You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
4.8 KiB

Nc feat: header revamp (#9204) * fix(nc-gui): update topbar breadcrumb divider * feat(nc-gui): custom list component setup * fix(nc-gui): update reload view data tooltip * feat(nc-gui): custom list component * feat(nc-gui): add table list menu * fix(nc-gui): small changes * fix(nc-gui): add bases list dropdown * fix(nc-gui): show chevron icon in mobile view * feat(nc-gui): add view list dropdown in topbar * fix(nc-gui): auto scroll selected list option on open dropdown * feat(nc-gui): add typedocs for each fun from custom list component * chore(nc-gui): add typedocs for new functions * fix(nc-gui): view search issue on default view * fix(nc-gui): reset selected option hover state on search input * fix(nc-gui): font weight issue * fix(nc-gui): show reload data topbar option * fix(nc-gui): change view action menu position * fix(nc-gui): font weight issue * feat(nc-gui): create new table/view from topbar * fix(nc-gui): update other page headers * fix(nc-gui): project view header * fix(nc-gui): update admin panel workspaces page header * fix(nc-gui): admin panel base/workspace user page header * fix(nc-gui): admin panel scroll issue * fix(nc-gui): update project home page * fix(nc-gui): table list scroll issue * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): reset breadcrumb btn hover state on open dropdown * fix(nc-gui): review changes * fix(nc-gui): use slash icon instead of text * fix(nc-gui): pr review changes * fix(nc-gui): details tab height issue * fix(nc-gui): add user account pages breadcrumb * fix(nc-gui): hide rename view option * fix(nc-gui): disable scrollIntoView on base rename * fix(nc-gui): on rename view select text * fix(nc-gui): user menu overflow issue if sidebar baselist is scrollable * feat(nc-gui): use virtual scrolling for NcList component * fix(nc-gui): reduce chevron icon opacity * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui): ai review changes * fix(nc-gui): view rename input focus issue * fix(nc-gui): topbar width issue * fix(nc-gui): udpate toolbar height * fix(nc-gui): update chevron icon from breadcrumb * fix(nc-gui): update breadcrumb icon size * fix(nc-gui): add min width for breadcrumb * fix(nc-gui): add topbar bottom border * fix(nc-gui): details tab heigth and alignment issue * fix(nc-gui): hide basename and show only icon * fix(nc-gui): update NcList component * fix(nc-gui): update admin panel header * fix(nc-gui): add header in account settings pages * fix(nc-gui): add account pages header oss * fix(nc-gui): udpate max width * chore(nc-gui): lint * fix(nc-gui(: reduce topbar top padding * fix(nc-gui): typo error * fix(nc-gui): review changes * fix(nc-gui): review changes * fix(nc-gui): slash icon conflict * fix(nc-gui): review changes * fix(nc-gui): remove chevron icon & add list wrapper div to control height * fix(nc-gui): ncList keyboard navigation issue * chore(nc-gui): lint
5 months ago
<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal()
const { $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase())
const { activeTable, activeTables } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore())
const { openTable } = useTablesStore()
const isOpen = ref<boolean>(false)
const activeTableSourceIndex = computed(() => base.value?.sources?.findIndex((s) => s.id === activeTable.value?.source_id) ?? -1)
const filteredTableList = computed(() => {
return activeTables.value.filter((t: TableType) => t?.source_id === activeTable.value?.source_id) || []
* Handles navigation to a selected table.
* @param table - The table to navigate to.
* @remarks
* This function is called when a user selects a table from the dropdown list.
* It checks if the table has a valid ID and then opens the selected table.
const handleNavigateToTable = (table: TableType) => {
if (table?.id) {
* Opens a dialog to create a new table.
* @returns void
* @remarks
* This function is triggered when the user initiates the table creation process from the topbar.
* It emits a tracking event, checks for a valid source, and opens a dialog for table creation.
* The function also handles the dialog closure and potential scrolling to the newly created table.
* @see {@link packages/nc-gui/components/dashboard/TreeView/ProjectNode.vue} for a similar implementation
* of table creation dialog. If this function is updated, consider updating the other implementation as well.
function openTableCreateDialog() {
if (activeTableSourceIndex.value === -1) return
isOpen.value = false
const isCreateTableOpen = ref(true)
const sourceId = base.value!.sources?.[activeTableSourceIndex.value].id
if (!sourceId || !base.value?.id) return
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgTableCreate'), {
'modelValue': isCreateTableOpen,
sourceId, // || sources.value[0].id,
'baseId': base.value!.id,
'onCreate': closeDialog,
'onUpdate:modelValue': () => closeDialog(),
function closeDialog(table?: TableType) {
isCreateTableOpen.value = false
if (!table) return
// TODO: Better way to know when the table node dom is available
setTimeout(() => {
const newTableDom = document.querySelector(`[data-table-id="${table.id}"]`)
if (!newTableDom) return
// Scroll to the table node
newTableDom?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
}, 1000)
<NcDropdown v-model:visible="isOpen">
<slot name="default" :is-open="isOpen"></slot>
<template #overlay>
search-input-placeholder="Search tables"
<template #listItem="{ option }">
<LazyGeneralEmojiPicker :emoji="option?.meta?.icon" readonly size="xsmall">
<template #default>
<GeneralIcon icon="table" class="min-w-4 !text-gray-500" />
<NcTooltip class="truncate flex-1" show-on-truncate-only>
<template #title>
{{ option?.title }}
{{ option?.title }}
v-if="option.id === activeTable.id"
class="flex-none text-primary w-4 h-4"
!isMobileMode &&
isUIAllowed('tableCreate', {
roles: base?.project_role || base?.workspace_role,
source: base?.sources?.[activeTableSourceIndex] || {},
<NcDivider class="!mt-0 !mb-2" />
<div class="px-2 mb-2" @click="openTableCreateDialog()">
class="px-2 py-1.5 flex items-center justify-between gap-2 text-sm font-weight-500 !text-brand-500 hover:bg-gray-100 rounded-md cursor-pointer"
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<GeneralIcon icon="plus" />
$t('general.createEntity', {
entity: $t('objects.table'),
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>