You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

486 lines
12 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { SortableEvent } from 'sortablejs'
import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
import type { Menu as AntMenu } from 'ant-design-vue'
interface Emits {
event: 'openModal',
data: {
type: ViewTypes
title?: string
copyViewId?: string
groupingFieldColumnId?: string
): void
(event: 'deleted'): void
const emits = defineEmits<Emits>()
const base = inject(ProjectInj)!
const table = inject(SidebarTableInj)!
const { isLeftSidebarOpen } = storeToRefs(useSidebarStore())
const { activeTableId } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore())
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal()
const { $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const { viewsByTable, activeView, allRecentViews } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore())
const { navigateToTable } = useTablesStore()
const views = computed(() => viewsByTable.value.get(table.value.id!)?.filter((v) => !v.is_default) ?? [])
const { api } = useApi()
const { refreshCommandPalette } = useCommandPalette()
const { addUndo, defineModelScope } = useUndoRedo()
1 year ago
const { navigateToView, loadViews, removeFromRecentViews } = useViewsStore()
/** Selected view(s) for menu */
const selected = ref<string[]>([])
/** dragging renamable view items */
const dragging = ref(false)
const menuRef = ref<typeof AntMenu>()
const isMarked = ref<string | false>(false)
/** Watch currently active view, so we can mark it in the menu */
watch(activeView, (nextActiveView) => {
if (nextActiveView && nextActiveView.id) {
selected.value = [nextActiveView.id]
/** shortly mark an item after sorting */
function markItem(id: string) {
isMarked.value = id
setTimeout(() => {
isMarked.value = false
}, 300)
const isDefaultSource = computed(() => {
if (base.value?.sources?.length === 1) return true
const source = base.value?.sources?.find((b) => b.id === table.value.source_id)
if (!source) return false
1 year ago
return isDefaultBase(source)
/** validate view title */
function validate(view: ViewType) {
if (!view.title || view.title.trim().length < 0) {
return t('msg.error.viewNameRequired')
if (views.value.some((v) => v.title === view.title && v.id !== view.id)) {
return t('msg.error.viewNameDuplicate')
return true
let sortable: Sortable
function onSortStart(evt: SortableEvent) {
dragging.value = true
async function onSortEnd(evt: SortableEvent, undo = false) {
if (!undo) {
dragging.value = false
if (views.value.length < 2) return
let { newIndex = 0, oldIndex = 0 } = evt
newIndex = newIndex - 1
oldIndex = oldIndex - 1
if (newIndex === oldIndex) return
if (!undo) {
redo: {
fn: async () => {
const ord = sortable.toArray()
const temp = ord.splice(oldIndex, 1)
ord.splice(newIndex, 0, temp[0])
await onSortEnd(evt, true)
args: [],
undo: {
fn: async () => {
const ord = sortable.toArray()
const temp = ord.splice(newIndex, 1)
ord.splice(oldIndex, 0, temp[0])
await onSortEnd({ ...evt, oldIndex: newIndex, newIndex: oldIndex }, true)
args: [],
scope: defineModelScope({ view: activeView.value }),
const children = Array.from(evt.to.children as unknown as HTMLLIElement[])
// remove `Create View` children from list
const previousEl = children[newIndex - 1]
const nextEl = children[newIndex + 1]
const currentItem = views.value.find((v) => v.id === evt.item.id)
if (!currentItem || !currentItem.id) return
// set default order value as 0 if item not found
const previousItem = (previousEl ? views.value.find((v) => v.id === previousEl.id) ?? { order: 0 } : { order: 0 }) as ViewType
const nextItem = (nextEl ? views.value.find((v) => v.id === nextEl.id) : {}) as ViewType
let nextOrder: number
// set new order value based on the new order of the items
if (views.value.length - 1 === newIndex) {
nextOrder = parseFloat(String(previousItem.order)) + 1
} else if (newIndex === 0) {
nextOrder = parseFloat(String(nextItem.order)) / 2
} else {
nextOrder = (parseFloat(String(previousItem.order)) + parseFloat(String(nextItem.order))) / 2
const _nextOrder = !isNaN(Number(nextOrder)) ? nextOrder : oldIndex
currentItem.order = _nextOrder
await api.dbView.update(currentItem.id, { order: _nextOrder })
const initSortable = (el: HTMLElement) => {
if (sortable) sortable.destroy()
if (isMobileMode.value) return
sortable = new Sortable(el, {
// handle: '.nc-drag-icon',
ghostClass: 'ghost',
onStart: onSortStart,
onEnd: onSortEnd,
onMounted(() => menuRef.value && isUIAllowed('viewCreateOrEdit') && initSortable(menuRef.value.$el))
/** Navigate to view by changing url param */
async function changeView(view: ViewType) {
await navigateToView({
tableId: table.value.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
hardReload: view.type === ViewTypes.FORM && selected.value[0] === view.id,
doNotSwitchTab: true,
if (isMobileMode.value) {
isLeftSidebarOpen.value = false
/** Rename a view */
async function onRename(view: ViewType, originalTitle?: string, undo = false) {
try {
await api.dbView.update(view.id!, {
title: view.title,
order: view.order,
tableId: table.value.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
hardReload: view.type === ViewTypes.FORM && selected.value[0] === view.id,
if (!undo) {
redo: {
fn: (v: ViewType, title: string) => {
const tempTitle = v.title
v.title = title
onRename(v, tempTitle, true)
args: [view, view.title],
undo: {
fn: (v: ViewType, title: string) => {
