You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
12 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'
import type { ColumnType, SelectOptionType, SelectOptionsType, UserFieldRecordType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { FormFieldsLimitOptionsType } from '~/lib/types'
const props = defineProps<{
modelValue: FormFieldsLimitOptionsType[]
formFieldState?: string | null
column: ColumnType
isRequired?: boolean
const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'update:formFieldState'])
const meta = inject(MetaInj)!
const { column, formFieldState } = toRefs(props)
const basesStore = useBases()
const { basesUser } = storeToRefs(basesStore)
const baseUsers = computed(() => (meta.value.base_id ? basesUser.value.get(meta.value.base_id) || [] : []))
const searchQuery = ref('')
const drag = ref(false)
const vModel = computed({
get: () => {
let order = 1
const limitOptionsById =
(props.modelValue || []).reduce((o: Record<string, FormFieldsLimitOptionsType>, f: FormFieldsLimitOptionsType) => {
if (order < (f?.order ?? 0)) {
order = f.order
return {
[f.id]: f,
}, {} as Record<string, FormFieldsLimitOptionsType>) ?? {}
if (UITypes.User === column.value.uidt) {
const collaborators = ((baseUsers.value || []) as UserFieldRecordType[])
.filter((user) => !user?.deleted)
.map((user: any) => ({
id: user.id,
email: user.email,
display_name: user.display_name,
order: user.id && limitOptionsById[user.id] ? limitOptionsById[user.id]?.order ?? user.order : order++,
10 months ago
show: user.id && limitOptionsById[user.id] ? limitOptionsById[user.id]?.show : !(props.modelValue || []).length,
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order)
if ((props.modelValue || []).length !== collaborators.length) {
collaborators.map((o) => ({ id: o.id, order: o.order, show: o.show })),
return collaborators
} else if ([UITypes.SingleSelect, UITypes.MultiSelect].includes(column.value.uidt as UITypes)) {
const updateModelValue = ((column.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType)?.options || [])
.map((c) => {
return {
order: c.id && limitOptionsById[c.id] ? limitOptionsById[c.id]?.order ?? c.order : order++,
10 months ago
show: c.id && limitOptionsById[c.id] ? limitOptionsById[c.id]?.show : !(props.modelValue || []).length,
} as SelectOptionType & { show?: boolean }
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.order !== undefined && b.order !== undefined) {
return a.order - b.order
return 0
if ((props.modelValue || []).length !== ((column.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType)?.options || []).length) {
updateModelValue.map((o) => ({ id: o.id, order: o.order, show: o.show })),
return updateModelValue
return []
set: (val) => {
const fieldState = (formFieldState.value || '').split(',')
const optionsToRemoveFromFieldState: string[] = []
val.map((o) => {
if (!o.show) {
if (column.value.uidt === UITypes.User && fieldState.includes(o.id)) {
} else if (o?.title && fieldState.includes(o.title)) {
return { id: o.id, order: o.order, show: o.show }
emits('update:formFieldState', fieldState.filter((o) => !optionsToRemoveFromFieldState.includes(o)).join(','))
async function onMove(_event: { moved: { newIndex: number; oldIndex: number; element: any } }) {
const {
moved: { newIndex = 0, oldIndex = 0, element },
} = _event
let nextOrder: number
// set new order value based on the new order of the items
if (!vModel.value.length || vModel.value.length === 1) {
nextOrder = 1
} else if (vModel.value.length - 1 === newIndex) {
// If moving to the end, set nextOrder greater than the maximum order in the list
nextOrder = Math.max(...vModel.value.map((item) => item?.order ?? 0)) + 1
} else if (newIndex === 0) {
// If moving to the beginning, set nextOrder smaller than the minimum order in the list
nextOrder = Math.min(...vModel.value.map((item) => item?.order ?? 0)) / 2
} else {
nextOrder =
(parseFloat(String(vModel.value[newIndex - 1]?.order ?? 0)) + parseFloat(String(vModel.value[newIndex + 1]?.order ?? 0))) /
const _nextOrder = !isNaN(Number(nextOrder)) ? nextOrder : oldIndex
element.order = _nextOrder
10 months ago
vModel.value = [...vModel.value]
const showOrHideAll = (showAll: boolean) => {
if (props.isRequired && !showAll) {
vModel.value = vModel.value.map((o) => {
return {
show: showAll,
<div class="w-full h-full nc-col-select-option nc-form-scrollbar">
<div v-if="vModel.length > 12">
class="!h-9 !px-3 !py-1 !rounded-lg mb-2"
10 months ago
<template #prefix>
<GeneralIcon icon="search" class="mr-2 h-4 w-4 text-gray-500 group-hover:text-black" />
<template #suffix>
v-if="searchQuery.length > 0"
class="ml-2 h-4 w-4 text-gray-500 group-hover:text-black"
@click="searchQuery = ''"
<div v-if="vModel.length" class="flex items-stretch gap-2 pr-2 pl-3 py-1.5 rounded-t-lg border-1 border-b-0 border-gray-200">
