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import { defineNuxtRouteMiddleware, navigateTo } from '#app'
import { useGlobal } from '#imports'
* Global auth middleware
* On page transitions, this middleware checks if the target route requires authentication.
* If the user is not signed in, the user is redirected to the sign in page.
* If the user is signed in and attempts to access a route that does not require authentication (i.e. signin/signup pages),
* the user is redirected to the home page.
* By default, we assume that auth is required
* If not required, mark the page as `requiresAuth: false` using `definePageMeta`
* @example
* ```
* definePageMeta({
* requiresAuth: false,
* ...
* })
* ```
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
const state = useGlobal()
/** if public allow */
if (to.meta.public) return
/** if shred base allow without validating */
if (to.params?.projectType === 'base') return
if (to.meta.public) return
/** if auth is required or unspecified (same as required) and user is not signed in, redirect to signin page */
if ((to.meta.requiresAuth || typeof to.meta.requiresAuth === 'undefined') && !state.signedIn.value) {
return navigateTo('/signin')
} else if (to.meta.requiresAuth === false && state.signedIn.value) {
* if user was turned away from non-auth page but also came from a non-auth page (e.g. user went to /signin and reloaded the page)
* redirect to home page
* else redirect back to the page they were coming from
if (from.meta.requiresAuth === false) {
return navigateTo('/')
} else {
return navigateTo(from.path)