const tempTitle = v.title
v.title = title
onRename(v, tempTitle, true)
args: [view, originalTitle],
scope: defineModelScope({ view: activeView.value }),
1 year ago
// update view name in recent views
allRecentViews.value = allRecentViews.value.map((rv) => {
1 year ago
if (rv.viewId === view.id && rv.tableID === view.fk_model_id) {
rv.viewName = view.title
return rv
// View renamed successfully
// message.success(t('msg.success.viewRenamed'))
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
/** Open delete modal */
function openDeleteDialog(view: ViewType) {
const isOpen = ref(true)
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgViewDelete'), {
'modelValue': isOpen,
'view': view,
'onUpdate:modelValue': closeDialog,
'onDeleted': async () => {
viewId: view.id,
tableId: view.fk_model_id,
baseId: base.value.id,
if (activeView.value?.id === view.id) {
tableId: table.value.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
await loadViews({
tableId: table.value.id!,
force: true,
const activeNonDefaultViews = viewsByTable.value.get(table.value.id!)?.filter((v) => !v.is_default) ?? []
table.value.meta = {
...(table.value.meta as object),
hasNonDefaultViews: activeNonDefaultViews.length > 1,
function closeDialog() {
isOpen.value = false
const setIcon = async (icon: string, view: ViewType) => {
try {
// modify the icon property in meta
view.meta = {
api.dbView.update(view.id as string, {
meta: view.meta,
$e('a:view:icon:sidebar', { icon })
} catch (e: any) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e))
function onOpenModal({
title = '',
}: {
title?: string
type: ViewTypes
copyViewId?: string
groupingFieldColumnId?: string
calendarRange?: Array<{
fk_from_column_id: string
fk_to_column_id: string | null // for ee only
}) {
const isOpen = ref(true)
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgViewCreate'), {
'modelValue': isOpen,
'tableId': table.value.id,
'selectedViewId': copyViewId,
'views': views,
'onUpdate:modelValue': closeDialog,
'onCreated': async (view: ViewType) => {
1 year ago
await loadViews({
force: true,
tableId: table.value.id!,
1 year ago
tableId: table.value.id!,
baseId: base.value.id!,
hardReload: view.type === ViewTypes.FORM && selected.value[0] === view.id,
$e('a:view:create', { view: view.type })
function closeDialog() {
isOpen.value = false
:class="{ dragging }"
class="nc-views-menu flex flex-col w-full !border-r-0 !bg-inherit"
:align-left-level="isDefaultSource ? 1 : 2"
Nc Fix: UI improvements - left sidebar (#8244) * fix(nc-gui); update toolbar menu text grom GroupBy to Group * fix(nc-gui): move sidebar base, table expand icon to the right side * fix(nc-gui): sidebar base, table, view menu options padding issue * fix(nc-gui): add background color for row on hover in grid view * fix(nc-gui): reduce width of index column * fix(nc-gui): on hover grid row bg opacity issue * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size and grid cell height * fix(nc-gui): sidebar view menu alignment issue on mobile screen * fix(nc-gui): reduce font size * fix(nc-gui): set column default width to 180px * fix(nc-gui): keep only sidebar changes & revert all other changes * fix(nc-gui): change table icon * fix(nc-gui): trim base, table, view title while saving it * fix(nc-gui): increate left sidebar max width * fix(nc-gui): show truncated base/table/view name until standard end * fix(nc-gui): oss sidebar base menu options alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): use valid classname * fix(nc-gui): sidebar external db source menu ui fixes * fix(nc-gui): small changes * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): pw test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): trim title while creating base, table, view * fix(nc-gui): some of the sidebar pw test fail issues * fix(test): sidebar test fail issue * fix(test): projectCollaboration test fail issue * fix(nc-gui): change font size of view menu option view mode chip text * fix(nc-gui): grayed out create view dropdown plus icon color * fix(nc-gui): grayed out table icon and reduce width of default view context menu * fix(nc-gui): remove copyright text from user menu * fix(nc-gui): chevron icon and show/hide sidebar icon should be gray in color
9 months ago
'!pl-13.3 !xs:(pl-13.5)': isDefaultSource,
'!pl-18.6 !xs:(pl-20)': !isDefaultSource,
'text-brand-500 hover:text-brand-600': activeTableId === table.id,
'text-gray-500 hover:text-brand-500': activeTableId !== table.id,
class="nc-create-view-btn flex flex-row items-center cursor-pointer rounded-md w-full"
<div class="flex flex-row items-center pl-1.25 !py-1.5 text-inherit">
<GeneralIcon icon="plus" />
<div class="pl-1.75">
$t('general.createEntity', {
entity: $t('objects.view'),
<template v-if="views.length">
v-for="view of views"
'bg-gray-200': isMarked === view.id,
'active': activeView?.id === view.id,
[`nc-${view.type ? viewTypeAlias[view.type] : undefined || view.type}-view-item`]: true,
class="nc-view-item !rounded-md !px-0.75 !py-0.5 w-full transition-all ease-in duration-100"
@select-icon="setIcon($event, view)"
<style lang="scss">
.nc-views-menu {
.ghost > * {
@apply !pointer-events-none;
&.dragging {
.nc-icon {
@apply !hidden;
.nc-view-icon {
@apply !block;
.ant-menu-item:not(.sortable-chosen) {
@apply color-transition;
.ant-menu-title-content {
@apply !w-full;
.sortable-chosen {
@apply !bg-gray-200;
.active {
@apply !bg-primary-selected font-medium;