import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
export const dataTypeLow = (column: ColumnType) => column.dt?.toLowerCase()
export const isBoolean = (column: ColumnType, abstractType?: any) =>
column.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox || abstractType === 'boolean'
export const isString = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) =>
column.uidt === UITypes.SingleLineText || abstractType === 'string'
export const isTextArea = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.LongText
export const isInt = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => abstractType === 'integer'
export const isFloat = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => abstractType === 'float' || abstractType === UITypes.Number
export const isDate = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => abstractType === 'date' || column.uidt === UITypes.Date
export const isYear = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => abstractType === 'year' || column.uidt === UITypes.Year
export const isTime = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => abstractType === 'time' || column.uidt === UITypes.Time
export const isDateTime = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) =>
abstractType === 'datetime' || column.uidt === UITypes.DateTime
export const isReadonlyDateTime = (column: ColumnType, _abstractType: any) =>
column.uidt === UITypes.CreatedTime || column.uidt === UITypes.LastModifiedTime
export const isReadonlyUser = (column: ColumnType, _abstractType: any) =>
column.uidt === UITypes.CreatedBy || column.uidt === UITypes.LastModifiedBy
export const isJSON = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.JSON
export const isEnum = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect
export const isSingleSelect = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect
export const isSet = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect
export const isMultiSelect = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect
export const isURL = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.URL
export const isEmail = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Email
export const isAttachment = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Attachment
export const isRating = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Rating
export const isCurrency = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Currency
export const isPhoneNumber = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.PhoneNumber
export const isDecimal = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Decimal
export const isDuration = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Duration
export const isGeoData = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.GeoData
export const isPercent = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Percent
export const isSpecificDBType = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.SpecificDBType
export const isGeometry = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Geometry
export const isUser = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.User
export const isButton = (column: ColumnType) => column.uidt === UITypes.Button
export const isAutoSaved = (column: ColumnType) =>
].includes(column.uidt as UITypes)
export const isManualSaved = (column: ColumnType) => [UITypes.Currency].includes(column.uidt as UITypes)
export const isPrimary = (column: ColumnType) => !!column.pv
export const isPrimaryKey = (column: ColumnType) => !!column.pk
// used for LTAR and Formula
export const renderValue = (result?: any) => {
if (!result || typeof result !== 'string') {
return result
// convert ISO string (e.g. in MSSQL) to YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ
// e.g. 2023-05-18T05:30:00.000Z -> 2023-05-18 11:00:00+05:30
result = result.replace(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z/g, (d: string) => {
return dayjs(d).isValid() ? dayjs(d).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ') : d
// convert all date time values to local time
// the datetime is either YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (xcdb)
// or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss+/-xx:yy (ext)
return result.replace(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?/g, (d: string) => {
// TODO(timezone): retrieve the format from the corresponding column meta
// assume HH:mm at this moment
return dayjs(d).isValid() ? dayjs(d).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') : d
export const isNumericFieldType = (column: ColumnType, abstractType: any) => {
return (
isInt(column, abstractType) ||
isFloat(column, abstractType) ||
isDecimal(column) ||
isCurrency(column) ||
isPercent(column) ||
export const rowHeightInPx: Record<string, number> = {
1: 32,
2: 60,
4: 90,
6: 120,
export const rowHeightTruncateLines = (rowHeight?: number) => {
switch (rowHeight) {
case 2:
return 3
case 4:
return 4
case 6:
return 6
return 1