Nc feat/form view builder field settings in right pannel and fixed column delete modal virtual cell icon issue (#7927) * feat(nc-gui): form field in right pannel setup * fix(nc-gui): inline form field reorder issue * fix(nc-gui): make edit form field right panel scrollable * fix(nc-gui): form field limit option hide btn focus box shadow style issue * fix(nc-gui): add support to edit form column in form view builder * feat(nc-gui): added form field header menu dropdown * fix(nc-gui): tab issue in form builder * feat(nc-gui): add support to edit column from form builder itself * fix(nc-gui): wrong virtual cell icon in column delete modal * feat(nc-gui): column edit, hide, delete option in form builder field settings * fix(nc-gui): move all form field settings radio btns to the right side * chore(nc-gui): lint * chore(nc-gui): lint errors * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): update 'change icon color' text case * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): form builder side panel field div key issue * fix(nc-gui): form view outsideclick fild toggle issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): hide select dropdown in value is selected and show if value is not selected * fix(nc-gui): suggested review changes * fix(nc-gui): make form field rich text options sticky at bottom * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): lazy import richtext component * fix(nc-gui): set the max height for form rich text fields * fix(nc-gui): move form settings switch inputs to the right side * fix(nc-gui): move form select type field layout option to appearance settings section * fix(nc-gui): select form active field text on focus * fix(nc-gui): form rich text element menu option tabindex issue * fix(nc-gui): form search field input autofill issue * fix(nc-gui): update position of rich text menu option of form description * feat(nc-gui): adjustable form view sidebar width * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): typo mistake * fix(nc-gui): PR review changes
10 months ago
<NcTooltip :disabled="!isRequired">
<template #title> {{ $t('msg.info.preventHideAllOptions') }} </template>
class="!border-none !px-2 !text-xs !text-gray-500 !disabled:text-gray-300"
:disabled="isRequired || vModel.filter((o) => !o.show).length === vModel.length"
Nc feat/form view builder field settings in right pannel and fixed column delete modal virtual cell icon issue (#7927) * feat(nc-gui): form field in right pannel setup * fix(nc-gui): inline form field reorder issue * fix(nc-gui): make edit form field right panel scrollable * fix(nc-gui): form field limit option hide btn focus box shadow style issue * fix(nc-gui): add support to edit form column in form view builder * feat(nc-gui): added form field header menu dropdown * fix(nc-gui): tab issue in form builder * feat(nc-gui): add support to edit column from form builder itself * fix(nc-gui): wrong virtual cell icon in column delete modal * feat(nc-gui): column edit, hide, delete option in form builder field settings * fix(nc-gui): move all form field settings radio btns to the right side * chore(nc-gui): lint * chore(nc-gui): lint errors * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): update 'change icon color' text case * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): form builder side panel field div key issue * fix(nc-gui): form view outsideclick fild toggle issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): hide select dropdown in value is selected and show if value is not selected * fix(nc-gui): suggested review changes * fix(nc-gui): make form field rich text options sticky at bottom * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): lazy import richtext component * fix(nc-gui): set the max height for form rich text fields * fix(nc-gui): move form settings switch inputs to the right side * fix(nc-gui): move form select type field layout option to appearance settings section * fix(nc-gui): select form active field text on focus * fix(nc-gui): form rich text element menu option tabindex issue * fix(nc-gui): form search field input autofill issue * fix(nc-gui): update position of rich text menu option of form description * feat(nc-gui): adjustable form view sidebar width * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): typo mistake * fix(nc-gui): PR review changes
10 months ago
{{ $t('general.hideAll') }}
class="!border-none !px-2 !text-xs !text-gray-500 !disabled:text-gray-300"
:disabled="vModel.filter((o) => o.show).length === vModel.length"
