You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

609 lines
18 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import type { Row } from '~/lib'
import { computed, ref } from '#imports'
const emits = defineEmits(['expand-record'])
const { selectedDateRange, formattedData, formattedSideBarData, calendarRange, displayField, selectedTime, updateRowProperty } =
7 months ago
const container = ref<null | HTMLElement>(null)
const { width: containerWidth } = useElementSize(container)
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const datesHours = computed(() => {
const datesHours: Array<Array<dayjs.Dayjs>> = []
7 months ago
const startOfWeek = new Date(selectedDateRange.value.start!)
const endOfWeek = new Date(selectedDateRange.value.end!)
while (startOfWeek.getTime() <= endOfWeek.getTime()) {
const hours: Array<dayjs.Dayjs> = []
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
startOfWeek.setDate(startOfWeek.getDate() + 1)
return datesHours
function getRandomNumbers() {
const typedArray = new Uint8Array(10)
const randomValues = window.crypto.getRandomValues(typedArray)
return randomValues.join('')
const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed(() => {
if (!formattedData.value || !calendarRange.value || !container.value) return []
const { scrollHeight } = container.value
const perWidth = containerWidth.value / 7
const perHeight = scrollHeight / 24
const scheduleStart = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).startOf('day')
const scheduleEnd = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.end).endOf('day')
const perRecordHeight = 40
const overlaps: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: Array<string>
} = {}
if (!calendarRange.value) return []
let recordsToDisplay: Array<Row> = []
calendarRange.value.forEach((range) => {
const fromCol = range.fk_from_col
const toCol = range.fk_to_col
const sortedFormattedData = [...formattedData.value].filter((record) => {
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol!.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol!.title!]) : null
if (fromCol && toCol) {
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = record.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[toCol.title!]) : null
return fromDate && toDate && !toDate.isBefore(fromDate)
} else if (fromCol && !toCol) {
return !!fromDate
return false
sortedFormattedData.forEach((record: Row) => {
if (!toCol && fromCol) {
const startDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
if (!startDate) return
const dateKey = startDate?.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const hourKey = startDate?.format('HH:mm')
const id = record.rowMeta.id ?? getRandomNumbers()
if (dateKey && hourKey) {
if (!overlaps[dateKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey] = {}
if (!overlaps[dateKey][hourKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey] = []
let dayIndex = dayjs(dateKey).day() - 1
if (dayIndex === -1) {
dayIndex = 6
const hourIndex = datesHours.value[dayIndex].findIndex((h) => h.format('HH:mm') === hourKey)
const style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {
top: `${hourIndex * perHeight}px`,
height: `${perHeight - 30}px`,
rowMeta: {
} else if (fromCol && toCol) {
const id = record.rowMeta.id ?? getRandomNumbers()
let startDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
let endDate = record.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[toCol.title!]) : null
if (!startDate?.isValid() || !endDate?.isValid()) return
if (startDate.isBefore(scheduleStart, 'minutes')) {
startDate = scheduleStart
if (endDate.isAfter(scheduleEnd, 'minutes')) {
endDate = scheduleEnd
let currentStartDate: dayjs.Dayjs = startDate.clone()
while (currentStartDate.isSameOrBefore(endDate!, 'day')) {
const currentEndDate = currentStartDate.clone().endOf('day')
const recordStart: dayjs.Dayjs = currentEndDate.isSame(startDate, 'day') ? startDate : currentStartDate
const recordEnd = currentEndDate.isSame(endDate, 'day') ? endDate : currentEndDate
const dateKey = recordStart.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
let hour = recordStart?.clone().startOf('hour')
while (hour.isSameOrBefore(recordEnd, 'hour')) {
const hourKey = hour.format('HH:mm')
