You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
3.6 KiB

const { utils, route, config } = it;
const { requestBodyInfo, responseBodyInfo, specificArgNameResolver } = route;
const { _, getInlineParseContent, getParseContent, parseSchema, getComponentByRef, require } = utils;
const { parameters, path, method, payload, query, formData, security, requestParams } = route.request;
const { type, errorType, contentTypes } = route.response;
const { HTTP_CLIENT, RESERVED_REQ_PARAMS_ARG_NAMES } = config.constants;
const routeDocs = includeFile("@base/route-docs", { config, route, utils });
const queryName = (query && query.name) || "query";
const pathParams = _.values(parameters);
const pathParamsNames = _.map(pathParams, "name");
const isFetchTemplate = config.httpClientType === HTTP_CLIENT.FETCH;
const requestConfigParam = {
name: specificArgNameResolver.resolve(RESERVED_REQ_PARAMS_ARG_NAMES),
optional: true,
type: "RequestParams",
defaultValue: "{}",
const argToTmpl = ({ name, optional, type, defaultValue }) => `${name}${!defaultValue && optional ? '?' : ''}: ${type}${defaultValue ? ` = ${defaultValue}` : ''}`;
const rawWrapperArgs = config.extractRequestParams ?
requestParams && {
name: pathParams.length ? `{ ${_.join(pathParamsNames, ", ")}, ...${queryName} }` : queryName,
optional: false,
type: getInlineParseContent(requestParams),
...(!requestParams ? pathParams : []),
]) :
const wrapperArgs = _
// Sort by optionality
.sortBy(rawWrapperArgs, [o => o.optional])
.join(', ')
// RequestParams["type"]
const requestContentKind = {
"JSON": "ContentType.Json",
"URL_ENCODED": "ContentType.UrlEncoded",
"FORM_DATA": "ContentType.FormData",
// RequestParams["format"]
const responseContentKind = {
"JSON": '"json"',
"IMAGE": '"blob"',
"FORM_DATA": isFetchTemplate ? '"formData"' : '"document"'
const bodyTmpl = _.get(payload, "name") || null;
const queryTmpl = (query != null && queryName) || null;
const bodyContentKindTmpl = requestContentKind[requestBodyInfo.contentKind] || null;
const responseFormatTmpl = responseContentKind[responseBodyInfo.success && responseBodyInfo.success.schema && responseBodyInfo.success.schema.contentKind] || null;
const securityTmpl = security ? 'true' : null;
const wrappedTmpl = route.raw?.wrapped;
const describeReturnType = () => {
if (!config.toJS) return "";
switch(config.httpClientType) {
return `Promise<AxiosResponse<${type}>>`
default: {
return `Promise<HttpResponse<${type}, ${errorType}>`
<%~ routeDocs.description %>
* <% /* Here you can add some other JSDoc tags */ %>
<%~ routeDocs.lines %>
<%~ route.routeName.usage %><%~ route.namespace ? ': ' : ' = ' %>(<%~ wrapperArgs %>)<%~ config.toJS ? `: ${describeReturnType()}` : "" %> =>
<%~ config.singleHttpClient ? 'this.http.request' : 'this.request' %><<%~ type %>, <%~ errorType %>>({
path: `<%~ path %>`,
method: '<%~ _.upperCase(method) %>',
<%~ queryTmpl ? `query: ${queryTmpl},` : '' %>
<%~ bodyTmpl ? `body: ${bodyTmpl},` : '' %>
<%~ securityTmpl ? `secure: ${securityTmpl},` : '' %>
<%~ bodyContentKindTmpl ? `type: ${bodyContentKindTmpl},` : '' %>
<%~ responseFormatTmpl ? `format: ${responseFormatTmpl},` : '' %>
<%~ wrappedTmpl ? `wrapped: ${wrappedTmpl},` : '' %>
...<%~ _.get(requestConfigParam, "name") %>,
})<%~ route.namespace ? ',' : '' %>