You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3645 lines
90 KiB

/* eslint-disable */
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* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ## ##
* ## AUTHOR: acacode ##
* ## SOURCE: https://github.com/acacode/swagger-typescript-api ##
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
export interface UserType {
/** Unique identifier for the given user. */
id: number;
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
/** @format email */
email: string;
* @format date
* @example 1997-10-31
date_of_birth?: string;
/** Set to true if the user's email has been verified. */
email_verified: boolean;
* The date that the user was created.
* @format date
createDate?: string;
export interface PageReqQueryParamsType {
offset?: number;
limit?: number;
query?: string;
export interface UserListType {
users: { list: UserType; pageInfo: PaginatedType };
export interface ProjectReqType {
title?: string;
description?: string;
color?: string;
bases?: BaseReqType[];
export interface ProjectType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
status?: string;
description?: string;
meta?: string | object;
color?: string;
deleted?: string | boolean;
order?: number;
bases?: BaseType[];
is_meta?: boolean;
prefix?: string;
created_at?: any;
updated_at?: any;
slug?: string;
export interface ProjectListType {
list?: ProjectType[];
pageInfo?: PaginatedType;
export interface BaseType {
id?: string;
project_id?: string;
alias?: string;
type?: string;
is_meta?: boolean;
config?: any;
created_at?: any;
updated_at?: any;
inflection_column?: string;
inflection_table?: string;
export interface BaseReqType {
id?: string;
project_id?: string;
alias?: string;
type?: string;
is_meta?: boolean;
config?: any;
inflection_column?: string;
inflection_table?: string;
export interface BaseListType {
bases: { list: BaseType[]; pageInfo: PaginatedType };
export interface TableType {
id?: string;
fk_project_id?: string;
fk_base_id?: string;
table_name: string;
title: string;
type?: string;
enabled?: boolean;
parent_id?: string;
show_as?: string;
tags?: string;
pinned?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
columns?: ColumnType[];
columnsById?: object;
slug?: string;
export interface ViewType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
fk_model_id?: string;
slug?: string;
export interface TableInfoType {
id?: string;
fk_project_id?: string;
fk_base_id?: string;
title: string;
table_name: string;
type?: string;
enabled?: string;
parent_id?: string;
show_as?: string;
tags?: string;
pinned?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
column?: ColumnType[];
filters?: FilterType[];
sort?: SortType[];
export interface TableReqType {
id?: string;
fk_project_id?: string;
fk_base_id?: string;
table_name: string;
title: string;
type?: string;
enabled?: string;
parent_id?: string;
show_as?: string;
tags?: string;
pinned?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
columns?: ColumnType[];
export interface TableListType {
list?: TableType[];
pageInfo?: PaginatedType;
export interface FilterType {
id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
fk_column_id?: string;
logical_op?: string;
comparison_op?: string;
value?: string | number | number | boolean | null;
is_group?: boolean;
children?: FilterType[];
project_id?: string;
base_id?: string;
fk_parent_id?: string;
fk_view_id?: string;
fk_hook_id?: string;
export interface FilterListType {
filters: { list: FilterType[] };
export interface SortType {
id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
fk_column_id?: string;
direction?: string;
order?: number;
project_id?: string;
base_id?: string;
export interface SortListType {
sorts: { list: SharedViewType[] };
export interface ColumnType {
id?: string;
base_id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
title?: string;
uidt: string;
dt?: string;
np?: string;
ns?: string;
clen?: string | number;
cop?: string;
pk?: boolean;
pv?: boolean;
rqd?: boolean;
column_name?: string;
un?: boolean;
ct?: string;
ai?: boolean;
unique?: boolean;
cdf?: string;
cc?: string;
csn?: string;
dtx?: string;
dtxp?: string;
dtxs?: string;
au?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
order?: number;
| LinkToAnotherRecordType
| FormulaType
| RollupType
| LookupType
| SelectOptionsType[]
| object;
export interface ColumnListType {
columns: { list: ColumnType[] };
export interface LinkToAnotherRecordType {
id?: string;
type?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
fk_column_id?: string;
fk_child_column_id?: string;
fk_parent_column_id?: string;
fk_mm_model_id?: string;
fk_related_model_id?: string;
fk_mm_child_column_id?: string;
fk_mm_parent_column_id?: string;
ur?: string;
dr?: string;
fk_index_name?: string;
deleted?: string;
order?: string;
export interface LookupType {
id?: string;
type?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
fk_column_id?: string;
fk_relation_column_id?: string;
fk_lookup_column_id?: string;
deleted?: string;
order?: string;
export interface RollupType {
id?: string;
type?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
fk_column_id?: string;
fk_relation_column_id?: string;
fk_rollup_column_id?: string;
rollup_function?: string;
deleted?: string;
order?: string;
export interface FormulaType {
id?: string;
type?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
fk_column_id?: string;
formula?: string;
deleted?: string;
order?: string;
export interface SelectOptionsType {
id?: string;
type?: string;
virtual?: boolean;
fk_column_id?: string;
title?: string;
color?: string;
order?: number;
export interface GridType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