if (!overlaps[dateKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey] = {}
if (!overlaps[dateKey][hourKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey] = []
hour = hour.add(1, 'hour')
let dayIndex = recordStart.day() - 1
if (dayIndex === -1) {
dayIndex = 6
const startHourIndex = Math.max(
(datesHours.value[dayIndex] ?? []).findIndex((h) => h.format('HH:mm') === recordStart.format('HH:mm')),
const endHourIndex = Math.max(
(datesHours.value[dayIndex] ?? []).findIndex((h) => h.format('HH:mm') === recordEnd?.startOf('hour').format('HH:mm')),
let _startHourIndex = startHourIndex
while (_startHourIndex <= endHourIndex) {
const hourKey = datesHours.value[dayIndex][_startHourIndex].format('HH:mm')
if (!overlaps[dateKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey] = {}
if (!overlaps[dateKey][hourKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey] = []
const spanHours = endHourIndex - startHourIndex + 1
const top = startHourIndex * perRecordHeight
const height = (endHourIndex - startHourIndex + 1) * perHeight - spanHours - 5
const style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {
top: `${top}px`,
height: `${height}px`,
rowMeta: {
currentStartDate = currentStartDate.add(1, 'day').hour(0).minute(0)
recordsToDisplay = recordsToDisplay.map((record) => {
let maxOverlaps = 1
let overlapIndex = 0
for (const days in overlaps) {
for (const hours in overlaps[days]) {
if (overlaps[days][hours].includes(record.rowMeta.id!)) {
maxOverlaps = Math.max(maxOverlaps, overlaps[days][hours].length)
overlapIndex = Math.max(overlaps[days][hours].indexOf(record.rowMeta.id!), overlapIndex)
let dayIndex = dayjs(record.row![record.rowMeta!.range!.fk_from_col.title!]).day() - 1
if (dayIndex === -1) {
dayIndex = 6
const spacing = 1
const widthPerRecord = (100 - spacing * (maxOverlaps - 1)) / maxOverlaps / 7
const leftPerRecord = (widthPerRecord + spacing) * overlapIndex
record.rowMeta.style = {
left: `calc(${dayIndex * perWidth}px + ${leftPerRecord}%)`,
width: `calc(${widthPerRecord}%)`,
return record
return recordsToDisplay
const dragElement = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)
const draggingId = ref<string | null>(null)
const resizeInProgress = ref(false)
const dragTimeout = ref<string | number | null | NodeJS.Timeout>(null)
const isDragging = ref(false)
const dragRecord = ref<Row>()
const onDrag = (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
7 months ago
if (!container.value || !dragRecord.value) return
const { width, left } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
const percentX = (event.clientX - left - window.scrollX) / width
const fromCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
7 months ago
if (!fromCol) return
const day = Math.floor(percentX * 7)
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).add(day, 'day')
if (!newStartDate) return
let endDate
const newRow = {
row: {
7 months ago
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
if (toCol) {
7 months ago
const fromDate = dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!]) : null
if (fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).add(toDate.diff(fromDate, 'day'), 'day')
} else if (fromDate && !toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else if (!fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else {
endDate = newStartDate.clone()
7 months ago
newRow.row[toCol.title!] = dayjs(endDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
7 months ago
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
7 months ago
if (pk === extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)) {
return newRow
return r
const stopDrag = (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
7 months ago
if (!isDragging.value || !container.value || !dragRecord.value) return
const { width, left } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
const percentX = (event.clientX - left - window.scrollX) / width
const fromCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
const day = Math.floor(percentX * 7)
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).add(day, 'day')
7 months ago
if (!newStartDate || !fromCol) return
let endDate
const newRow = {
row: {
7 months ago
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
7 months ago
const updateProperty = [fromCol.title!]
