You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

263 lines
8.1 KiB

import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard';
import { ProjectsPage } from '../pages/ProjectsPage';
import { NcContext } from '../setup';
import { isMysql, isPg } from '../setup/db';
// normal fields
const recordCells = {
Name: 'Movie-1',
Notes: 'Good',
Status: 'Todo',
Tags: 'Jan',
Phone: '123123123',
Email: 'a@b.com',
URL: 'www.a.com',
Number: '1',
Value: '$1.00',
Percent: '0.01',
// links/ computed fields
const recordsVirtualCells = {
Duration: '00:01',
Done: true,
Date: '2022-05-31',
Rating: 1,
Actor: ['Actor1', 'Actor2'],
'Status (from Actor)': ['Todo', 'In progress'],
RollUp: '128',
Computation: '4.04',
Producer: ['P1', 'P2'],
const tn = ['Film', 'Actor', 'Producer'];
const cn = [
'Status (from Actor)',
const quickVerify = async ({
}: {
dashboard: DashboardPage;
airtableImport?: boolean;
context: NcContext;
}) => {
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Film' });
// Verify tables
for (let i = 0; i < tn.length; i++) {
await dashboard.treeView.verifyTable({ title: tn[i] });
let cellIndex = 0;
let columnCount = cn.length;
if (airtableImport) {
cellIndex = 2;
columnCount -= 3;
for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: cn[i] });
// Verify cells
// normal cells
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(recordCells)) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({ index: cellIndex, columnHeader: key, value });
// checkbox
await dashboard.grid.cell.checkbox.verifyChecked({ index: cellIndex, columnHeader: 'Done' });
// duration
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({ index: cellIndex, columnHeader: 'Duration', value: recordsVirtualCells.Duration });
// rating
await dashboard.grid.cell.rating.verify({
index: cellIndex,
columnHeader: 'Rating',
rating: recordsVirtualCells.Rating,
// Links
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({
index: cellIndex,
columnHeader: 'Actor',
value: isMysql(context) || isPg(context) ? ['Actor1'] : recordsVirtualCells.Actor,
// Status (from Actor)
// todo: Find a way to verify only the elements that are passed in
// await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({ index: cellIndex, columnHeader: "Status (from Actor)", value: recordsVirtualCells["Status (from Actor)"][0] });
if (!airtableImport) {
// RollUp
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({ index: cellIndex, columnHeader: 'RollUp', value: recordsVirtualCells.RollUp });
// Computation
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({
index: cellIndex,
columnHeader: 'Computation',
value: recordsVirtualCells.Computation,
// Links
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({
index: cellIndex,
columnHeader: 'Producer',
value: recordsVirtualCells.Producer,
// Verify form
await dashboard.viewSidebar.openView({ title: 'FormTitle' });
await dashboard.form.verifyHeader({ title: 'FormTitle', subtitle: 'FormDescription' });
await dashboard.form.verifyFormFieldLabel({ index: 0, label: 'DisplayName' });
await dashboard.form.verifyFormFieldHelpText({ index: 0, helpText: 'HelpText' });
await dashboard.form.verifyFieldsIsEditable({ index: 0 });
await dashboard.form.verifyAfterSubmitMsg({ msg: 'Thank you for submitting the form!' });
await dashboard.form.verifyAfterSubmitMenuState({
emailMe: false,
showBlankForm: true,
submitAnotherForm: true,
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Actor' });
if (!airtableImport) {
// Verify webhooks
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickActions();
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.actions.click('Webhooks');
await dashboard.webhookForm.openForm({
index: 0,
await dashboard.webhookForm.verifyForm({
title: 'Webhook-1',
hookEvent: 'After Insert',
notificationType: 'URL',
urlMethod: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:9090/hook',
condition: false,
await dashboard.webhookForm.goBackFromForm();
await dashboard.webhookForm.openForm({
index: 1,
await dashboard.webhookForm.verifyForm({
title: 'Webhook-2',
hookEvent: 'After Update',
notificationType: 'URL',
urlMethod: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:9090/hook',
condition: false,
await dashboard.webhookForm.goBackFromForm();
await dashboard.webhookForm.openForm({
index: 2,
await dashboard.webhookForm.verifyForm({
title: 'Webhook-3',
hookEvent: 'After Delete',
notificationType: 'URL',
urlMethod: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:9090/hook',
condition: false,
await dashboard.webhookForm.close();
// Verify pagination
await dashboard.grid.verifyActivePage({ page: '1' });
await dashboard.grid.clickPagination({ page: '>' });
await dashboard.grid.verifyActivePage({ page: '2' });
await dashboard.grid.clickPagination({ page: '<' });
await dashboard.grid.verifyActivePage({ page: '1' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.openView({ title: 'Filter&Sort' });
// Verify Fields, Filter & Sort
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: 'Name' });
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: 'Notes' });
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: 'Attachments', isVisible: false });
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: 'Status' });
await dashboard.grid.column.verify({ title: 'Film' });
// Verify Fields
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFields();
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.verify({ title: 'Name' });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.verify({ title: 'Notes', checked: true });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.verify({ title: 'Attachments', checked: false });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.verify({ title: 'Status', checked: true });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.verify({ title: 'Film', checked: true });
// Verify Sort
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickSort();
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.sort.verify({ index: 0, column: 'Name', direction: 'A → Z' });
// Verify Filter
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFilter();
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.filter.verify({ index: 0, column: 'Name', operator: 'is like', value: '1' });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.filter.verify({ index: 1, column: 'Name', operator: 'is like', value: '2' });
if (!airtableImport) {
// Verify views
// todo: Wait for 800ms, issue related to vue router
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(800);
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Producer' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 0, title: 'Grid view' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 1, title: 'Grid 2' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 2, title: 'Grid 3' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 3, title: 'Grid 4' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 4, title: 'Form' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 5, title: 'Form 2' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 6, title: 'Form 3' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 7, title: 'Form 4' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 8, title: 'Gallery' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 9, title: 'Gallery 2' });
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ index: 10, title: 'Gallery 3' });
// verify BT relation
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'FilmRead', value: ['Movie-1'] });
if (airtableImport) {
// Delete default context project
await dashboard.clickHome();
const projectsPage = new ProjectsPage(dashboard.rootPage);
const projExists: boolean = await projectsPage
if (projExists) {
await projectsPage.deleteProject({ title: context.project.title, withoutPrefix: true });
export { quickVerify };