alias?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
export interface GalleryType {
fk_view_id?: string;
title?: string;
alias?: string;
deleted?: boolean;
order?: number;
next_enabled?: boolean;
prev_enabled?: boolean;
cover_image_idx?: number;
cover_image?: string;
restrict_types?: string;
restrict_size?: string;
restrict_number?: string;
columns?: GalleryColumnType[];
fk_model_id?: string;
fk_cover_image_col_id?: string;
export interface GalleryColumnType {
id?: string;
label?: string;
help?: string;
fk_col_id?: string;
fk_gallery_id?: string;
export interface GridColumnType {
id?: string;
label?: string;
help?: string;
fk_column_id?: string;
fk_gallery_id?: string;
width?: string;
export interface KanbanColumnType {
id?: string;
label?: string;
help?: string;
fk_column_id?: string;
fk_kanban_id?: string;
export interface KanbanType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
alias?: string;
public?: boolean;
password?: string;
columns?: KanbanColumnType[];
fk_model_id?: string;
export interface FormType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
heading?: string;
subheading?: string;
sucess_msg?: string;
redirect_url?: string;
redirect_after_secs?: string;
email?: string;
banner_image_url?: string;
logo_url?: string;
submit_another_form?: boolean;
columns?: FormColumnType[];
fk_model_id?: string;
export interface FormColumnType {
fk_column_id?: string;
id?: string;
fk_view_id?: string;
uuid?: any;
label?: string;
help?: any;
required?: boolean;
show?: boolean;
order?: number;
created_at?: string;
updated_at?: string;
description?: string;
export interface PaginatedType {
pageSize?: number;
totalRows?: number;
sort?: string | any[];
isFirstPage?: boolean;
isLastPage?: boolean;
page?: number;
export interface HookListType {
list?: object[];
pageInfo?: PaginatedType;
export interface SharedViewType {
id?: string;
fk_view_id?: string;
password?: string;
deleted?: string;
export interface SharedViewListType {
list?: SharedViewType[];
pageInfo?: PaginatedType;
export interface ViewListType {
list?: GridType | FormType | KanbanType | GalleryType;
pageInfo?: PaginatedType;
export interface AttachmentType {
url?: string;
title?: string;
mimetype?: string;
size?: string;
icon?: string;
export interface WebhookType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
type?: string;
export interface AuditType {
id?: string;
user?: string;
ip?: string;
base_id?: string;
project_id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
row_id?: string;
op_type?: string;
op_sub_type?: string;
status?: string;
description?: string;
details?: string;
export interface HookType {
id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
env?: string;
type?: string;
event?: 'After' | 'Before';
operation?: 'insert' | 'delete' | 'update';
async?: boolean;
payload?: string;
url?: string;
headers?: string;
condition?: boolean;
notification?: string;
retries?: number;
retry_interval?: number;
timeout?: number;
active?: boolean;
export interface PluginType {
id?: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
active?: boolean;
rating?: number;
version?: string;
docs?: string;
status?: string;
status_details?: string;
logo?: string;
icon?: string;
tags?: string;
category?: string;
input_schema?: string;
input?: string;
creator?: string;
creator_website?: string;
price?: string;
export interface ModelRoleVisibilityType {
id?: string;
project_id?: string;
base_id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
fk_view_id?: string;
role?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
export interface ApiTokenType {
id?: string;
token?: string;
description?: string;
export interface HookLogType {
id?: string;
base_id?: string;
project_id?: string;
fk_hook_id?: string;
type?: string;
event?: string;
operation?: string;
test_call?: boolean;
payload?: string;
conditions?: string;
notifications?: string;
error_code?: string;
error_message?: string;
error?: string;
execution_time?: string;
response?: string;
triggered_by?: string;
created_at?: string;
updated_at?: string;
export type ColumnReqType =
| {
| 'ID'
| 'SingleLineText'
| 'LongText'
| 'Attachment'
| 'Checkbox'
| 'MultiSelect'
| 'SingleSelect'
| 'Collaborator'
| 'Date'
| 'Year'
| 'Time'
| 'PhoneNumber'
| 'Email'
| 'URL'
| 'Number'
| 'Decimal'
| 'Currency'
| 'Percent'
| 'Duration'
| 'Rating'
| 'Count'
| 'DateTime'
| 'CreateTime'
| 'LastModifiedTime'
| 'AutoNumber'
| 'Geometry'
| 'JSON'
| 'SpecificDBType'
| 'Barcode'
| 'Button';
id?: string;
base_id?: string;
fk_model_id?: string;
title?: string;
dt?: string;
np?: string;
ns?: string;
clen?: string | number;
cop?: string;
pk?: boolean;
pv?: boolean;
rqd?: boolean;
column_name?: string;
un?: boolean;
ct?: string;
ai?: boolean;
unique?: boolean;
cdf?: string;
cc?: string;
csn?: string;
dtx?: string;
dtxp?: string;
dtxs?: string;
au?: boolean;
''?: string;
| {
uidt: 'LinkToAnotherRecord';
title: string;
parentId: string;
childId: string;
type: 'hm' | 'bt' | 'mm';
| {
uidt?: 'Rollup';
title?: string;
fk_relation_column_id?: string;
fk_rollup_column_id?: string;
rollup_function?: string;
| {
uidt?: 'Lookup';
title?: string;
fk_relation_column_id?: string;
fk_lookup_column_id?: string;
| { uidt?: string; formula_raw?: string; formula?: string; title?: string };
export interface UserInfoType {
id?: string;
email?: string;
email_verified?: string;
firstname?: string;
lastname?: string;
roles?: any;
export type QueryParamsType = Record<string | number, any>;
export type ResponseFormat = keyof Omit<Body, 'body' | 'bodyUsed'>;
export interface FullRequestParams extends Omit<RequestInit, 'body'> {
