,
ltarState: Record<string, any>,
pg: { page: number; pageSize: number },
) {
const pkData = rowPkData(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row }
await insertRow(row, ltarState, {}, true)
if (rowIndex !== -1 && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page) {
formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 0, row)
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
args: [clone(row), {}, { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }),
formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 1)
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`)
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
async function deleteSelectedRows() {
let row = formattedData.value.length
const removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[] = []
let compositePrimaryKey = ''
while (row--) {
const { row: rowData, rowMeta } = formattedData.value[row] as Record<string, any>
if (!rowMeta.selected) {
if (!rowMeta.new) {
const extractedPk = extractPk(meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const compositePkValue = extractPkFromRow(rowData, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const pkData = rowPkData(rowData, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
if (extractedPk && compositePkValue) {
if (!compositePrimaryKey) compositePrimaryKey = extractedPk
[compositePrimaryKey]: compositePkValue as string,
row: clone(formattedData.value[row]) as Row,
rowIndex: row as number,
if (!removedRowsData.length) return
isPaginationLoading.value = true
const { list } = await $api.dbTableRow.list(NOCO, base?.value.id as string, meta.value?.id as string, {
pks: removedRowsData.map((row) => row[compositePrimaryKey]).join(','),
try {
for (const removedRow of removedRowsData) {
const rowObj = removedRow.row
const rowPk = rowPkData(rowObj.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const fullRecord = list.find((r: Record<string, any>) => {
return Object.keys(rowPk).every((key) => rowPk[key] === r[key])
rowObj.row = clone(fullRecord)
await bulkDeleteRows(removedRowsData.map((row) => row.pkData))
} catch (e: any) {
return message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`)
if (!removedRowsData.length) {
isPaginationLoading.value = false
redo: {
fn: async function redo(this: UndoRedoAction, removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[]) {
isPaginationLoading.value = true
const removedRowIds = await bulkDeleteRows(removedRowsData.map((row) => row.pkData))
if (Array.isArray(removedRowIds)) {
for (const { row } of removedRowsData) {
const primaryKey: Record<string, string> = rowPkData(row.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(primaryKey, formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 1)
paginationData.value.totalRows = paginationData.value.totalRows! - 1
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
await callbacks?.syncPagination?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
args: [removedRowsData],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(
this: UndoRedoAction,
removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[],
pg: { page: number; pageSize: number },
) {
const rowsToInsert = removedRowsData
.map((row) => {
const pkData = rowPkData(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row }
return row
const insertedRowIds = await bulkInsertRows(
rowsToInsert.map((row) => row.row),
if (Array.isArray(insertedRowIds)) {
for (const { row, rowIndex } of rowsToInsert) {
if (rowIndex !== -1 && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page) {
formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 0, row)
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
args: [removedRowsData, { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }),
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
await callbacks?.syncPagination?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
async function deleteRangeOfRows(cellRange: CellRange) {
if (!cellRange._start || !cellRange._end) return
const start = Math.max(cellRange._start.row, cellRange._end.row)
const end = Math.min(cellRange._start.row, cellRange._end.row)
// plus one because we want to include the end row
let row = start + 1
const removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[] = []
let compositePrimaryKey = ''
while (row--) {
try {
const { row: rowData, rowMeta } = formattedData.value[row] as Record<string, any>
if (!rowMeta.new) {
const extractedPk = extractPk(meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const compositePkValue = extractPkFromRow(rowData, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const pkData = rowPkData(rowData, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
if (extractedPk && compositePkValue) {
if (!compositePrimaryKey) compositePrimaryKey = extractedPk
[compositePrimaryKey]: compositePkValue as string,
row: clone(formattedData.value[row]) as Row,
rowIndex: row as number,
} catch (e: any) {
return message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`)
if (row === end) break
if (!removedRowsData.length) return
isPaginationLoading.value = true
const { list } = await $api.dbTableRow.list(NOCO, base?.value.id as string, meta.value?.id as string, {
pks: removedRowsData.map((row) => row[compositePrimaryKey]).join(','),
try {
for (const removedRow of removedRowsData) {
const rowObj = removedRow.row
const rowPk = rowPkData(rowObj.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const fullRecord = list.find((r: Record<string, any>) => {
return Object.keys(rowPk).every((key) => rowPk[key] === r[key])
rowObj.row = clone(fullRecord)
await bulkDeleteRows(removedRowsData.map((row) => row.pkData))
} catch (e: any) {
return message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`)
if (!removedRowsData.length) {
isPaginationLoading.value = false
redo: {
fn: async function redo(this: UndoRedoAction, removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[]) {
isPaginationLoading.value = true
const removedRowIds = await bulkDeleteRows(removedRowsData.map((row) => row.pkData))
if (Array.isArray(removedRowIds)) {
for (const { row } of removedRowsData) {
const primaryKey: Record<string, string> = rowPkData(row.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
const rowIndex = findIndexByPk(primaryKey, formattedData.value)
if (rowIndex !== -1) formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 1)
paginationData.value.totalRows = paginationData.value.totalRows! - 1
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
await callbacks?.syncPagination?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
args: [removedRowsData],
undo: {
fn: async function undo(
this: UndoRedoAction,
removedRowsData: Record<string, any>[],
pg: { page: number; pageSize: number },
) {
const rowsToInsert = removedRowsData
.map((row) => {
const pkData = rowPkData(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])
row.row = { ...pkData, ...row.row }
return row
const insertedRowIds = await bulkInsertRows(
rowsToInsert.map((row) => row.row),
if (Array.isArray(insertedRowIds)) {
for (const { row, rowIndex } of rowsToInsert) {
if (rowIndex !== -1 && pg.pageSize === paginationData.value.pageSize) {
if (pg.page === paginationData.value.page) {
formattedData.value.splice(rowIndex, 0, row)
} else {
await callbacks?.changePage?.(pg.page)
} else {
await callbacks?.loadData?.()
args: [removedRowsData, { page: paginationData.value.page, pageSize: paginationData.value.pageSize }],
scope: defineViewScope({ view: viewMeta.value }),
await callbacks?.syncCount?.()
await callbacks?.syncPagination?.()
await callbacks?.globalCallback?.()
async function bulkDeleteRows(
rows: Record<string, string>[],
{ metaValue = meta.value, viewMetaValue = viewMeta.value }: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType } = {},
) {
try {
const bulkDeletedRowsData = await $api.dbDataTableRow.delete(metaValue?.id as string, rows.length === 1 ? rows[0] : rows, {
viewId: viewMetaValue?.id as string,
await reloadAggregate?.trigger()
return rows.length === 1 && bulkDeletedRowsData ? [bulkDeletedRowsData] : bulkDeletedRowsData
} catch (error: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error))
const removeRowIfNew = (row: Row) => {
const index = formattedData.value.indexOf(row)
if (index > -1 && row.rowMeta.new) {
formattedData.value.splice(index, 1)
return true
return false
return {