Nc feat/form view builder field settings in right pannel and fixed column delete modal virtual cell icon issue (#7927) * feat(nc-gui): form field in right pannel setup * fix(nc-gui): inline form field reorder issue * fix(nc-gui): make edit form field right panel scrollable * fix(nc-gui): form field limit option hide btn focus box shadow style issue * fix(nc-gui): add support to edit form column in form view builder * feat(nc-gui): added form field header menu dropdown * fix(nc-gui): tab issue in form builder * feat(nc-gui): add support to edit column from form builder itself * fix(nc-gui): wrong virtual cell icon in column delete modal * feat(nc-gui): column edit, hide, delete option in form builder field settings * fix(nc-gui): move all form field settings radio btns to the right side * chore(nc-gui): lint * chore(nc-gui): lint errors * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): update 'change icon color' text case * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): form builder side panel field div key issue * fix(nc-gui): form view outsideclick fild toggle issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): hide select dropdown in value is selected and show if value is not selected * fix(nc-gui): suggested review changes * fix(nc-gui): make form field rich text options sticky at bottom * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): lazy import richtext component * fix(nc-gui): set the max height for form rich text fields * fix(nc-gui): move form settings switch inputs to the right side * fix(nc-gui): move form select type field layout option to appearance settings section * fix(nc-gui): select form active field text on focus * fix(nc-gui): form rich text element menu option tabindex issue * fix(nc-gui): form search field input autofill issue * fix(nc-gui): update position of rich text menu option of form description * feat(nc-gui): adjustable form view sidebar width * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): typo mistake * fix(nc-gui): PR review changes
10 months ago
{{ $t('general.showAll') }}
class="rounded-b-lg border-1 border-gray-200 !max-h-[224px] overflow-y-auto nc-form-scrollbar"
@start="drag = true"
@end="drag = false"
<template #item="{ element }">
column.uidt === UITypes.User
? (element?.display_name?.trim() || element?.email)?.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())
: element.title?.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())
class="w-full h-10 px-2 py-1.5 flex flex-row items-center gap-3 border-b-1 last:border-none border-gray-200"
`nc-form-field-${column.title?.replaceAll(' ', '')}-limit-option-${element.title?.replaceAll(' ', '')}`,
`${element.show ? 'hover:bg-gray-50' : 'bg-gray-100'}`,
:data-testid="`nc-form-field-${column.title?.replaceAll(' ', '')}-limit-option-${element.title?.replaceAll(' ', '')}`"
<component :is="iconMap.drag" class="nc-child-draggable-icon flex-none cursor-move !h-4 !w-4 text-gray-600" />
<NcTooltip :disabled="!isRequired || !(element.show && isRequired && vModel.filter((o) => o.show).length === 1)">
<template #title> {{ $t('msg.info.preventHideAllOptions') }} </template>
class="!border-none !px-2"
() => {
if (element.show && isRequired && vModel.filter((o) => o.show).length === 1) return
element.show = !element.show
vModel = [...vModel]
:is="element.show ? iconMap.eye : iconMap.eyeSlash"
class="flex-none cursor-pointer !h-4 !w-4 text-gray-600"
<a-tag v-if="column.uidt === UITypes.User" class="rounded-tag max-w-[calc(100%_-_70px)] !pl-0" color="'#ccc'">
'color': tinycolor.isReadable('#ccc' || '#ccc', '#fff', { level: 'AA', size: 'large' })
? '#fff'
: tinycolor.mostReadable('#ccc' || '#ccc', ['#0b1d05', '#fff']).toHex8String(),
'font-size': '13px',
class="flex items-stretch gap-2"
:name="element.display_name?.trim() ? element.display_name?.trim() : ''"
<NcTooltip class="truncate max-w-full" show-on-truncate-only>
<template #title>
{{ element.display_name?.trim() || element?.email }}
class="text-ellipsis overflow-hidden"
wordBreak: 'keep-all',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
display: 'inline',
{{ element.display_name?.trim() || element?.email }}
<a-tag v-else class="rounded-tag max-w-[calc(100%_-_70px)]" :color="element.color">
'color': tinycolor.isReadable(element.color || '#ccc', '#fff', { level: 'AA', size: 'large' })
? '#fff'
: tinycolor.mostReadable(element.color || '#ccc', ['#0b1d05', '#fff']).toHex8String(),
'font-size': '13px',
<NcTooltip class="truncate max-w-full" show-on-truncate-only>
<template #title>
{{ element.title }}
class="text-ellipsis overflow-hidden"
wordBreak: 'keep-all',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
display: 'inline',
{{ element.title }}
10 months ago
<template v-if="!vModel.length" #footer
><div class="px-0.5 py-2 text-gray-500 text-center">{{ $t('title.noOptionsFound') }}</div></template
vModel.length &&
searchQuery &&
!vModel?.filter((element) => {
return column.uidt === UITypes.User
? (element?.display_name?.trim() || element?.email)?.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())
: element.title?.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())
10 months ago
<div class="px-0.5 py-2 text-gray-500 text-center">{{ $t('title.noOptionsFound') }} with title `{{ searchQuery }}`</div>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-form-scrollbar {
@apply scrollbar scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-gray-200 scrollbar-track-transparent;
&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
@apply !scrollbar-thumb-gray-300;
.rounded-tag {
@apply py-0 px-[12px] rounded-[12px];
:deep(.ant-tag) {
@apply rounded-tag my-[2px];
.nc-form-field-limit-option-ghost {
@apply bg-gray-50;