if (toCol) {
7 months ago
const fromDate = dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!]) : null
if (fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).add(toDate.diff(fromDate, 'day'), 'day')
} else if (fromDate && !toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else if (!fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else {
endDate = newStartDate.clone()
7 months ago
newRow.row[toCol.title!] = dayjs(endDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
7 months ago
if (!newRow) return
if (dragElement.value) {
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
7 months ago
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
7 months ago
if (pk === extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)) {
return newRow
return r
} else {
formattedData.value = [...formattedData.value, newRow]
formattedSideBarData.value = formattedSideBarData.value.filter((r) => {
7 months ago
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
7 months ago
return pk !== extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)
const allRecords = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable-record')
allRecords.forEach((el) => {
el.style.visibility = ''
el.style.opacity = '100%'
if (dragElement.value) {
dragElement.value.style.boxShadow = 'none'
// isDragging.value = false
draggingId.value = null
dragElement.value = null
updateRowProperty(newRow, updateProperty, false)
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDrag)
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag)
const dragStart = (event: MouseEvent, record: Row) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
if (resizeInProgress.value) return
let target = event.target as HTMLElement
isDragging.value = false
dragTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => {
isDragging.value = true
while (!target.classList.contains('draggable-record')) {
target = target.parentElement as HTMLElement
const allRecords = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable-record')
allRecords.forEach((el) => {
if (!el.getAttribute('data-unique-id').includes(record.rowMeta.id!)) {
// el.style.visibility = 'hidden'
el.style.opacity = '30%'
dragRecord.value = record
isDragging.value = true
dragElement.value = target
draggingId.value = record.rowMeta.id!
dragRecord.value = record
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDrag)
document.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag)
}, 200)
const onMouseUp = () => {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp)
if (!isDragging.value) {
emits('expand-record', record)
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp)
const dropEvent = (event: DragEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
const data = event.dataTransfer?.getData('text/plain')
if (data) {
const {
}: {
record: Row
} = JSON.parse(data)
const { width, left } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
const percentX = (event.clientX - left - window.scrollX) / width
const fromCol = record.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = record.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
if (!fromCol) return
const day = Math.floor(percentX * 7)
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).add(day, 'day')
let endDate
const newRow = {
row: {
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
const updateProperty = [fromCol.title!]
if (toCol) {
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = record.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[toCol.title!]) : null
if (fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).add(toDate.diff(fromDate, 'day'), 'day')
} else if (fromDate && !toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else if (!fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('day')
} else {
endDate = newStartDate.clone()
newRow.row[toCol.title!] = dayjs(endDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
if (!newRow) return
if (dragElement.value) {
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
if (pk === extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)) {
return newRow
return r
} else {
formattedData.value = [...formattedData.value, newRow]
formattedSideBarData.value = formattedSideBarData.value.filter((r) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
return pk !== extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)
if (dragElement.value) {
dragElement.value.style.boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement.value = null
updateRowProperty(newRow, updateProperty, false)
<div class="w-full relative prevent-select" @drop="dropEvent">
<div class="flex absolute w-full top-0">
v-for="date in datesHours"
class="w-1/7 text-center text-sm text-gray-500 w-full py-1 border-gray-200 border-b-1 border-r-1 bg-gray-50"
{{ dayjs(date[0]).format('DD ddd') }}
<div ref="container" class="h-[calc(100vh-11.7rem)] relative flex w-full mt-7.5 overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md">
<div v-for="(date, index) in datesHours" :key="index" class="h-full w-1/7">
v-for="(hour, hourIndex) in date"
'border-2 !border-brand-500': hour.isSame(selectedTime, 'hour'),
class="text-center relative h-56 text-sm text-gray-500 w-full py-1 border-gray-200 border-1 border-r-white border-t-white last:border-r-white bg-gray-50"
@click="selectedTime = hour.toDate()"
<span v-if="date[0].day() === selectedDateRange.start?.getDay()" class="absolute left-1">
{{ hour.format('h A') }}
<div class="absolute pointer-events-none inset-0 !mt-[20px]">
v-for="(record, rowIndex) in recordsAcrossAllRange"
class="absolute draggable-record w-1/7 group cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto"
@mousedown="dragStart($event, record)"
<LazySmartsheetRow :row="record">
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.hide {
transition: 0.01s;
transform: translateX(-9999px);
.prevent-select {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;