/** set parameter to `true` for call `securityWorker` for this request */
secure?: boolean;
/** request path */
path: string;
/** content type of request body */
type?: ContentType;
/** query params */
query?: QueryParamsType;
/** format of response (i.e. response.json() -> format: "json") */
format?: ResponseFormat;
/** request body */
body?: unknown;
/** base url */
baseUrl?: string;
/** request cancellation token */
cancelToken?: CancelToken;
export type RequestParams = Omit<
'body' | 'method' | 'query' | 'path'
export interface ApiConfig<SecurityDataType = unknown> {
baseUrl?: string;
baseApiParams?: Omit<RequestParams, 'baseUrl' | 'cancelToken' | 'signal'>;
securityWorker?: (
securityData: SecurityDataType | null
) => Promise<RequestParams | void> | RequestParams | void;
customFetch?: typeof fetch;
export interface HttpResponse<D extends unknown, E extends unknown = unknown>
extends Response {
data: D;
error: E;
type CancelToken = Symbol | string | number;
export enum ContentType {
Json = 'application/json',
FormData = 'multipart/form-data',
UrlEncoded = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
export class HttpClient<SecurityDataType = unknown> {
public baseUrl: string = 'http://localhost:8080';
private securityData: SecurityDataType | null = null;
private securityWorker?: ApiConfig<SecurityDataType>['securityWorker'];
private abortControllers = new Map<CancelToken, AbortController>();
private customFetch = (...fetchParams: Parameters<typeof fetch>) =>
private baseApiParams: RequestParams = {
credentials: 'same-origin',
headers: {},
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
constructor(apiConfig: ApiConfig<SecurityDataType> = {}) {
Object.assign(this, apiConfig);
public setSecurityData = (data: SecurityDataType | null) => {
this.securityData = data;
private encodeQueryParam(key: string, value: any) {
const encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(key);
return `${encodedKey}=${encodeURIComponent(
typeof value === 'number' ? value : `${value}`
private addQueryParam(query: QueryParamsType, key: string) {
return this.encodeQueryParam(key, query[key]);
private addArrayQueryParam(query: QueryParamsType, key: string) {
const value = query[key];
return value.map((v: any) => this.encodeQueryParam(key, v)).join('&');
protected toQueryString(rawQuery?: QueryParamsType): string {
const query = rawQuery || {};
const keys = Object.keys(query).filter(
(key) => 'undefined' !== typeof query[key]
return keys
.map((key) =>
? this.addArrayQueryParam(query, key)
: this.addQueryParam(query, key)
protected addQueryParams(rawQuery?: QueryParamsType): string {
const queryString = this.toQueryString(rawQuery);
return queryString ? `?${queryString}` : '';
private contentFormatters: Record<ContentType, (input: any) => any> = {
[ContentType.Json]: (input: any) =>
input !== null && (typeof input === 'object' || typeof input === 'string')
? JSON.stringify(input)
: input,
[ContentType.FormData]: (input: any) =>
Object.keys(input || {}).reduce((formData, key) => {
const property = input[key];
property instanceof Blob
? property
: typeof property === 'object' && property !== null
? JSON.stringify(property)
: `${property}`
return formData;
}, new FormData()),
[ContentType.UrlEncoded]: (input: any) => this.toQueryString(input),
private mergeRequestParams(
params1: RequestParams,
params2?: RequestParams
): RequestParams {
return {
...(params2 || {}),
headers: {
...(this.baseApiParams.headers || {}),
...(params1.headers || {}),
...((params2 && params2.headers) || {}),
private createAbortSignal = (
cancelToken: CancelToken
): AbortSignal | undefined => {
if (this.abortControllers.has(cancelToken)) {
const abortController = this.abortControllers.get(cancelToken);
if (abortController) {
return abortController.signal;
return void 0;
const abortController = new AbortController();
this.abortControllers.set(cancelToken, abortController);
return abortController.signal;
public abortRequest = (cancelToken: CancelToken) => {
const abortController = this.abortControllers.get(cancelToken);
if (abortController) {
public request = async <T = any, E = any>({
}: FullRequestParams & {wrapped?:any}): Promise<T> => {
const secureParams =
((typeof secure === 'boolean' ? secure : this.baseApiParams.secure) &&
this.securityWorker &&
(await this.securityWorker(this.securityData))) ||
const requestParams = this.mergeRequestParams(params, secureParams);
const queryString = query && this.toQueryString(query);
const payloadFormatter = this.contentFormatters[type || ContentType.Json];
const responseFormat = format || requestParams.format;
return this.customFetch(
`${baseUrl || this.baseUrl || ''}${path}${
queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ''
headers: {
...(type && type !== ContentType.FormData
? { 'Content-Type': type }
: {}),
...(requestParams.headers || {}),
signal: cancelToken ? this.createAbortSignal(cancelToken) : void 0,
typeof body === 'undefined' || body === null
? null
: payloadFormatter(body),
).then(async (response) => {
const r = response as HttpResponse<T, E>;
r.data = null as unknown as T;
r.error = null as unknown as E;
const data = !responseFormat
? r
: await response[responseFormat]()
.then((data) => {
if (r.ok) {
r.data = data;
} else {
r.error = data;
return r;
.catch((e) => {
r.error = e;
return r;
if (cancelToken) {
if (!response.ok) throw data;
return data.data;
* @title nocodb
* @version 1.0
* @baseUrl http://localhost:8080
export class Api<
SecurityDataType extends unknown
> extends HttpClient<SecurityDataType> {
auth = {
* @description Create a new user with provided email and password and first user is marked as super admin.
