<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FormType, GalleryType, GridType, KanbanType, ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import MenuTop from './MenuTop.vue'
import MenuBottom from './MenuBottom.vue'
import Toolbar from './toolbar/index.vue'
import { computed, inject, provide, ref, useApi, useRoute, useViews, watch } from '#imports'
import { ActiveViewInj, MetaInj, RightSidebarInj, ViewListInj } from '~/context'
import MdiXml from '~icons/mdi/xml'
import MdiHook from '~icons/mdi/hook'
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const activeView = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref())
const { views, loadViews } = useViews(meta)
const { api } = useApi()
const route = useRoute()
provide(ViewListInj, views)
/** Sidebar visible */
const sidebarOpen = inject(RightSidebarInj, ref(true))
const sidebarCollapsed = computed(() => !sidebarOpen.value)
/** View type to create from modal */
let viewCreateType = $ref<ViewTypes>()
/** View title to create from modal (when duplicating) */
let viewCreateTitle = $ref('')
/** is view creation modal open */
let modalOpen = $ref(false)
/** Watch route param and change active view based on `viewTitle` */
[views, () => route.params.viewTitle],
([nextViews, viewTitle]) => {
if (viewTitle) {
const view = nextViews.find((v) => v.title === viewTitle)
if (view) {
activeView.value = view
/** if active view is not found, set it to first view */
if (!activeView.value && nextViews.length) {
activeView.value = nextViews[0]
{ immediate: true },
/** Open view creation modal */
function openModal({ type, title = '' }: { type: ViewTypes; title: string }) {
modalOpen = true
viewCreateType = type
viewCreateTitle = title
/** Handle view creation */
function onCreate(view: GridType | FormType | KanbanType | GalleryType) {
activeView.value = view
modalOpen = false
class="shadow !mt-[-9.5px]"
style="height: calc(100% + 9px)"
<Toolbar v-if="sidebarOpen" class="flex items-center py-3 px-3 justify-between border-b-1" />
<Toolbar v-else class="py-3 px-2 max-w-[50px] flex !flex-col-reverse gap-4 items-center mt-[-1px]">
<template #start>
<a-tooltip placement="left">
<template #title> {{ $t('objects.webhooks') }}</template>
<div class="nc-sidebar-right-item hover:after:bg-gray-300">
<MdiHook />
<div class="dot" />
<a-tooltip placement="left">
<template #title> Get API Snippet</template>
<div class="nc-sidebar-right-item group hover:after:bg-yellow-500">
<MdiXml class="group-hover:(!text-white)" />
<div class="dot" />
<div v-if="sidebarOpen" class="flex-1 flex flex-col">
<MenuTop @open-modal="openModal" @deleted="loadViews" @sorted="loadViews" />
<a-divider class="my-2" />
<MenuBottom @open-modal="openModal" />
<dlg-view-create v-if="views" v-model="modalOpen" :title="viewCreateTitle" :type="viewCreateType" @created="onCreate" />
<style scoped>
:deep(.ant-menu-title-content) {
@apply w-full;
:deep(.ant-layout-sider-children) {
@apply flex flex-col;
.dot {
@apply w-[3px] h-[3px] bg-gray-300 rounded-full;