You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { AxiosError, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios'
import { Api } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import type { EventHook, MaybeRef } from '@vueuse/core'
import { addAxiosInterceptors } from './interceptors'
import { createEventHook, ref, unref, useNuxtApp } from '#imports'
import type { NuxtApp } from '#app'
interface UseApiReturn<D = any, R = any> {
api: Api<any>
isLoading: Ref<boolean>
error: Ref<AxiosError<D, R> | null>
response: Ref<AxiosResponse<D, R> | null>
onError: EventHook<AxiosError<D, R>>['on']
onResponse: EventHook<AxiosResponse<D, R>>['on']
export function createApiInstance(app: NuxtApp, baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080') {
const api = new Api({
addAxiosInterceptors(api, app)
return api
/** todo: add props? */
interface UseApiProps<D = any> {
axiosConfig?: MaybeRef<AxiosRequestConfig<D>>
useGlobalInstance?: MaybeRef<boolean>
export function useApi<Data = any, RequestConfig = any>(props: UseApiProps<Data> = {}): UseApiReturn<Data, RequestConfig> {
const isLoading = ref(false)
const error = ref(null)
const response = ref<any>(null)
const errorHook = createEventHook<AxiosError<Data, RequestConfig>>()
const responseHook = createEventHook<AxiosResponse<Data, RequestConfig>>()
const api = unref(props.useGlobalInstance) ? useNuxtApp().$api : createApiInstance(useNuxtApp())
(config) => {
error.value = null
response.value = null
isLoading.value = true
return {
(requestError) => {
error.value = requestError
response.value = null
isLoading.value = false
return requestError
(apiResponse) => {
responseHook.trigger(apiResponse as AxiosResponse<Data, RequestConfig>)
// can't properly typecast
response.value = apiResponse
isLoading.value = false
return apiResponse
(apiError) => {
error.value = apiError
isLoading.value = false
return apiError
return { api, isLoading, response, error, onError: errorHook.on, onResponse: responseHook.on }