* @tags Auth
* @name Signup
* @summary Signup
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/user/signup
* @response `200` `{ token?: string }` OK
* @response `400` `{ msg?: string }` Bad Request
* @response `401` `void` Unauthorized
* @response `403` `void` Forbidden
signup: (
data: { email?: string; password?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<{ token?: string }, { msg?: string } | void>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/user/signup`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
format: 'json',
* @description Authenticate existing user with their email and password. Successful login will return a JWT access-token.
* @tags Auth
* @name Signin
* @summary Signin
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/user/signin
* @response `200` `{ token?: string }` OK
* @response `400` `{ msg?: string }` Bad Request
signin: (
data: { email: string; password: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<{ token?: string }, { msg?: string }>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/user/signin`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* @description Returns authenticated user info
* @tags Auth
* @name Me
* @summary User info
* @request GET:/api/v1/auth/user/me
* @response `200` `UserInfoType` OK
me: (query?: { project_id?: string }, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<UserInfoType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/user/me`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* @description Emails user with a reset url.
* @tags Auth
* @name PasswordForgot
* @summary Password forgot
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/password/forgot
* @response `200` `void` OK
* @response `401` `void` Unauthorized
passwordForgot: (data: { email?: string }, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, void>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/password/forgot`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* @description Change password of authenticated user with a new one.
* @tags Auth
* @name PasswordChange
* @summary Password change
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/password/change
* @response `200` `{ msg?: string }` OK
* @response `400` `{ msg?: string }` Bad request
passwordChange: (
data: { currentPassword?: string; newPassword?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<{ msg?: string }, { msg?: string }>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/password/change`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* @description Validtae password reset url token.
* @tags Auth
* @name PasswordResetTokenValidate
* @summary Reset token verify
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/token/validate/{token}
* @response `200` `void` OK
passwordResetTokenValidate: (token: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/token/validate/${token}`,
method: 'POST',
* @description Api for verifying email where token need to be passed which is shared to user email.
* @tags Auth
* @name EmailValidate
* @summary Verify email
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/email/validate/{token}
* @response `200` `void` OK
emailValidate: (token: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/email/validate/${token}`,
method: 'POST',
* @description Update user password to new by using reset token.
* @tags Auth
* @name PasswordReset
* @summary Password reset
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/password/reset/{token}
* @response `200` `void` OK
passwordReset: (
token: string,
data: { new_password?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/password/reset/${token}`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags Auth
* @name TokenRefresh
* @summary Refresh token
* @request POST:/api/v1/auth/token/refresh
* @response `200` `void` OK
tokenRefresh: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/auth/token/refresh`,
method: 'POST',
* No description
* @tags Auth
* @name ProjectUserList
* @summary Project users
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/users
* @response `200` `{ users?: { list: (UserType)[], pageInfo: PaginatedType } }` OK
projectUserList: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
{ users?: { list: UserType[]; pageInfo: PaginatedType } },
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/users`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Auth
* @name ProjectUserAdd
* @summary Project User Add
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/users
* @response `200` `any` OK
projectUserAdd: (
projectId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/users`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Auth
* @name ProjectUserUpdate
* @summary Project user update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/users/{userId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
projectUserUpdate: (
projectId: string,
userId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/users/${userId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Auth
* @name ProjectUserRemove
* @summary Project user remove
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/users/{userId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
projectUserRemove: (
projectId: string,
userId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/users/${userId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
format: 'json',
* @description Resend Invitation to a specific user
* @tags Auth
* @name ProjectUserResendInvite
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/users/{userId}/resend-invite
* @response `200` `any` OK
projectUserResendInvite: (
projectId: string,
userId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/users/${userId}/resend-invite`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
project = {
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name MetaGet
* @summary Project info
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/info
* @response `200` `{ Node?: string, Arch?: string, Platform?: string, Docker?: boolean, Database?: string, ProjectOnRootDB?: string, RootDB?: string, PackageVersion?: string }` OK
metaGet: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}, query: object) =>
Node?: string;
Arch?: string;
Platform?: string;
Docker?: boolean;
Database?: string;
ProjectOnRootDB?: string;
RootDB?: string;
PackageVersion?: string;
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/info`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name ModelVisibilityList
* @summary UI ACL
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/visibility-rules
* @response `200` `(any)[]` OK
modelVisibilityList: (
projectId: string,
query?: { includeM2M?: boolean },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any[], any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/visibility-rules`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name ModelVisibilitySet
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/visibility-rules
* @response `200` `any` OK
modelVisibilitySet: (
projectId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/visibility-rules`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* @description Read project details
* @tags Project
* @name List
* @summary Project list
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/
* @response `201` `ProjectListType`
list: (
query?: { page?: number; pageSize?: number; sort?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<ProjectListType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name Create
* @summary Project create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/
* @response `200` `ProjectType` OK
create: (
data: ProjectType & { external?: boolean },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<ProjectType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* @description Read project details
* @tags Project
* @name Read
* @summary Project read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}
* @response `200` `object` OK
read: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<object, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name Delete
* @summary Project delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* @description Read project details
* @tags Project
* @name SharedBaseGet
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/shared
* @response `200` `{ uuid?: string, url?: string }` OK
sharedBaseGet: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ uuid?: string; url?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/shared`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name SharedBaseDisable
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/shared
* @response `200` `void` OK
sharedBaseDisable: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/shared`,
method: 'DELETE',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name SharedBaseCreate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/shared
* @response `200` `{ url?: string, uuid?: string }` OK
