| MIN | `MIN(value1, [value2,...])` | `MIN(Column1, Column2, Column3)` | Minimum value amongst input parameters |
| MAX | `MAX(value1, [value2,...])` | `MAX(Column1, Column2, Column3)` | Maximum value amongst input parameters |
| CEILING | `CEILING(value1)` | `CEILING(Column)` | Rounded next largest integer value of input parameter |
| FLOOR | `FLOOR(value1)`| `FLOOR(Column)` | Rounded largest integer less than or equal to input parameter |
| ROUND | `ROUND(value1)`| `ROUND(Column)` | Nearest integer to the input parameter |
| MOD |`MOD(value1, value2)` | `MOD(Column, 2)` | Remainder after integer division of input parameters | 2 |
| REPEAT | `REPEAT(value1, count)`| `REPEAT(Column, 2)` | Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together |
| LOG | `LOG(value1, [base])`| `LOG(Column)` | Logarithm of input parameter to the base specified |
| EXP | `EXP(value1)` | `EXP(Column)` | Exponential value of input parameter (`e^x`) |
| POWER | `POWER(base, exponent)` | `POWER(Column, 3)` | `base` to the `exponent` power, as in `base^exponent` |
| SQRT | `SQRT(value1)` | `SQRT(Column)` | Square root of the input parameter |
| ABS | `ABS(value1)` | `ABS(Column)` | Absolute value of the input parameter |
| NOW | `NOW()` | `NOW()` | Current date time |
| REPLACE | `REPLACE(value1, old_str,new_str)` | `REPLACE(Column, old_string, new_String)` | String, after replacing all occurrences of `old_string` with `new_String` |
| SEARCH | `SEARCH(value1, search_val)` | `SEARCH(Column, 'str')` | Index of sub-string specified if found, 0 otherwise |
| INT | `INT(value1)` | `INT(Column)` | Integer value of input parameter |
| RIGHT | `RIGHT(value1, count)` | `RIGHT(Column, 3)` | `n` characters from the end of input parameter |
| LEFT | `LEFT(value1, [value2,...])` | `LEFT(Column, 3)` | `n` characters from the beginning of input parameter |
| SUBSTR | `SUBTR(value1, position, [count])` | `SUBSTR(Column, 3, 2)` | Substring of length 'count' of input string, from the postition specified |
| MID | `SUBTR(value1, position, [count])` | `MID(Column, 3, 2)` | Alias for `SUBSTR` |
| IF | `IF(expression, success_case, [else_case])` | `IF(Column > 1, Value1, Value2)` | success_case if expression evaluates to TRUE, else_case otherwise |
| SWITCH | `SWITCH(expression, [pattern,value,..., default_value])` | `SWITCH(Column1, 1, 'One', 2, 'Two', '--')` | Switch case value based on expression output |
| AND | `AND(expression1, [expression2,...])` | `AND(Column > 2, Column < 10)` | TRUE if all expressions evaluate to TRUE |
| OR | `OR(expression1, [expression2,...])` | `OR(Column > 2, Column < 10)` | TRUE if at least one expression evaluates to TRUE |