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title: 'Import Airtable to NocoDB'
description: 'A complete import of your Airtable to any MySQL, Postgres, SQLite and SQL server databases within minutes'
tags: ['Bases', 'Import']
keywords: ['NocoDB', 'Airtable', 'import Airtable', 'Airtable to NocoDB', 'Airtable to MySQL', 'Airtable to Postgres', 'Airtable to SQLite', 'Airtable to SQL server']
NocoDB offers a streamlined process for seamlessly transferring your Airtable database to various database management systems, including MySQL, Postgres and SQLite, in just a matter of minutes. This feature is particularly useful for users who wish to migrate their Airtable database to a more robust and scalable database management system.
Import from Airtable is in beta version. See [Importing Airtable To NocoDB](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/discussions/2122) for the migration notes.
To proceed, you must have valid Airtable Credentials. Ensure you have access to the following information from your Airtable account:
- [API key](#retrieve-api-key) or [Personal Access Token](#create-personal-access-token)
- [Shared Base ID / URL](#retrieve-share-base-id--url)
Below are 3 simple steps
1. Go to your Base dashboard, click on `Import Data`
![import data](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/assets/86527202/e5ca7748-5918-4fec-a2f5-6ffa7ab753f8)
2. Select `Airtable`
![import data airtable](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/assets/86527202/c9f4aab6-4de3-4e24-808a-27d4f10104ce)
3. Import configurations
1. [API key](#retrieve-api-key) / [Personal Access Token](#create-personal-access-token)
2. [Shared Base ID / URL](#retrieve-share-base-id--url)
3. [Configuration options](#configuration-options) [**Optional**]
4. Click `Import`
![import data airtable config](/img/v2/base/import-airtable.png)
Wait until `Go To Dashboard` button is activated on the modal. Import details are captured in log window.
[//]: # (![Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 9 33 42 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/190057152-be9ec6cb-e414-465c-8967-d1ad40478ce1.png))
### Configuration options
1. **Import Data**: You have the option to disable this feature to import only the schema information of tables and views, excluding actual data records.
2. **Import Secondary Views**: If you disable this option, only the primary grid view for each table will be imported, omitting any secondary views.
3. **Import Rollup Columns**: By deactivating this choice, you can skip the import of Rollup columns, which aggregate data from other columns.
4. **Import Lookup Columns**: You can choose not to import Lookup columns by disabling this option. Lookup columns are used to reference data from another table.
5. **Import Attachments Columns**: Disable this option if you wish to exclude the import of Attachment columns, which typically store file attachments associated with records.
6. **Import Formula Columns**: Please be aware that this option is not currently available for use, and therefore, cannot be selected for import at this time.
## Get Airtable Credentials
### Create Personal Access Token
Here are the steps to generate an Airtable Personal Access Token:
1. Visit the [Airtable Create Tokens](https://airtable.com/create/tokens) page and click the "Create token" button.
2. Provide a meaningful name for your token in the `Token name` field.
3. Choose the necessary access scopes, with a minimum requirement of `data.records:read`.
4. Select the specific Base you wish to access with this token.
5. Confirm your choices by clicking the `Create token` button.
6. Copy the newly generated `Personal Access Token` for your use.
For detailed information, you can refer to the [Airtable Personal Access Token guide](https://airtable.com/developers/web/guides/personal-access-tokens).
### Retrieve API Key
- Copy your Airtable API Key from [Airtable Accounts](https://airtable.com/account) page
![Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 1 50 07 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/168569905-48c16d6d-c44a-4337-be49-0ac3dc1f7b75.png)
### Retrieve Share Base ID / URL
See [here](https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/205752117-Creating-a-base-share-link-or-a-view-share-link#basesharelink) for detailed procedures.
1. Open `Share` menu in your Project / Base
2. Open tab `Share Publicly`
3. Enable `Turn on full base access`
4. Copy generated shared base URL
![Shared base](/img/v2/base/airtable-shared-base.png)
[//]: # ( ![Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 3 47 27 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/168572054-533b8c19-d76e-4add-b876-f1e0570ac33c.png))
[//]: # ( ![Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 3 41 54 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86527202/168572062-5dee065d-2394-426d-8f43-77ecc0c9b73f.png))
## Related articles
- [Base overview](/bases/base-overview)
- [Create an empty base](/bases/create-base)
- [Import base from Airtable](/bases/import-base-from-airtable)
- [Invite team members to work on a base](/bases/base-collaboration)
- [Share base publicly](/bases/share-base)
- [Rename base](/bases/actions-on-base#rename-base)
- [Duplicate base](/bases/actions-on-base#duplicate-base)
- [Bookmark base](/bases/actions-on-base#star-base)
- [Delete base](/bases/actions-on-base#delete-base)