sharedBaseCreate: (
projectId: string,
data: { roles?: string; password?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<{ url?: string; uuid?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/shared`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name SharedBaseUpdate
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/shared
* @response `200` `void` OK
sharedBaseUpdate: (
projectId: string,
data: { roles?: string; password?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/shared`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* @description Project compare cost
* @tags Project
* @name Cost
* @summary Project compare cost
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/cost
* @response `200` `object` OK
cost: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<object, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/cost`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name MetaDiffSync
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/meta-diff
* @response `200` `any` OK
metaDiffSync: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/meta-diff`,
method: 'POST',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name MetaDiffGet
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/meta-diff
* @response `200` `any` OK
metaDiffGet: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/meta-diff`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Project
* @name AuditList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/audits
* @response `200` `{ list: (AuditType)[], pageInfo: PaginatedType }` OK
auditList: (
projectId: string,
query?: { offset?: string; limit?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<{ list: AuditType[]; pageInfo: PaginatedType }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/audits`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
dbTable = {
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/tables
* @response `200` `TableType` OK
create: (
projectId: string,
data: TableReqType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<TableType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/tables`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/tables
* @response `200` `TableListType`
list: (
projectId: string,
query?: {
page?: number;
pageSize?: number;
sort?: string;
includeM2M?: boolean;
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<TableListType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/tables`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name Read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}
* @response `200` `TableInfoType` OK
read: (tableId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<TableInfoType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
update: (
tableId: string,
data: { title?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (tableId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* No description
* @tags DB table
* @name Reorder
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/reorder
* @response `200` `void` OK
reorder: (
tableId: string,
data: { order?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/reorder`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
dbTableColumn = {
* No description
* @tags DB table column
* @name Create
* @summary Column create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/columns
* @response `200` `void` OK
create: (
tableId: string,
data: ColumnReqType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/columns`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB table column
* @name Update
* @summary Column Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/columns/{columnId}
* @response `200` `ColumnType` OK
update: (
columnId: string,
data: ColumnReqType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<ColumnType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/columns/${columnId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table column
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/columns/{columnId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (columnId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/columns/${columnId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* No description
* @tags DB table column
* @name PrimaryColumnSet
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/columns/{columnId}/primary
* @response `200` `void` OK
primaryColumnSet: (columnId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/columns/${columnId}/primary`,
method: 'POST',
dbView = {
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/views
* @response `200` `ViewListType`
list: (tableId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<ViewListType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/views`,
method: 'GET',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
update: (
viewId: string,
data: {
order?: string;
title?: string;
show_system_fields?: boolean;
lock_type?: 'collaborative' | 'locked' | 'personal';
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name ShowAllColumn
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/show-all
* @response `200` `void` OK
showAllColumn: (
viewId: string,
query?: { ignoreIds?: any[] },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/show-all`,
method: 'POST',
query: query,
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name HideAllColumn
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/hide-all
* @response `200` `void` OK
hideAllColumn: (
viewId: string,
query?: { ignoreIds?: any[] },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/hide-all`,
method: 'POST',
query: query,
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GridCreate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/grids
* @response `200` `GridType` OK
gridCreate: (tableId: string, data: GridType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<GridType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/grids`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name FormCreate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/forms
* @response `200` `FormType` OK
formCreate: (tableId: string, data: FormType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FormType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/forms`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name FormUpdate
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/forms/{formId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
formUpdate: (formId: string, data: FormType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/forms/${formId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name FormRead
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/forms/{formId}
* @response `200` `FormType` OK
formRead: (formId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FormType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/forms/${formId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name FormColumnUpdate
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/form-columns/{formViewColumnId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
formColumnUpdate: (
formViewColumnId: string,
data: FormColumnType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/form-columns/${formViewColumnId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GridColumnsList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/grids/{gridId}/grid-columns
* @response `200` `(GridColumnType)[]` OK
gridColumnsList: (gridId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<GridColumnType[], any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/grids/${gridId}/grid-columns`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GridColumnUpdate
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/grid-columns/{columnId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
gridColumnUpdate: (
columnId: string,
data: GridColumnType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/grid-columns/${columnId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GalleryCreate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/galleries
* @response `200` `object` OK
galleryCreate: (
tableId: string,
data: GalleryType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<object, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/galleries`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GalleryUpdate
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/galleries/{galleryId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
galleryUpdate: (
galleryId: string,
data: GalleryType,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/galleries/${galleryId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB view
* @name GalleryRead
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/galleries/{galleryId}
* @response `200` `GalleryType` OK
galleryRead: (galleryId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<GalleryType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/galleries/${galleryId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
