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const { utils, config, routes, modelTypes } = it;
const { _, classNameCase } = utils;
const dataContracts = config.modular ? _.map(modelTypes, "name") : [];
<% if (dataContracts.length) { %>
import { <%~ dataContracts.join(", ") %> } from "./<%~ config.fileNames.dataContracts %>"
<% } %>
/* TODO: outOfModule, combined should be attributes of route, which will allow to avoid duplication of code */
<% routes.outOfModule && routes.outOfModule.forEach(({ routes = [] }) => { %>
<% routes.forEach((route) => { %>
<%~ includeFile('@base/route-type.eta', { ...it, route }) %>
<% }) %>
<% }) %>
<% routes.combined && routes.combined.forEach(({ routes = [], moduleName }) => { %>
export namespace <%~ classNameCase(moduleName) %> {
<% routes.forEach((route) => { %>
<%~ includeFile('@base/route-type.eta', { ...it, route }) %>
<% }) %>
<% }) %>