dbViewShare = {
* No description
* @tags DB view share
* @name List
* @summary Shared view list
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/share
* @response `200` `(any)[]` OK
list: (tableId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any[], any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/share`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view share
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/share
* @response `200` `{ uuid?: string }` OK
create: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ uuid?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/share`,
method: 'POST',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view share
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/share
* @response `200` `SharedViewType` OK
update: (
viewId: string,
data: { password?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<SharedViewType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/share`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view share
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/share
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/share`,
method: 'DELETE',
dbViewColumn = {
* No description
* @tags DB view column
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/columns
list: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/columns`,
method: 'GET',
* No description
* @tags DB view column
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/columns
* @response `200` `void` OK
create: (viewId: string, data: any, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/columns`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB view column
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/columns/{columnId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
update: (
viewId: string,
columnId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/columns/${columnId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
dbTableSort = {
* No description
* @tags DB table sort
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/sorts
* @response `200` `{ uuid?: string, url?: string }` OK
list: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ uuid?: string; url?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/sorts`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table sort
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/sorts
* @response `200` `void` OK
create: (viewId: string, data: SortType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/sorts`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB table sort
* @name Get
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/{sortId}
* @response `200` `SortType` OK
get: (sortId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<SortType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/${sortId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table sort
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/{sortId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
update: (sortId: string, data: SortType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/${sortId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB table sort
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/{sortId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (sortId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/sorts/${sortId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
dbTableFilter = {
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name Read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/filters
* @response `200` `FilterListType`
read: (viewId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FilterListType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/filters`,
method: 'GET',
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/views/{viewId}/filters
* @response `200` `void` OK
create: (viewId: string, data: FilterType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/views/${viewId}/filters`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name Get
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/filters/{filterId}
* @response `200` `FilterType` OK
get: (filterId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FilterType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/filters/${filterId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/filters/{filterId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
update: (filterId: string, data: FilterType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/filters/${filterId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/filters/{filterId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (filterId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/filters/${filterId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* No description
* @tags DB table filter
* @name ChildrenRead
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/filters/{filterGroupId}/children
* @response `200` `FilterType` OK
childrenRead: (filterGroupId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FilterType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/filters/${filterGroupId}/children`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
dbTableWebhookFilter = {
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook filter
* @name Read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/{hookId}/filters
* @response `200` `FilterListType`
read: (hookId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<FilterListType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/${hookId}/filters`,
method: 'GET',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook filter
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/{hookId}/filters
* @response `200` `void` OK
create: (hookId: string, data: FilterType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/${hookId}/filters`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
dbTableRow = {
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name List
* @summary Table row list
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
list: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
query?: { fields?: any[]; sort?: any[]; where?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name Create
* @summary Table row create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
create: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name FindOne
* @summary Table row FindOne
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/find-one
* @response `200` `any` OK
findOne: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
query?: { fields?: any[]; sort?: any[]; where?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/find-one`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name GroupBy
* @summary Table row Group by
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/groupby
* @response `200` `any` OK
groupBy: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
query?: {
column_name?: string;
sort?: any[];
where?: string;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/groupby`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name Read
* @summary Table row read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}
* @response `201` `any` Created
read: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name Update
* @summary Table row update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
update: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name Delete
* @summary Table row delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* @description check row with provided primary key exists or not
* @tags DB table row
* @name Exist
* @summary Table row exist
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}/exist
* @response `201` `any` Created
exist: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}/exist`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name BulkCreate
* @summary Bulk insert table rows
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/data/bulk/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
bulkCreate: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/bulk/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name BulkUpdate
* @summary Bulk update all table rows by IDs
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/data/bulk/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
bulkUpdate: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/bulk/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name BulkDelete
* @summary Bulk delete all table rows by IDs
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/data/bulk/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
bulkDelete: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/bulk/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}`,
method: 'DELETE',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name BulkUpdateAll
* @summary Bulk update all table rows with conditions
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/data/bulk/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/all
* @response `200` `any` OK
bulkUpdateAll: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/bulk/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/all`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name BulkDeleteAll
* @summary Bulk delete all table rows with conditions
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/data/bulk/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/all
* @response `200` `any` OK
bulkDeleteAll: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/bulk/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/all`,
method: 'DELETE',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* @description CSV or Excel export
* @tags DB table row
* @name CsvExport
* @summary Tablerows export
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/export/{type}
* @response `200` `any` OK
csvExport: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
type: 'csv' | 'excel',
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/export/${type}`,
method: 'GET',
wrapped: true,
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name NestedList
* @summary Nested relations row list
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}/{relationType}/{columnName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
nestedList: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
relationType: 'mm' | 'hm',
columnName: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}/${relationType}/${columnName}`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name NestedAdd
* @summary Nested relations row add
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}/{relationType}/{columnName}/{refRowId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
nestedAdd: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
relationType: 'mm' | 'hm',
columnName: string,
refRowId: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}/${relationType}/${columnName}/${refRowId}`,
method: 'POST',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name NestedRemove
* @summary Nested relations row remove
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}/{relationType}/{columnName}/{refRowId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
nestedRemove: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
relationType: 'mm' | 'hm',
columnName: string,
refRowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}/${relationType}/${columnName}/${refRowId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table row
* @name NestedChildrenExcludedList
* @summary Referenced tables rows excluding current records children/parent
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/{rowId}/{relationType}/{columnName}/exclude
* @response `200` `any` OK
nestedChildrenExcludedList: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
rowId: string,
relationType: 'mm' | 'hm',
columnName: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/${rowId}/${relationType}/${columnName}/exclude`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
dbViewRow = {
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name List
* @summary Table view row list
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
list: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
query?: { fields?: any[]; sort?: any[]; where?: string; nested?: any },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name Create
* @summary Table view row create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
create: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name FindOne
* @summary Table view row FindOne
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/find-one
* @response `200` `any` OK
findOne: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
query?: { fields?: any[]; sort?: any[]; where?: string; nested?: any },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/find-one`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name GroupBy
* @summary Table view row Group by
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/groupby
* @response `200` `any` OK
groupBy: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
query?: {
column_name?: string;
sort?: any[];
where?: string;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/groupby`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name Count
* @summary Table view rows count
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/count
* @response `200` `any` OK
count: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
query?: { where?: string; nested?: any },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/count`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name Read
* @summary Table view row read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/{rowId}
* @response `201` `any` Created
read: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name Update
* @summary Table view row update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/{rowId}
* @response `200` `any` OK
update: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
rowId: string,
data: any,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB view row
* @name Delete
* @summary Table view row delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/{rowId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/${rowId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
* @description check row with provided primary key exists or not
* @tags DB view row
* @name Exist
* @summary Table view row exist
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/{rowId}/exist
* @response `201` `any` Created
exist: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
rowId: string,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/${rowId}/exist`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* @description CSV or Excel export
* @tags DB view row
* @name Export
* @summary Table view rows export
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/data/{orgs}/{projectName}/{tableName}/views/{viewName}/export/{type}
* @response `200` `any` OK
export: (
orgs: string,
projectName: string,
tableName: string,
viewName: string,
type: 'csv' | 'excel',
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/data/${orgs}/${projectName}/${tableName}/views/${viewName}/export/${type}`,
method: 'GET',
wrapped: true,
public = {
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name DataList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/rows
* @response `200` `any` OK
dataList: (
sharedViewUuid: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/rows`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name DataCreate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/rows
* @response `200` `any` OK
dataCreate: (
sharedViewUuid: string,
data: object,
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/rows`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.FormData,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name DataNestedList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/rows/{rowId}/{relationType}/{columnName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
dataNestedList: (
sharedViewUuid: string,
rowId: string,
relationType: 'mm' | 'hm',
columnName: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/rows/${rowId}/${relationType}/${columnName}`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name CsvExport
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/rows/export/{type}
* @response `200` `any` OK
csvExport: (
sharedViewUuid: string,
type: 'csv' | 'excel',
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/rows/export/${type}`,
method: 'GET',
wrapped: true,
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name DataRelationList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/nested/{columnName}
* @response `200` `any` OK
dataRelationList: (
sharedViewUuid: string,
columnName: string,
query?: { limit?: string; offset?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/nested/${columnName}`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Public
* @name SharedViewMetaGet
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/{sharedViewUuid}/meta
* @response `200` `object` OK
sharedViewMetaGet: (sharedViewUuid: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<object, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-view/${sharedViewUuid}/meta`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* @description Read project details
* @tags Public
* @name SharedBaseGet
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/public/shared-base/{sharedBaseUuid}/meta
* @response `200` `{ project_id?: string }` OK
sharedBaseGet: (sharedBaseUuid: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ project_id?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/public/shared-base/${sharedBaseUuid}/meta`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
utils = {
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name CommentList
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments
* @response `201` `any` Created
commentList: (
query: { row_id: string; fk_model_id: string; comments_only?: boolean },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name CommentRow
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments
* @response `200` `void` OK
commentRow: (
data: { row_id: string; fk_model_id: string; comment: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name CommentCount
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments/count
* @response `201` `any` Created
commentCount: (
query: { ids: any[]; fk_model_id: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments/count`,
method: 'GET',
query: query,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name AuditRowUpdate
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/audits/rows/{rowId}/update
* @response `200` `void` OK
auditRowUpdate: (
rowId: string,
data: {
fk_model_id?: string;
column_name?: string;
row_id?: string;
value?: string;
prev_value?: string;
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/audits/rows/${rowId}/update`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name TestConnection
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/connection/test
* @response `200` `{ code?: number, message?: string }` OK
testConnection: (data: any, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ code?: number; message?: string }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/connection/test`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name AppInfo
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/nocodb/info
* @response `200` `any` OK
appInfo: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/nocodb/info`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* @description Generic Axios Call
* @tags Utils
* @name AxiosRequestMake
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/axiosRequestMake
* @response `200` `object` OK
axiosRequestMake: (data: object, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<object, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/axiosRequestMake`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name AppVersion
* @request GET:/api/v1/version
* @response `200` `any` OK
appVersion: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/version`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Utils
* @name AppHealth
* @request GET:/api/v1/health
* @response `200` `any` OK
appHealth: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/health`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* @description Get All K/V pairs in NocoCache
* @tags Utils
* @name CacheGet
* @summary Your GET endpoint
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/cache
cacheGet: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/cache`,
method: 'GET',
* @description Delete All K/V pairs in NocoCache
* @tags Utils
* @name CacheDelete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/cache
* @response `200` `void` OK
cacheDelete: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/cache`,
method: 'DELETE',
dbTableWebhook = {
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/hooks
* @response `200` `{ list: (HookType)[], pageInfo: PaginatedType }` OK
list: (tableId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ list: HookType[]; pageInfo: PaginatedType }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/hooks`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/hooks
* @response `200` `AuditType` OK
create: (tableId: string, data: AuditType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<AuditType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/hooks`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name Test
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/hooks/test
* @response `200` `any` OK
test: (
tableId: string,
data: { payload?: { data?: any; user?: any }; hook?: HookType },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/hooks/test`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name SamplePayloadGet
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/tables/{tableId}/hooks/samplePayload/{operation}
* @response `200` `{ plugins?: { list: (PluginType)[], pageInfo: PaginatedType } }` OK
samplePayloadGet: (
tableId: string,
operation: 'update' | 'delete' | 'insert',
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
{ plugins?: { list: PluginType[]; pageInfo: PaginatedType } },
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/tables/${tableId}/hooks/samplePayload/${operation}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/{hookId}
* @response `200` `HookType` OK
update: (hookId: string, data: HookType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<HookType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/${hookId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags DB table webhook
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/{hookId}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (hookId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/hooks/${hookId}`,
method: 'DELETE',
plugin = {
* No description
* @tags Plugin
* @name List
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/plugins
* @response `200` `{ list?: (PluginType)[], pageInfo?: PaginatedType }` OK
list: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<{ list?: PluginType[]; pageInfo?: PaginatedType }, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/plugins`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* @description Check plugin is active or not
* @tags Plugin
* @name Status
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/{pluginTitle}/status
* @response `200` `boolean` OK
status: (pluginTitle: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<boolean, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/${pluginTitle}/status`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Plugin
* @name Test
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/test
* @response `200` `any` OK
* @response `400` `void` Bad Request
* @response `401` `void` Unauthorized
test: (
data: { id?: string; title?: string; input?: any; category?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, void>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/test`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Plugin
* @name Update
* @request PATCH:/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/{pluginId}
* @response `200` `PluginType` OK
update: (pluginId: string, data: PluginType, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<PluginType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/${pluginId}`,
method: 'PATCH',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Plugin
* @name Read
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/{pluginId}
* @response `200` `PluginType` OK
read: (pluginId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<PluginType, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/plugins/${pluginId}`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
apiToken = {
* No description
* @tags Api token
* @name List
* @summary Your GET endpoint
* @request GET:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/api-tokens
* @response `200` `(ApiTokenType)[]` OK
list: (projectId: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<ApiTokenType[], any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/api-tokens`,
method: 'GET',
format: 'json',
* No description
* @tags Api token
* @name Create
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/api-tokens
* @response `200` `void` OK
* @response `201` `ApiTokenType` Created
create: (
projectId: string,
data: { description?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/api-tokens`,
method: 'POST',
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,
* No description
* @tags Api token
* @name Delete
* @request DELETE:/api/v1/db/meta/projects/{projectId}/api-tokens/{token}
* @response `200` `void` OK
delete: (projectId: string, token: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<void, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/meta/projects/${projectId}/api-tokens/${token}`,
method: 'DELETE',
storage = {
* No description
* @tags Storage
* @name Upload
* @summary Attachment
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/storage/upload
upload: (
query: { path: string },
data: { files?: any; json?: string },
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/storage/upload`,
method: 'POST',
query: query,
body: data,
type: ContentType.FormData,
* No description
* @tags Storage
* @name UploadByUrl
* @summary Attachment
* @request POST:/api/v1/db/storage/upload-by-url
uploadByUrl: (
query: { path: string },
data: {
url?: string;
fileName?: string;
mimetype?: string;
size?: string;
params: RequestParams = {}
) =>
this.request<any, any>({
path: `/api/v1/db/storage/upload-by-url`,
method: 'POST',
query: query,
body: data,
type: ContentType.Json,